
Investing for Future (2)

My back has been sweating althoughout the speeches of the rest of the elders that I didn't catch what they have said. My mind was somewhat disoriented hearing the words of my possible father-in-law. Right! Can it be that he is indeed the father of my love? But I totally didn't expect his logic to be that different! It was all because as a father, maybe he worries about his children the most. Pondering on this, I was focused on how to approach that elderly cowboy and how I would get to explain my words earlier. I prayed that he will see my sincerity and consider my cause.

The meeting ended at a little past twelve high noon. I stood up almost immediately to go and shake hands with the village leaders first. I said my sincere thanks to them for gathering all those people. I pulled the BB village leader aside to ask whose property was that Mount Sleeping Beauty and the its foot. She said it should be the Laws but she wasn't sure who exactly as there were several of them. Then I asked the name of the cowboy elderly man. She laughed and patted my back. With a wide grin, she said, " Take heart young man! He is real tough and straightforward but he doesn't scheme against anyone! You should go and introduce yourself well to him" She then nudged my arm to signal her blessing. I felt a huge plunk was pulled out from my chest and heaved a deep sigh.

"What's his name again? I have a feeling I needed to explain myself." I asked the village leader again.

"Greg Law, Gregory Law for long!" The village leader smiled then pushed me away towards the elders who were now preparing to leave.

I strode big strides with the other two lawyers following me. Dan was catching up to my side. "Bro, what are we going to do next?" He asked.

"Not yet, I'll just need to talk to some of the elders! Stay here, I'm going to catch them before they leave." I said as I turned to approach the elders.

The elderly cowboy was already standing tall waiting for his fellows to join him so I got the perfect chance to approach him. "Hello sir, Im John Mark Arevalo, nice to meet you! " I said as I smiled nervously while extending my right hand to offer a handshake.

His eyes narrowed as he looked at me behind his eyeglasses. Took my hand and shook it then patted my back "Young man, I admire your courage! Your plan is good! Are you from B City?" he asked.

I felt delighted as he patted my back like a real father. His handshake was firm and sincere. He let go of my hand before I could answer.

"Yes sir, my grandparents raised us there. And thank you for your compliment about our proposed projects. However, I am sorry I mentioned about the girl I met last summer. I didn't mean to drag her here. I have only pure intentions for her sir. I'm sorry if I relayed a foul impression to you." I said straight away wanting to clear myself as soon as possible.

"You met last summer ? In the city probably? So where is she now? Are you sure you met one of our daughters here?" He asked in series.

"Yes sir, we met in B City but she came back to continue her studies shortly after I confessed my love to her. She is the reason why I came all the way here. I wanted to do these things for her and her people. I didn't have any other ulterior motive besides that. And I was actually serious with my words a while back sir!" I had no choice but to spread my cards infront of this scrutinizing gaze of an imposing elder.

"We have a lot of daughters who are gallivanting, I dont know who among them accidentally caught your attention. But did you ask that girl who her father is,? Maybe she wants to disown her father before her future husband? As far as I'm concerned, my own daughters didn't mention meeting someone like you. " said with a playful smile while his eyes revealed some trace of despair.

"I haven't had the chance to know her better sir. She left for school before I could even have the chance to know her well. But we are exchanging letters. Will ask her next time. Rest assured that I will not hurt her sir. !" I said reassuringly.

"By the way sir, whom will I approach for the land? I was told that the mountain is owned by the Laws, and I was told you are one of them. So when shall we start to talk about this?" I pressed.

"Young man, there are certain family rules and issues the family needs to settle about this matter. Until then, we will inform you." He said.

"Okay sir, if you need any legal assistance, please don't hesitate to write to us. We can also help. We want everything clear before we start every project." I said as I handed him a name card that has the Brent's lawyers' names.

He took it and took a good look then inserted in his belt bag. "We will see. But this has long been an issue among our family. We just decided to just keep the mountain that way. It's a shame to see it now wasted like that!" He said looking up to the mountain right behind the building infront of us."

His eyes returned to me and said, "Give us sometime to settle this and we'll let you know. Meanwhile, take care of our daughter! What's her name by the way? If by chance I know her or who her parents are?" He asked seriously.

I turned pale and felt my face was drained from its blood. I never expected him to ask me so suddenly. I was keeping it so subtle a while back not wanting to frighten him but here he came, shocking me when I thought I was relaxed.

" She.... she ....I...I mean...she might be your own daughter sir! Her name is Fem Law. " my voice trembled and my lips quivered.

He let out a chuckle as he squinted his eyes "Ha! As expected of her! She is really my daughter! Ha!" he said sending a notion that he was either proud or disappointed of his daughter. "I wish I could tell you more about that girl... but not now. We need to go." He said as he put his cowboy hat.

"Sir, I saw there's a small eatery along the highway there, why don't we have a quick lunch together before we go on our separate ways? Im so glad I met you today! I didn't expect I would be so blessed to meet my future father-in-law this soon!" I said like a real son looking up to his father.

He patted my back affectionately. "Take it easy son!" He said as he turned around to check his co-elders. Seeing none of them, he nodded then initiated a stride to keep going. 'He is indeed a great father.' I nearly teared up. I turned around to signal Dan and the two lawyers with him to join us as we strode down the road to find a small cafeteria.