
When A Serpent Strikes

“You may mock and detest me all you like and call me the Serpent Prince, but now you shall have to call me the Serpent King and soon, the Serpent Emperor! You shall soon learn it is not wise to mock a creature like the serpent.” ... The youngest of the five princes of the Virnovia kingdom, Nora Arslan, was nicknamed 'The Serpent Prince,' after the evil god, the Thunder Serpent, due to the strange circumstances of his birth and the misfortune he brings. Unlike his brothers, he did not inherit the talents or traits of the Azure Lion God's lineage. But now, after spending his life scheming and hiding in the dark, with the help of his new personal aide, an Ifuri named Neptune, he will begin to realise his ambitions.

1ara_5272 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: The selection of a capable new aide

(Since apparently italics aren't a thing here, thoughts will be portrayed as **substantial thought**)

In a resplendent corridor of the palace, an old and rather portly man in a fine suit strode forward assuredly, while a tall and good-looking Ifuri man kept pace behind him. Neptune, the Ifuri, had been clenching his fists tightly for quite some time.

As he listened to Baron Dervis continue to drivel on about the certainty of his glorious future, unable to avoid once again catching the scent of his foul breath, Neptune desperately wished there wasn't a clause preventing him from harming the Baron in his contract, so he could murder the obnoxious man and finally get some peace and quiet. Unfortunately, he was an Ifuri, and forever being a slave to a contract was simply the price they had to pay for eternal life.

After what seemed like a millennium, they finally entered a large hall packed with more portly and elderly men that almost all seemed to have the same confident attitude as Baron Dervis. After the Baron found a spot, Neptune went to quietly stand behind him, not revealing a single emotion on his face.

Already in an awful mood, Neptune waited impatiently for the Virnovian prince, no, king, to arrive. He hoped this whole process would be over shortly so he could leave this godforsaken place crammed with nobles. He had already concluded that it was rather unlikely that Baron Dervis would be selected as the King's personal aide. He had neither the smarts nor the influence to contend with the real competitors, although personally, Neptune thought that none of these overly prideful noblemen would be suited to such a role.

The sound of footsteps interrupted his ruminating. He looked up only to see it wasn't the King who made his arrival, but a stern-looking middle-aged man wearing a small pair of spectacles and a long, deep blue robe. He placed a large stack of papers down on a table at the front of the room, then looked around rather nervously.

<p style="direction: ltr;">After about 5 minutes of silence, unhappy murmuring began to spread throughout the room. **Is the King running late or is he simply not going to show up?** After another 5 minutes, Neptune was beginning to believe the latter when the sound of a man humming an upbeat tune came from down the hall. **Humming??**

After a moment, the new King of Virnovia walked into the room then strolled casually to the table at the front and sat atop it, all the while continuing to hum the jovial tune. He rapped a beat on the table a few times before facing the audience before him and gave them a mischievous smile, his bright eyes flashing.

Neptune couldn't help but stare at those startling yellow eyes. He had of course heard rumours of the 'Serpent prince', the shame of Virnovia's royal family, known to have an abhorrent and unnatural appearance, and neither talent nor a single positive trait.

Studying him from an objective point of view, Neptune couldn't understand what about his appearance was considered 'abhorrent.' Although his facial features could be considered almost unnaturally beautiful, he had a sense of etherealness that seemed to make everyone around him seem dull in comparison. And his most striking feature was undoubtedly his bright yellow eyes, slightly slanted with slitted pupils, like those of a snake. Most noticeably, those eyes seemed to hold a great deal of intelligence and cunning. As those eyes suddenly met his, Neptune hurriedly turned away, realising he had been staring too long. He attempted to hide his shock as he carefully thought over the matter. **He is clearly a very dangerous and intelligent individual. How could he have completely hidden this from everyone for his whole life?**

Across the room, Nora was looking through the audience carefully, feeling rather miserable upon recognising the identities of each individual. Although he had expected it, it was still a dreadfully boring outcome of events. With a sigh, he was about to follow the plan he had crafted for this scenario when he felt an intent gaze on him.

When he followed that gaze, he realised there was another person in the room that he hadn't yet seen. He looked upon the elegant-looking Ifuri man thoughtfully, before revealing a delighted grin. A terribly exciting plan was starting to take shape in his head. Unfortunately for Neptune, he had already turned away before he could catch Nora's terrifying expression.

Beside him, Burris, one of the previous king's secretaries, cleared his throat loudly before announcing, "As per the previous king's will, his successor, King Nora Arslan, will be provided with a personal aide among the selected gentlemen here today, to ensure he will rule most effectively."

**Ridiculous**, Neptune couldn't help but think to himself.

"Ridiculous!" Nora proclaimed in a jubilant tone. Neptune almost jumped, for a moment believing he had spoken out loud. Then, he heard Nora continue,

"My dear old father really wants one of you old imbeciles to hold the keys to his precious kingdom? Haha don't fret! I believe he was simply making a final jest, hoping to get a good laugh at us from up above."

At that, Neptune had to choke back a snort. Although he had barely made a sound, the King's gaze still locked onto him. Neptune could only stare back, not knowing why the King was continuing to stare at him. Suddenly, the King gave him a wink and proclaimed dramatically,

"But of course… in order to follow my father's will, even a jest must be taken seriously. As king, it is only fair for me to choose the most capable aide from amongst this room. Isn't that right, dear Burris?"

At that point, Burris had already turned completely pale and was wringing his hands frantically. All he could manage to do was give a small nod.

Neptune couldn't help but have a bad feeling for what was to come next.

"Excellent! Then, without further ado, I shall choose you!" Nora exclaimed, pointing forward.

Straight at Neptune.

Apologies, I wrote this at 4AM.

But...if we are being completly honest, I couldn't have written anything better at another time. I just thought it sounded like a good excuse. Too bad I've now exposed my excuse (to nobody in-particular.)

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