
When a star dies

When a star dies, it creates an explosion called a supernova, which in turn becomes a black hole; that was her, a star that died slowly and would soon explode taking everything in its path.

Maniac_Cherry · Teen
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18 Chs


Already Gone.

I am a strong woman, I am not afraid of anything, after that day my life took a 180 degree turn. That girl who ran away from the altar was not a quarter of the woman I am today, as I walked through the corridors of the imposing Rebert building I felt like a goddess, Thomas was by my side taking my hand showing me his support, We both knew that this would not be easy at all but I had to return to fight my last battle, mother would go on her ass when she knew that I was the new shareholder of the important family business, with the shares that I had bought and with which by law I was I belonged they made me the majority shareholder Sherlyn Rebert will die of a heart attack when she finds out.

When I arrived at the reception one of the receptionists looked me up and down trying to see under my dark glasses the other kept looking at me with curious and accusing eyes.

-Excuse me for being late, but I couldn't find a parking spot but I'm already here for the shareholders meeting I hope I'm not so late.- I had been late with all the purpose in the world Naynay and I had planned this for months when we found out they had put part of the company for sale we saw this as a sign of the above and then my job offer in one of the best hospitals so we decided to do it was today or never Rebert pharmaceutical company was in the power of the banished daughters of Alan and Sherlyn Rebert.

-And you ?.-

-Of course I forgot to introduce myself, Liraly Serkin the new shareholder.- I said with my most sinic smile

"Excuse me, Miss Serkin, I didn't mean to sound rude, follow me around," said one of the girls with a too fake smile trying to apologize, I had forgotten that here everyone pretends her kindness and happiness.

As we approached the meeting room my heart was beating stronger every time, wanting to get out of my chest and Thomas noticed it, he knew what this was causing my nerves but he also knew how important it was to me so I supported him.

-You can with this and more, I will always be here to prevent you from falling.

-I do not deserve you.

-Honey, you deserve everything that exists and is about to be invented, never forget it now come on, you have an empire to revoke.

-Love you.

Those were the longest minutes of my life when we passed through the corridor I could read his name on one of the doors, Daniel Salvatore knew that it was very likely that he was inside but nothing would stop me when the girl still stood to the side, letting everyone pass us by. They were at the meeting table, they directed their gazes towards us, with the smile that framed my face, I saw them one by one, my sight stopped on that of Daniel who was looking at me intrigued, next to him was what he assumed was his wife A very pretty girl to be honest who had a frown, at the head of the table were my parents who apparently the years did not pass through them, they all saw us, they saw me and I felt the taste of triumph in my mouth.

-Miss Serkin and ...- the girl can't finish because I interrupted her.

"I don't need an introduction, dear." I said while removing my sunglasses, widening my smile a bit. "Or if mommy?" Thomas laughed softly, I could only see my mother's face in total bewilderment, point to me. Bitch, I came back from the dead and this time to stay

- Liraly is you.- wow, to be the first thing I said, I was surprised, wait for a badly born bitch or go back to hell, Sherlyn Rebert will always surprise me.

-In flesh and blood mommy, did you miss me, did you miss your baby? .- Daniel stared at me I could feel his gaze on me and for a micro second I wanted to turn to see him but I held myself back.

"What are you doing here Liraly?" My mother spoke again with that sour tone of hers.

"I thought you were smarter mommy, which is not obvious, I am the new shareholder and to your bad luck the majority, but don't worry, you don't have to give me your seat, at least not for now." I told her in the same tone that she used.

-You're lying you damn son of a bitch.- and here is my sweet mother.

-Jesus God Mommy with that mouth you pray the rosary, I remind you that you are my mother for better or for worse Sherlyn accept it or leave my company.- I knew that hatred was eating her inside and that I loved I wanted her to lose stirrups to show who he really was.

"Damn zor ..." she couldn't finish speaking because my father who had been silent all this time interrupted her.

"Enough Sherlyn, this is not the time or the place," he said in his usual neutral tone, you couldn't tell if he was angry or surprised, instead, Mom was obviously wanting to jump out of his place and kill me. "Liraly, it's a pleasure to have you. back with us so now please take a seat to begin.

-Again it is a pleasure to be here with you dear shareholders, I introduce myself Liraly Serkin and he is my fiancé Thomas Michael Serkin viscount of intunero .- I said while taking a seat with my smile of triumph, God my mother's face was a poem, Daniel's wife who was still staring at us but now relaxed her frown a bit when she heard that Thomas was my fiancé.

If this had been my mother's reaction when she found out about the company, I couldn't imagine what it would be when she realized that her beloved mission, Rebert, was not hers anymore. The meeting ended faster than I expected to sign the papers that the majority shareholder made me and other things related to the clinic that Daniel apparently wanted to do, which interested me a lot. In the whole meeting we did not speak to each other and that hurt a little, it looked like I remembered it, her eyes, her face but it was no longer the same that was more than clear. Her hair was no longer, she had exchanged her leather jackets, bracelets, and motorcycle boots for a suit, elegant shoes, and a watch that she was almost sure of, she couldn't tell the time, she never knew, and I don't think she does, but things change right ?.

When the meeting ended we left but a voice left me static, my courage left and now my feet seem like jelly, his voice, it was he was speaking to me, my God, I was not imagining it.

-Liraly Josefa Rebert Horan.- The one upstairs had to be playing.