
When a star dies

When a star dies, it creates an explosion called a supernova, which in turn becomes a black hole; that was her, a star that died slowly and would soon explode taking everything in its path.

Maniac_Cherry · Teen
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


The Story

Dawn had come so fast that the night felt like a blink; In that town there were only two sides of the coin, in one were Liraly and Thomas happy for their future marriage excited that today they would go to know their new place of work, but on the other side were Daniel and Irina, the latter already tired of fighting for a marriage that was always destined to fail, seeing how all her efforts were in vain but having to endure for her daughters and for her little girl who was on the way, when Daniel found out that she was pregnant again she disappeared the first three months With the excuse of working abroad, everything got worse when she realized that it would be another girl, rubbing her belly a tear rolled down her cheek wishing to run away from that place together with her daughters to never return, Liraly Rebert was a shadow too big that She felt that she could never fill but still could not hate her because the only culprit of her fate was herself by agreeing to that deal.


The dining room doors were opened wide to let in the dazzling couple, the brightness in these was unique, Nayla and Klum who were already having breakfast smiled when they saw the faces of few friends of Sherlyn that after the great scene that I ride at night it was calmer than ever.

"Good morning," said Thomas taking a chair for his fiancée to sit down.

"Good morning." They all answered except for her dear mother-in-law who seemed not to pay attention to anything other than her plate full of fruits, apparently it would be a quiet breakfast.

"I understand that today is her first day in the hospital if I'm not mistaken." Alan said looking up from his newspaper.

"You're right father." Liraly answered without looking up from her toast.

-Well, I congratulate you, I wanted to mention that on Friday there will be a small party where it will be announced that you will be the new director of the company and it would be a good opportunity to publicize your commitment if it seems good to you.

Sherlyn, who until this moment had been silent, devoting all her attention to her plate, looked up from her and with a sinic smile said:

-You really think it's a good idea to tell everyone about your commitment, I'm afraid that this family wouldn't bear one more scandal; This brat does not know what commitment is, and your poor deluded will be left with a broken heart after he leaves leaving you at the altar, do not say that I did not warn you, if you do not believe me, just look at yourself in poor Daniel's mirror.- Sherlyn stood up from the table after throwing out all her poison, she went to the exit because she knew that she no longer had anything to do in that place, deep down she felt a little sadness but she would never show it.

-The damn party will be held, listen to me well damn long tongue witch, we will get married we will have a beautiful wedding, we will live a long and happy life while you rot in hell.- Liraly's scream was so loud that it made Sherlyn stop her walk and turn to see her.

-My hell began the day I knew you would come to this world Liraly, when you ran away I thought I would never see you again but boy was I wrong.- With his typical sinic smile he left the place leaving his daughter with courage exploding in every pore of your skin.

Sherlyn had never wanted to marry much less to be a mother, she wanted madly to leave this town to be someone in life to have enough money to never return, but she could not leave she did not have enough money her family was too humble, sometimes not even there was food on his table, his parents used to work for the Rebert family, they were simple employees who worked from sunrise to sunset to earn the minimum wage that he was barely enough to survive, when Sherlyn met Alan Rebert who was the future heir to the Rebert empire She knew perfectly what she had to do, she put aside her dreams, proposing a new goal to become Mrs. Rebert but at what cost, why let me tell you that everything in life has one and the one she had to pay was a big one that he left a great mark that still prevails as latent as if it were the first time but he had already learned to live with the pain.

Of the small, sweet and humble girl who used to help her parents so that they no longer worked so much, today there was nothing left, she died without leaving a trace that she ever existed, thus leaving the great Mrs. Sherlyn Rebert a being without feelings, a lover of children. luxuries and the good life, she herself was in charge of erasing her past, her life began the day she said yes with tears in her eyes and a lump in her throat, then she had her first-born Nayla whom just seconds after her birth was taken away from her side without any explanation, ten years later she became pregnant again bringing back all the memories and suffering when she gave birth to Liraly she saw in her the living portrait of her mother again Alva arrived to take her away leaving her in that immense house Alone with all her memories haunting her, that night she tried to go after her little girl but Alva again reminded her of her place.

"They are my daughters, Alva, please don't take them." With a stabbing pain in her chest much greater than any other and swallowing her pride, she begged her mother-in-law who looked at her with contempt.

"I know honey," she said in a mock sweet tone with an evil smile.

"Then why are you taking them." She spoke to her, she despaired, trying in vain to take her little girl in her arms.

"Sweetheart, a starving criminal like you can't take care of two little girls, I remind you what you did to your parents, you're a danger to my girls." Alva turned around, ordering the guards not to allow Sherlyn to leave. the room, he advanced through the pail without caring or even failing the cries and pleas of the young woman kneeling pleadingly who was in the pacillo.

Time passed the little ones stopped being so and Sherlyn became the being without feelings that she regretted with her soul to see everything left for being the great Mrs. Rebert, but she will never admit it out loud, it was not typical of a woman like her anymore do not.


"Your mother loves to make scandals darling, she is worse every day." Alva said and then took a sip of her coffee.

"They should lock her up in a help center father," said Nayla and Klum nodded supporting her wife because he also thought Sherlyn was a danger in the same way.

-Liraly, are you okay? .- Thomas said a little concerned seeing that her fiancée was still static in her place, she shook her head tired of arguing with her mother; she had been psyched up for this for months but it was very different to live it. Her mother who was supposed to be the person who loved her the most in the world hated her and although she tried to be strong she was human and sometimes she failed in those moments she wished she had never returned.

"I need to be alone" was the last thing she said before running out of her. Thomas was going to go after her but a voice stopped him.

"It is better that this boy alone let him calm down." Alan told him, who knew her daughter and knew that the best thing they could do with her was not to harass her and wait for her to return alone.

For her part, Liraly, who remembered that house perfectly thanks to her photographic memory, ran through the corridors until she reached the garage where she found what she was looking for under a sheet, she found her old motorcycle that she had spent whole afternoons putting together with Daniel. keys on the board stuck to the wall and when she found them she didn't hesitate for a second to get on it to get out of that place that was suffocating her, she didn't even care about not wearing a helmet she was going at full speed she let herself be guided by her instincts and that They brought him a surprise, when he agreed he was in front of the lake house where he used to escape with Daniel with a pang in his chest, keeping a small hope of finding him inside, she was no longer that confident woman who arrived yesterday, she felt like that little girl from eighteen years old scared and as if the universe had heard her when she entered that house there he was standing watching the fireplace fire burn when she heard ll egar someone turned from her and then he saw her standing there with heavy breathing staring into her eyes neither of them moved or said anything they were just standing watching. Liraly, who in those moments let her instincts be the ones to move her from her, dropped the keys to the ground and released all the air that she had stored in her lungs.

-I need you.- confessed the girl in a whisper no matter what, way towards the boy who even stunned by the confession did not move, Liraly stamped her lips to those of him Daniel did not move at first but when he felt that the girl he was going to move away at last he was able to react by taking her by the neck kissing her with all the intensity and desire that he had saved these eight years.

"I will always need you." The kiss was increasing in intensity, both of them wanted each other at that moment, her kisses were synchronized, Liraly bit Daniel's lip causing him to gasp. Irina and Thomas ceased to exist in those moments, they left together with good sense and conscience, leaving free the way to impulses.

"Don't do that because then I won't be able to stop." Daniel said with a hoarse and broken voice.

"No one said you should." Liraly smiled mischievously, sealing her lips with Daniel's again.

At that moment, the 18-year-old hormonal children who knew no limits, there was no time for regret, there would be no return to after because neither of them was willing to stop.