
Whelve Love

Its been God knows how long since I have been separated from him. I was running, maybe even just sprinting mindlessly but I kept moving. Even the excruciating pain in my thighs didn't stop me and that was solely because I was running to live, I was running with a life on the line and I oh so desperately wished that the life on the line would have been mine. But it wasn't. It pained me to accept that he risked his life. For me. I could never forgive him for that, but my biggest priority was saving him. He had to be alive. I longed for his presence and in order to have him by my side I could offer anything. ANYTHING! Even if.... Even if it required me being trapped inside the darkest aspects of my life. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Adelaide Cicilia and Dylan Scmith didn't have the best first impressions of each other. They did not just simply hate each other but in fact, loathed each other. Driven together by the circumstances that befell upon them, they are brought closer by the forces of the world as though they were fated to be together. But the question arises. Is it an ill-fated encounter or the start of a beautiful fairy tale. Or maybe even... " THE END OF EVERYTHING" Everything that they had, have and everything that was to come to them.

Kim_Ji_Gi · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter - 2 An Uninvited Guest?!

As though having had enough of the mockery the moving world had to offer to an Adelaide frozen in time, Adelaide moved away from the window behind her bed. When she turned around she finally took a first proper look at her place, her room and most importantly her new home. A home where she was now all alone and by herself.

Adelaide felt like she was just in an empty space. Her bed lay to her left and her fixed wooden wardrobe a few steps to her right. The room was moderately big considering how it was a studio apartment and straight ahead she saw the wooden door to her room. Almost determined Adelaide swiftly walked outside her room and started exploring her new place. She took to her right the moment she stepped out of her room and saw another wooden door barely four strides away from her room. She opened the door to see a roughly cubic shaped washroom which she felt was just the perfect size for her with its shower room at the right end. She felt content with her washroom mirror as well which was a small oval shaped mirror with no specific carvings right above the washbasin. She nodded to herself in contentment and amusement knowing how picky she could get with the interior of her space.

Adelaide left the washroom closing the door behind her and proceeded to walk towards the other end of her hallway. As she strode past the hallway she noticed how she had some empty space in the rather thin hallway and also a lot of wall space to her right. Momentarily stopping to look at the white wall before her Adelaide starts pondering on what she could do to the wall to make it look less depressing. Putting aside the task of searching something perfect for the wall, Adelaide walks into her living room where she finds at the wall to her right a huge window facing the same direction as her bedroom window covered by the very thick curtains that soothed her.

Finding the room rather dark and dull, Adelaide opened the curtains and the window for some fresh light and air. She then turned around and started taking in her surroundings. The living room was connected with the kitchen at the other end and was separated by an island in the center of the room. Both the kitchen and the living room were empty; void of any furniture. Puzzled, Adelaide walked towards the kitchen and looks into the drawers above the counter and found them too to be empty.

Adelaide put her hand into her jeans pockets in search of her phone and soon realized that she hasn't unpacked yet. Walking in a frenzy in search of her suitcase she suddenly hears the lock at the door being clicked and the door slowly opening to unveil the figure of a tall man in an all black attire enter her apartment with ease.

Highly taken aback by the entrance of an unknown man with the look of a criminal owing to his black cap and face mask Adelaide is frozen at the spot.

extremely sorry for the small chapter /\

i really wanted to leave this cliffhanger.

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