
When a star dies

When a star dies, it creates an explosion called a supernova, which in turn becomes a black hole; that was her, a star that died slowly and would soon explode taking everything in its path.

Maniac_Cherry · Teen
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18 Chs


Good years.

When did my life end this way? ...

It is that I feel that in my past life I must have been a horrible person and for that reason karma haunts me.

What was the moment where it all started? I don't remember ever being happy, in my memories and memories there is no happiness, it is too scarce; Despite the fact that I am accompanied all the time, I feel more alone than ever.

Loneliness is drowning me, sadness and cigarettes have become my best friends.

I was standing in the center of that room trying to show that nothing mattered to me even though inside I was dying of fear, mother was saying something but I was not paying any attention to it, I was lost in my world wanting to die, but then I saw him arrive, with a perfectly fake smile Any girl would melt at his feet, I had mine, I was selfish, I knew it but he was the only thing I really had, Daniel Salvatore the perfect man for me according to my parents.

"What have you done to your hair?" His face was epic, he giggled that made me laugh too.

-Do you like it? .- I had painted my hair in neon colors, one half pink and the other green, it really looked great although it all started as an orchestrated plan to annoy Sherlyn I really liked the result was a bit extravagant, more for people of the elite made them feel uncomfortable making me feel good to me, from time to time I found a way to annoy.

"I love it." Smile got bigger. "I have something for you."

I had known Daniel since I was four years old, I used to play in my favorite place in the big Rebert house, a small lake where there were some ducks that I loved to chase everywhere was my happy little place; I remember it as if it had been yesterday while I was chasing some small ducks full of mud, a quepo child with the most beautiful eyes I could have seen appeared in my visual field, he looked at me in a strange but funny way.

-who are you?.

-mmm I'm Daniel Liam Salvatore and you? .- The stranger stopped being, I thought he had a nice name I wanted a nice name because mine was not at all so with all the pain in the world I told him waiting for that he laughed but he didn't.

-mmm my name is not great as yours if I tell you, you will laugh everyone does.

"I promise not to." At that moment I didn't know why but that little boy inspired me too much confidence.

-Liraly Josefa Rebert.- My cheeks became very red and I lowered my head to hide it.

-Your name is the best in this world, it's like very beautiful.- The smile he had infected me and from that moment nothing separated us, we became Siamese because wherever Daniel went I would go and wherever I went I would go, we spent all the time together, at school, at home, outside of this also whatever the other felt we could talk about it, if he fell I went after him it was my salvation I know that I was his too.

At the age of fifteen we began to go out, but until we were sixteen we formalized it, it was to be expected that it was also always the plan of our parents in order to finally unite the family businesses, so here we are in what is our party of commitment that seemed more like a wake, Daniel, much less I wanted to get married at 18 years was a complete madness and stupidity.

I loved Daniel, of course I did, but I don't know this way, not to spend the rest of my days by his side, he was my brother, maybe not a blood one but he was the closest thing, after Naynay got married I was left alone completely, Dani became my only company and they will agree that you cannot marry your brother, but we could not help it in the elite we had no voice or vote, if we did not do it Sherlyn would make us pay it and very expensive, that woman does not tempt her heart, I begin to doubt that she has one.

"So, something for me? Well, give it to me." I stretched out my arm with the palm of my hand outstretched, making Daniel laugh again.

"Not here, let's go to your place." I smiled at him and shook my head.

"Our place." I corrected him, it was no longer mine, it never was, it was always ours and it would be forever.

I took his arm to walk together as the supposed happy couple that we were, people saw us and smiled congratulating us on our commitment, some organically but mostly they were hypocrites like everyone else here, I no longer knew what was real or what was not It was the same with his people, they all learned to lie too well.

When we got to the small lake I let go of my grip and I started to watch the sunset, it was not that I did not love Daniel, because I loved him with all my strength I would give my life for him, but I could not, I did not want to tie myself to a person; one of us had to lose and it was always me.

The one who loved me knew or at least that he believed, he had done so many things for me, that I did not want him to do this for the simple fact of pleasing our parents or because he believes that really if it is not me there will not be someone else, I can assure you that There are people out there who are meant to be our souls, but if not, what if Daniel was my soul mate. My mind was in total chaos, I let out a loud sigh shedding a tear, I didn't have enough strength to run away, I couldn't be as brave as Nayla was, I was completely and entirely defeated.

- I still remember the first time I saw you, there was something special about you, in your gaze.- he paused for a moment, giggling- all of you full of mud chasing ducks captivated me, I have known you since I was four years old, there is no part of you that you can hide from me why I know who you really are, so I can realize for miles that you do not want this for anything in the world, but I also know that it is inevitable that it happens, as much as I want your happiness I can not do anything to save us.- Daniel couldn't do anything that he knew perfectly well and as much as it hurt I couldn't do anything either.

I stayed a while longer to look at nothing, I did not know if it was seconds, minutes or hours, I only knew that the sun had already welcomed the beautiful full moon with its stars, that although before our eyes they were shining they were dead or that was the safest thing to do.

-You had a gift for me, didn't you.- I spoke for the first time coming out of my little trance turning my face a little to see it, he was standing right next to me, with his hair perfectly combed, he was wearing an elegant royal blue suit which he did make her skin look even paler.

-It's silly.- I scratch his head nervously, fixing his eyes on the ground.

"Everything around us is," I said, taking a cigarette from my pack and then lighting it.

He hesitated for a second shaking his head, I looked up a little from him leaving his eyes staring at mine, I admit that they were a little intimidating but really beautiful, an inexplicably beautiful blue which made you lose yourself in them.

I knew one thing if one day we had children I wanted them to take out their eyes, they would be the feeling of everyone.

He moved away a little from me, only four steps, I was still attentive to his eyes that began to shine, I bit my lip nervously when I saw that he put his hand inside the jacket that he was carrying, taking out of it a small black velvet box, for a moment the air left my lungs because I thought it was the ring but not in its place there was a small lighter with a carved snake and next to it our initials.

-Although I know that I should take care of your health and mine, our favorite hobby is smoking cigarettes, it is not a ring much less a way to ask for a marriage, rather it is a ticket.- I looked at him with a doubtful face but did not say anything I wanted me to continue talking.- for when you want to go, when you no longer need me, the day you give it back to me I will understand it as the end, and I will leave your life without question or ask for any explanation I swear by all the stars of the universe.

-And what happens if one day there is no flame anymore? ask taking the little box.

-Honey that's why I chose electric, I'll be the flame that warms you. I smiled like a fool, but a happy fool.

I smiled and took the lighter in my hands admiring it once more, it was very beautiful, its meaning made it even more beautiful, I smiled because I remembered that I also had a gift for him, I had it hidden under the skirts of my dress, being Even minors we were not allowed to drink but we managed quite well; I raised the lack of my dress a bit making Daniel turn red and look at me strangely I laughed making him turn his face from the pain that my action had caused him, I took out of my light a small golden canteen full of vodka and I spread it out.

- This does not have a message as cute as your gift, it is only to fill our vices more.

Cigarettes and alcohol kill or that's what they say, we'll find out.

"Are you still here?" Asked the man who had just left the room.

-I thought you might need to eat I take care of her for you.- the blonde girl with blue eyes every day went to see if the boy with green eyes needed something, it did not matter that some days he behaved a little hostile, she understood The love of her life was bedridden in a hospital and even though he was one of the best neurosurgeons, there was nothing he could do to help her.

-Why are you doing all this? Thomas did not want to be rude, but it was that I just did not understand how this woman even knowing that her husband loved Liraly madly, she could come take care of her almost daily.

-I have ever heard that people are like stars, when one of them dies it causes an explosion creating chaos around her, that is she the star that exploded in my world but she was not the culprit of my own chaos that only I I provoked, Liraly didn't do anything to me by myself I did it to myself, if I'm here it's because I really want her to wake up again and be happy we all deserve that.- Irina gave Thomas a small smile, extending a backpack where there was some clothes , food and personal hygiene things, the boy hesitated to take it but in the end he accepted it.


-You don't have to be thankful, anyone would have done it, now see I'm staying here, you can trust me.


So far today's chapter.

I just want to ask you to vote and comment please, I know it is not the best story but I put my heart in it.

Now a question for you, what do you think of Irina?