
His Life Without Him (8)

It was now nearly election time. Every registered voter needs to go home tp exercise his or her right of suffrage. There was also a national gun ban policy so there's no much problem on bloody encounters among political candidates. I took the opportunity to go home to vote, same time to visit Mr. Law and talk about our plan. Right! I have no choice but to face this shameful situation Agnes put me in. I hope Mr. Law understands.

I took a week leave. At eight o'clock PM, I boarded the night express bus that runs from and to Central City. It stopped at terminal at one o'clock AM. I bought another express bus ticket to B City and after an hour of waiting, I was on the road again. I took the chance to sleep on the bus so I could directly do my plan upon arrival without needing to rest. At five o'clock AM, I was already alighting from the bus. All in all, it took me 10 hours bus ride from South City to B CIty.

I flagged a taxi going home, took a shower then checked the kitchen. The housekeeper has just woken up when i arrived and hurriedly prepared some breakfast.

"Good morning sir Mark! This will be quick. please wait a moment." Aunty Lina hurriedly flipped over the food in the pan, whatever it was. She prepared hot chocolate and brought out some freshly baked buns from the oven. She laid them nicely on a platter then dished out on the table then. She turned to take the food from the pan. It was a large egg omelette. She cut it into half ang gave me the other half.

"Save this for your brother" she said. She knows what food we always fought over.

"Why can't I have his share aunty?" I asked childishly as I remember I always did when I was little.

"Because that's enough for you. Eat your buns and drink your chocolate and you'll be good." Aunty Lina said with all smiles like she was really feeding a kid.

I laughed at myself under my breath then hurriedly took my breakfast. I got to pick-up Dan and go to the north. I called him while I was in the bus going to Central City. He said he also needed to check the progress of my love's dream house and the hotel construction also.

"Aunty, please tell them I headed north. I don't know if I can come back tonight. " I told the housekeeper then snatched my Land Rover key.

"Okay sir Mark. Take care." She said as she saw me at the door.

"Hello Dan, I'm on my way there now, you better get your ass up! The sun is already up!" I called Dan after starting the engine. He took the call after several rings. He must still be sound asleep at this hour. It was already six o'clock in the morning.

"What??? You're disturbing my morning session! I am yet to release myself, you understand?" Dan sounded annoyed and irritated.

"I don't care, get your ass up now! I'm nearly there." I furrowed my brows. Since when did this elusive monkey start fooling around? Did he bring a female specie at home?

After waiting for about ten minutes at Dan's gate, he emerged with disheveled hair. He came out running as he was putting on his jacket.

"Since when did you brought home another monkey?" I asked as I turned the car to the driveway.

"Haha, would I not make you more miserable if I tell you?"

"Shut up then! Just help me get through this mess. Hope we can reach there by noon. " I said as I stepped on the accelerator. The road was clear since it was still early.

"Can we take out some food first bro. My stomach is empty!" Dan complained.

"That's what you get when you discharge energy illegally instead of feeding yourself first." I said nonchalantly.

"Hahaha! Look who's talking!" Dan laughed aloud.

"Is she your wife in the first place? Are you legally married? Why would you fool like that?" I asked.

"I need time to think about this bro. Im not sure about our relationship that's why I never mentioned to any of you." Dan said with a tone.of uncertainty.

"Think your ass." I muttered as I parked the car along the road. "Quick, get some food to regain you lost energy!" I pointed the fast-food shop with my chin.

Dan ate silently in the car as I drove with maximum speed required on the road. I turned on the radio to listen to some local news update. The broadcaster was currently commenting on the platforms of some provincial candidate. There were three of them in the north who were vying for the congress. Mr. Bora, who has served one term before, Mrs. Gardiel, the new candidate, and Mr. Wang, the incumbent. The broadcaster was clicking his tongue on air as he read all the platforms of those candidates. Mr. Wang's platform was simple and realistic unlike the other two who almost promise the moon and stars. Of course, voters have already learned their lessons by this time. They're not easily fooled by too good to be true advertisements.

We were listening to the radio while laughing with the broadcaster, not much paying attention that we already reached the foot trail. I parked my car at the vacant lot where delivery trucks parked before. I heaved a deep sigh, closed my eyes and leaned on the driver's seat to compose and gather my courage and organize my thoughts. I prayed that Mr. Law will be there.