
When a star dies

When a star dies, it creates an explosion called a supernova, which in turn becomes a black hole; that was her, a star that died slowly and would soon explode taking everything in its path.

Maniac_Cherry · Teen
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Somebody Else.

Irina took Hades's hand and even with her face red with shame, she appeared before the supposed god of the sea, the name sounded a bit ridiculous, but she was sure that he was a Greek god.

-Irina Wadsworth head of the neonatal and obstetrics area.- said the girl, shaking the young man's hand, Hades did not overlook the fine rings that were on Irina's ring finger, it was a married woman apparently, a real shame she thought.

-I see that Dr. Wadsworth is married, I dare to say that her husband must feel very lucky to have such a beautiful woman by his side.- Hearing those words, Irina's face saddened, if only she knew, the girl thought When Irina was about to answer, her husband's well-known voice was present, making the girl's blood run cold.

-Well, I'm the luckiest man, that's not mine. - Daniel placed himself next to Irina giving a small kiss on her head which made the girl move a little uncomfortable, he knew that Daniel was not lucky to have her he himself was in charge of letting her know how sad and unhappy she was from the day he married her.

Thomas decided it was time to introduce himself, the smile that he had minutes ago had completely disappeared with the arrival of Daniel, he did not hate him however he was sure that he would never enter the top five of his favorite people.

-Thomas Serkin, director of the hospital and chief of surgery, it's a pleasure to finally have you with us. - Thomas finally spoke.

-The pleasure is all mine, of course it would have arrived earlier if the beautiful women who are in this hospital had told me.- he smiled mischievously, looking askance at Irina whose cheeks turned red due to the comment made From the handsome doctor, Daniel's discomfort at Hades' words could be seen for miles.

-Well, what do you think if we take a tour of the hospital and I show you what your office will be.- Thomas said to end the awkward moment once and for all.

-I think it's perfect, Mr. Salvatore, Dr. Wadsworth we will continue seeing each other.- The boy said goodbye, Thomas said goodbye to Irina telling him that he would see her later.

When only Daniel and her were left, Irina thought that he would also leave but it was not like that, to her surprise, he was still standing there next to her, her surprise was even greater when she heard him speak again and saw that he was addressing her .

-You can explain to me what all that was.- But as was customary, he only spoke to reproach her for something, God that man was quite a case, months have passed since the last time they spoke and the first thing he says is a reproach, she already She was tired of this stupid situation, she tried to get away from Daniel's side but he avoided it by taking her with force by the arm, hurting her. Irina pulled harder to heal herself from his grip and this time she succeeded.

-Don't start for the love of God we're in my work cafeteria.- she told him when she managed to get out of her grasp, but Daniel didn't seem to care at all about the girl's words.

-Start, I have not started anything, I have asked you a question and I hope you are not so slow to be able to answer mine vita.- the girl felt that a fire spread throughout her interior, so there was something that made her angry was him They thought she was stupid, she knew she was a woman with great intelligence and that her husband questioned this intelligence made her boil with courage.

"Hades is the new surgeon at the Daniel hospital." The girl spoke, trying to keep calm they were in a public place and wanted to put on a show, but apparently her husband had not been calm with her response.

-So Hades, what a little name that guy is charged with, what I can't understand is the one who just arrived and is already flirting with you.- Irina was trying to keep her composure but she was nowhere near sending everything to hell, what the hell was she hinting at stupid Daniel.

-I don't know what the hell is going through your mind, but Hades arrived just today, we were introduced to each other that's all, look, I shouldn't give you explanations Daniel and I'm taking the time to do it so erase those ideas from your .- Irina He wanted to end that conversation now because he knew it could end very badly, but Daniel seemed not to want to give in at all.

-Just today ?, Well that's not what it seemed, it would not be rather that I got to your skirts first little bitch.- Irina could not contain herself anymore, she was so sick of all this, of Daniel, of his stupid marriage, of not being able to be happy and that no matter how intense Daniel would always treat her like trash, she was aware that she did not deserve this, with all the frustration, anger and despair that she felt at this time also with what she had been saving for years He slapped Daniel making his face turn completely.

-Listen to me very stupid, the lion believes that they are all of his condition, I am not like you, for more than nine years I have respected this marriage farce that we have but no more, I am not like you that you wallow with every bitch you are For the face, I have endured so much for you but no more, forgive you that you slept with Liraly, even though I was pregnant with our daughter, you do not care at all, but have another lack of respect towards me and I swear on my life and those of my daughters that I will make you pay for everything, you idiot.- all those present in the cafeteria looked at the scene in amazement, Daniel was red with anger but that little or nothing mattered to Irina who at that time felt happy to finally face her already not so beloved husband.

Irina turned away from him, she would not allow herself to be humiliated by Daniel anymore, she had endured for years that he treated her like garbage but no more, she would never leave her neck anymore, and what if everyone found out that all this was never true, that this marriage was a sham, nothing could be done to him now.

"Irina is coming back here right now." Daniel yelled at her in a fury but the girl didn't even flinch at the screams of hers.

"Fuck you," he said, taking his middle finger out of her in an obscene sign, and leaving the cafeteria doors with a smile on her face, Thomas who was in the hall gave her a smile.

-That was epic.

-I felt epic.