
When a star dies

When a star dies, it creates an explosion called a supernova, which in turn becomes a black hole; that was her, a star that died slowly and would soon explode taking everything in its path.

Maniac_Cherry · Teen
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Two souls.

The atmosphere was cold and gloomy, the drops fell incessantly, it seemed that the sky was also crying along with the people who were in that place, where you could see the sadness with the despair of the people who were observing how the inert body was carried away almost without life from which only a few hours ago had taken power, nobody had bought life and that had been clear to everyone.

The scene was one of the saddest that the world could observe a beautiful young woman who was lying on a stretcher giving her best effort to survive, although the probability was only eight percent and next to her there was a young man who still had an injured leg. and bleeding he did not let go of his hand, he looked at the girl as if she were the most beautiful thing in this world, two souls that seemed one.

Thomas was looking at everything with horror and from his chest he let out the most pitiful cry that his beloved could hear, he was about to die because he could not defend her as he should, he promised to always take care of her but as it was evident he was not able to fulfill that promise .

The rain never stopped falling when they arrived at the hospital, the inmates were fighting like beasts to see who was tending to Miss Rebert.

Alva was praying her rosary with fervor, Klum tried to comfort Nayla who had not stopped crying Alan was walking around the waiting room and Thomas was just standing there with a cigarette in his hand that from time to time he would take to his mouth to give her a puffed but you wonder where was the cause of all this pain because just winged in a psychiatric institution.

"Family members of Liraly Rebert." A doctor still wearing a surgical gown came out from where the operating rooms were located.

"Here we are." Alva spoke pointing to all those present, who quickly approached the doctor, he looked at them one by one, he knew that the news he was bringing them was not favorable at all.

-When they arrived, the girl had lost too much blood and the bullet went through one of her intestines, we could not do anything for the fetus, she was only two weeks old, it was too weak and small, even as for the girl there were some complications during her surgery, she went unemployed more than twice and for some inexplicable reason even her brain swelled a little which has caused her a coma.- The face of those present was completely dislocated all this was too much for them Nayla cried louder, Alva held her in her arms to give her comfort, but she couldn't even comfort herself.

-Pregnancy? Eat? It must be a fucking joke.- Thomas spoke for the first time all night, what seemed like a nice start the happiest day soon became the worst of nightmares and the day had started in the best way But it had ended like you never thought

-But it will wake up right.- Klum spoke now,

-We hope that when your brain deflates you wake up, of course, that without any sequelae we suggest that everything will be fine, this in one of the best hospitals in the country, please try to be positive.- the doctor tried to give them encouragement although he and Thomas knew that probably She did not wake up they had seen so many cases like this during her career but Thomas would not lose hope if ten percent was the only thing he had to have faith to see her smile again he would cling to it tooth and nail because he loved her madly.

"I can see her." He asked with a small voice, hoping that the doctor would take pity on him.

-Of course, but only one person can enter.- They all agreed that he was the one to enter, he walked with the doctor until he reached intensive care where through a glass he saw her so calm she seemed as if she were asleep. I looked so calm.

"I'll leave them, take the time you need." That kind man left the room to give him privacy.

Thomas walked slowly to the bed with latent fear, he took his right hand and saw that on the left was that ring that although it seemed insinuating to them was everything, his hand is cold no longer sent that beautiful heat the tears did not take long in rolling down his cheeks is that perhaps the one on top was amused by his pain, or hoped that he would give up because he did not throw in the towel so easily he would give his fight he was completely sure that she would wake up.

-I'm lost without you guiding me love so come back to me for what you love the most because I don't know what will become of me, we never planned that I would lose you so you can't go because I don't know how to live without you by my side Liraly You always said that it was me who took you out of the dark abyss where I was but darling you were the brightest star in my sky full of dark clouds, Ly if you are not here, things have no color or light, because with your extraordinary way of being you You give life to everything, you know the doctor said that you were pregnant we would have a beautiful baby our genes are wonderful however he has gone and although neither of us could get to know him I know that wherever he is he is sending you strength so that you can soon leave From this bed, everyone out there awaits you with open arms, my darling, so no matter how long it takes to return here, I'll be with you.

Thomas stayed with her for a long time, he did not want to separate for even a second from her, he felt that if he left her side she would feel fear because she never liked being alone, she was terrified of sleeping alone, I do not notice when she had He fell asleep until a nurse woke him up to see if he was okay, when he saw the time he understood that he had to leave, not before saying goodbye to his beloved with the promise that the next day he would be there again when he left the room. he found who Daniel Salvatore least wanted to see in those moments, Thomas blamed him and Sherlyn for what had happened if he had not run away in the first place, Ly would not have gone after him and now they would not find themselves in this situation.

Daniel for his part, who had already heard the news, just wanted to see her hug her and never let go of her. If he could, he would change places with her without thinking about it, he loved her more than his own life, more than anything in this world, he would give all his fortune. because she was fine even if she married Thomas but he just wanted to see her well hear her voice again smoking a cigarette together by the side of the lake had recovered her so recently and had lost her again thanks Sherlyn Rebert waited and rot in hell itself.

-I don't want to see you going around here, much less close to her, listen to me well Daniel if for someone she is now bedridden it is because of you and that stupid game of not wanting to let go of her, she is not an object, it does not even belong to me, So I ask you in the most attentive way I do not want you here go with your wife I have daughters who need you and she leave her alone.- Thomas said with all the calm possible passing by one side of him leaving him standing there Thomas I do not know I would stay to argue with him I was so tired of all this.