
When all three came back

“You too..?” As I hold my eldest daughter in my arms My youngest gives me the confirmation that it too had happened to her The tears that had already poured out turned into waterfalls as I held both my daughters thanking whoever granted me my wish …… After a while… [wipes tears] “Now” [looks resolutely at both girls] “You guys know about what to do” [nod] [nod] [looks out Window] “We have a 1 day left, let’s do better and survive longer this time” [holds their hands] ………. Author here, when I wrote this synopsis I didn’t know what to write for my second part and now I realized that my synopsis and my story don’t match so please don’t think you were scammed even though I think you were…anyways I have no clue what to say but I think the story is much better than this tiny snippet that doesn’t connect at all lol

Xio_Morey · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


Police officer Don-"Chief! Look at me! I'm shining!"

Don's body glows brighter and brighter before he is enveloped in complete brightness

Chief Logran's shuts his eyes before opening them again when the brightness dies down

Chief Logran-"what in the name of the holy maiden was that?"

Police officer Don-"I don't know but I feel stronger now than I was before"

Chief Logran-'could it be?!' He thinks before coming to a conclusion

Chief Logran-"Buddy, I think you have superpowers."

Police officer Don-"superpowers? Like what those three people did?"

Chief Logran-"yeah…you feel stronger no? Try visualizing something, maybe you'll know what it is"

Don does just that

[Don Gasps]

Don-"It's just as you said sir! I have powers!"

Chief Logran-"don't keep me in the dark, tell me, what is it?"

Don-"ah? Oh Um, it's necromancy"

Chief Logran-"controlling the dead? Why are these strange things happening lately? First that huge monster, dungeons and skills disappearing, then that one trio and now this?"

Don-"Maybe there will be a calamity soon"

Chief Logran thinks for a bit before saying


One sits in silence and the other stands in silence

Just at this moment, another police officer comes rushing in

"Chief! Co-oh hey Don" a police officers changes his words

Don-"Hey Jooheon"

Jooheon-"Chief! You have to see this!"

The three men rush towards the other side of department

Sika sees the three men approaching

Sika-"Chief! Look at this!"

He puts out his hands

The two men watch in amazement as a flame is conjured

Don-"I have the power of necromancy"

Sika-"like controlling the dead! How cool!"

Captain Jones-"you guys aren't the only ones with powers. 14 out of the 27 officers, including myself have awakened."

Chief Logran-"Alright everyone, Follow me to the office, let's watch some news….Afterwards, please register your powers"

Moments later and the crew arrives in the office

Sika turns on the TV before changing the channel to the news channel (if it wasn't obvious lol)

News anchor Lee Minji-"Strange phenomenons have been occurring through out not only Korea but in the entire world"

She follows on to say

"People are awakening superpowers, that's right…superpowers. After the disappearance of skills and the dungeons, another strange otherworldly thing has taken place…..these awakenings seem to be random, just like the awakening of skills"

Her partner Lee Kyungsoo adds on-"However, nothing is free. With skills, came dungeons. Now what will come with superpowers, stay tuned"

Jooheon-"are they trying to cause panic?!"

Chief Logran frowns

"Alright, every power person, come right up and register your superpowers. You don't have to, no one's forcing you. I Just want us to know more about those superpowers just in case" Logran says

Random Police officer-"in case what?"

Chief Logran goes silent

Captain Jones-"…in case what happened during the early days of the awakening of hunters happens again"

Chief Logran silently looks over to captain Jones

Every officer looks at each other before one by one, everyone registers

——2 minutes later——

Chief Logran looks over the register

"Hmm, seems like superpowers aren't unique to everyone"

"There are 4 people with fire control including unit supervisor Sika, 3 people with enhanced strength, and 3 people with telekinesis"

"That's a total of 10 people! Captain Jones has invisible armor, Police officer Jess has the ability to control ice, Police officer Kim Jae-in has the power to control "earth"(1) and Finally Police officer Mikhail has the power to bring forward Lightning" he adds on

"Everything I stated, is it correct?"

He looks towards his force

"Yeah you're right"

"Yeah Chief"


He gets multiple confirmations from the crowd

"Alright we should test those powers of yours"

Sika-"in here?!"

Captain Jones looks at him

"No of course not dude" Jones says in disbelief


Everyone else starts laughing at Sika

Sika just stands there dumbfounded

"Uh-it-it was just a question"

Chief Jones looks at him before shaking his head

"a rather dumb question" he whispers but enough for Sika to hear him


Everyone heads to the training grounds

——meanwhile somewhere else——


In a very noble home

A foreigner stands up quickly

They dash downstairs to the kitchen where they see an older woman and a little girl. The former is making breakfast and the other is dancing to Barbie

The foreigner let's out a sigh of relief

The older woman stops what she's doing and looks up at the foreigner

She smiles at the foreigner which in turn, makes the foreigner smile back

Foreigner-"I thought yesterday was a dream, mother"

The older woman is revealed as the mother of the foreigner

Older woman-"same to you, Katerina"

Katerina runs up, grabs the little girl and gives her a little twirl

Little girl-"Sister Katy!(2)"

Katerina-"Luana" she gives Luana a smile

Katerina-"Luana, I'm sorry I couldn't prevent your death" she puts her head down in shame

"As an older sister, I was suppose to protect you"

Luana shakes her head

"No Katy, it wasn't your fault. You were used and disposed of as a slave. It wasn't your fault but my fault." The little girl of 9 years old utters such mature words than none her age would ever Express

Katerina-"Don't say that Lu-"

She is cut off

"No sister. You were strong. Me and mother were not. We were used against you to keep you in place and to control you. I'm very sorry that we were weak and became your weakness"

Katerina is silent

The older woman walks in

"Breakfast is ready"

Katerina holds Luana's hand as they head into the kitchen

The three silently have their meal

—-Katerina's inner monologue—-

This woman right here is my mother

Alejandría Polanski

A woman whom was a combatant soldier

A woman who made her platoon one of the best in America

A woman who had won the respect of the people and her platoon

A woman with ambitions so high, she aimed for a rich man and tricked him

Yet this same woman, died because she couldn't awaken, because she was held prisoner…because of me

And sister too…

——-end of inner monologue—-

Katerina is in her own thoughts before she starts noticing a bright light coming from everywhere

She turns towards her mother and little sister before opening her mouth in shock

"No way"

After a while the brightness tones down

Katerina looks expectantly at her sister and mother


Alejandría also seems surprised

Katerina let's out a sigh of relief

Katerina-'they can protect themselves now' she thinks

Luana-"mom! sister! I can control electricity! Look"

She shuts her eyes and immediately the lights in the house start blinking

Luana opens her eyes *pants*

"Ai, I really need the nucleus"

Alejandría-"well, Luana you aren't the only one that gets to show off, take a look at this"

She takes out an empty can soda

Unlike Luana she doesn't shut her eyes

She stares down the empty can and not long after, the can seems to have been squeezed by a force


Alejandría smiles at her-"compression"

Katerina-"…I have a second power…perhaps you guys do too"

Alejandría and Luana look at each other

Luana shakes her head

"No we do not. Perhaps it's because you had powers in the previous life and we did not"

Katerina ponders-"that does make sense"

Luana-"well katy? What's the second one?" She looks at her big sister with stars in her eyes

Katerina smirks as she pays her hair

"It's shield"

Alejandría-"your original power is heal and you also have shield now"

She looks at her daughter

Alejandría-"your powers seem to be to protect" she softly smiles

Katerina is stunned before she lets out a small grin

"I suppose"

Luana just stares at her mother and sister before breaking out into a huge smile

Alejandría-"Earlier, I heard rain. It was Acid rain. And now, your sister and I have awakened. Which means…"

"Which means that the next stage is the tragedy of xxx street" Katerina finished her mother's sentence

"That horde that broke out that lab…what time is it?" She suddenly asks

Luana-"it's 9:02 already…..oh!" Luana comes to a realization

Alejandría and Katerina look at each other before nodding

(1)- he does not control earth as in the planet but earth as in the ground. If anyone has watch the avatar you know what I mean. If you haven't, basically he can make a wall using the ground and it doesn't have to be for example the natural ground found in nature, as long as it has the minerals that are found in the ground he can control. (Such as cement)

(2)-The nickname is pronounced Katy not as in Katy Perry (Kay-di) but as in (cat-e)