
What you don't know!

Valorie has kept secrets from her kids, but secrets are hard to keep, how long will she keep them? Everyone knows that knowing things can change things but to what extent? For Valorie, Ian, Kaylee, and Kyleen/Kylee everything. Read to see the secrets unravel and find out what changes. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I know there's probably a lot of mistakes so far I plan to go back when I get the chance. Hope you enjoy this. And lastly feel free to comment any ideas or thoughts whether its pointing out the mistake, tips, thanks, ideas for later chapters, theories, jokes, or anything else under the sun.

Victoria_Valentine · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Tonight's Halloween, happened to fall on a bad time for me. "Kaylee, you're taking Ian trick or treating tonight after school." I was getting their lunch ready. "why me?" she asks rolling her eyes. "because you're fourteen, he's nine, and I'll be busy." she doesn't protest. "why aren't you in you're costume?" "they arent letting us" "I know that's not true.. you dont want them to see you in it do you?" she doesn't say anything and grabs her lunch. "you both know I'm here right" Ian says grabbing his lunch. "kaylee doesnt have to take me, marabell can." "i'm sorry but, no marabell is already busy. Now get in the car if you're ready, we're going to have breakfast at the café." yeah busy more like busy keeping an eye on both of them. It was the only way to get Kaylee out of the house so she wouldnt find out. I drove us to the cafe. My friend marabell works there.. we only go there once in a while. I made sure that when it was about to happen we'd go there for breakfast. Ian ordered his favorite, halloween themed pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs it had skeleton, Jack-o-lantern, and spider web shapes drawn in whiped cream. It's called spookteber special. For his drink he chose orange juice. Kaylee order a regular pancake stack, sausage, and sunnyside up eggs. Kaylee picked a blue lemonade to drink. I had a strawberry pancake, bacon and scrambled eggs. My drink was hot tea, I hated coffee unless it had creamer. I noticed a girl with brown hair like kaylee's, the other girls was a little curlier, kaylee had wavy hair, I had curly hair, as in ringlets and frizz sometimes. The girl was with, what I figured was her dad, he had blond hair like Ian. The girl was facing us she looked so much like Kaylee. Her dad walks over to us, he seemed familiar. "hello" he says with a smile, Ian waves. "hi" comes out through his mouth, full of pancakes. "Ian, please finish chewing before you speak, you might choke or something" "fine" he says after swallowing. Kaylee looks up to see who it was, she then looks at Ian, then me and smiles. "you seem to have forgotten. Eric." he smiles. I think about it. "Oh yeah. When we were kids. How have you been?" "Doing well. I know Kaylee so I figure his name is.. Luke" he jokes. I smile. "Ian, Kaylee this is Eric we were freinds when we were Kaylee's age." "Mind if Kyleen and I join you guys. We could catch up." "sure just as long as you pay your own." Eric goes and brings Kyleen over. He sits by Ian across from me and Kaylee, Kyleen sits by Ian on the other side of her dad. We all eat and talk with each other until it was time to go. We say our goodbyes and part ways, taking the kids to school. I had dropped them both off at school and then went to where I work.

Kaylee's point of veiw:

Mom drops me off last at the middle school. I meet up with my friends. And tell them all about breakfast. Including the man, Eric who mom claims is just a freind, I explained that he looked similar to Ian and the daughter looked similar to me. I figured he was either our dad or uncle. Based of of the fact that he and Ian looked similar. I leaned towards him being our dad, so did my freinds Hannah and Emily. Since we don't have breakfast at school and the only classes we share are after lunch I told them during the lunch period. We all figured Kyleen was either my twin, younger sister, older sister, or cousin. All of us preferred the twin idea. by the end of the day the whole school had their own ideas. Some ended with him being our dad's brother, others our dad himself. Most favored Kyleen being my twin. Unfortunately she doesn't go to school here.

Ian's point of view: I told my friends Sam, Elisabeth, and Josh about the breakfast, mom's freind and his kid Kyleen. Didn't describe them since I didnt think it was important. At the end of school only Sam, Josh, Elisabeth and I knew about mom's friend Eric. We spent the day talking about what they were like when they were Kaylee's age along with the regular school stuff. The most interesting was when we tried coming up with ways they spent their time. School was an obvious time spender the rest was up to our imaginations. My favorite idea was that they spent their time gaming or making music. The music idea came from the fact that Eric talked about guitars, mom talked about chior she sings at the church sometimes, she's good at it. Mom prefers painting, crafting, or reading though. So I figure that she had another friend that had an artsy bond since they have a musical one, I know that marabell and her share enjoyment of reading and learning, so that leaves craft things.

Valorie's (mom's) point of veiw:

after I was done teaching at the higschool I went to pick up Kaylee and Ian, I go to Ian's school and pull into the parking lot. My face softens seeing them talking together. I pull up to the side that was closest to them.

Ian's point of view:

Mom had us meet up at my school in the parking lot. Kaylee got here earlier than usual. "you know that he could be our dad.. you two look a lot alike and Kyleen looks a lot like me" "no he isn't" "how do you know?" "the same could be asked of you. But I know cause mom said he was a freind and when mom talks about dad she seems sad in a way" "yeah right. she was obviously glad to see him. They must've divorced and been pretending with the friends and forgetting thing." "she seemed to have forgotten his name before he said it. And he doesnt act the way mom's ever described" "there's gotta be a reason for the divorce. Personality changes happen and it's likely to be why." mom pulls up in the sky blue Honda she has. We get in I didn't like that Kaylee got the last words. I decide the best way to get my say in the final was to ask mom. "what did or does dad look like?" I ask mom smiling at my sister. Mom wouldn't let either of us up front unless we dont have our backpacks with us, there isnt enough leg room up front for our backpacks. Mom stays silent for a while. "handsome" she says with a sad smile. "And you know that I cant multitask well, so if you dont want me to crash you should wait till we stop or are home." I put some music on quiet so it doesnt distract mom, she has always had trouble with words and movement especially when it's for something that is fast paced. Kaylee looks at me with a smug smile. "told ya" she says in a whisper. "handsome is an opinion he could look the complete opposite of him."

Valorie's (mom's) perspective: I focused on driving us home. Ian and Kaylee went to their rooms to work on their homework. Ian's question seemed funny to me, I used to tell them about their dad but to be fair it was usually his personality and what he did.... well most of what he did. I cooked up some dinner while they did their homework. I fixed ham, creamed corn, and sweet potatoes. "Dinner's ready." I look at Ian. "did you get your homework done?" he was playing on the family tablet. "yeah, been done for a while, so has kaylee" I go to Kaylee's room. "kaylee.." you could hear the annoyance in my tone. "dinner?" her look hopeful. "yes, that and.." she knows what she did.. or didn't do. "I didn't help with the table." she looked and sounded annoyed and hopeful that she would still get her allowance. Ian had one too but he got his from school and putting away his things, once he gets in middle school he can get more for doing more of whatever he chose. When kaylee chose her's she chose to help with diner or the table whichever she could do after homework. "that's it.. tell you what, you can help unset it afterwards and get half of what you do for the whole thing." "alright" she smiles. We all sit down and dish out the dinner. "Okay so Ian's question, you probably already know what I've said about his personality and what he did, so appearance.. he had or has straight brown hair, hazel eyes. He was 5 foot 11' last I know of... doubt he'd get any taller though. And wasn't very muscular but still fit." I smile.. I hope he's alright. Ian smiles "told ya" kaylee is visibly confused her mouth forming an O shape "b.. but Ian's blond and blue eyed." my eyes widen coming back to the present.. I look to Ian. "yeah.. lucky genes I guess." "how?" "your dad's mom was blond and his dad had blue eyes. And my mom had blue eyes too." not really a lie since it's true. "so we have the same dad?" "yeah, what makes you think you wouldn't." "nothing just odd that he happened to be blond and blue eyed" "well genetics work that way." "alright"

Kaylee's point of view: probably shouldn't try to argue about that especially since moms a forensics teacher at the higschool. "do you think we could meet our dad sometime?" I hope we can. "I would love to but I dont know where he is or if it's a good idea" mom looks a bit sad after she says but. I suppose she misses him a lot.. she tried to avoid talking about him until we asked about him. After diner mom and I clear the table together while Ian worked on geting out the candy for mom to give to trick or treaters. "howd you know where I put them? and how did you even get up there? howd you even know there was a cubby back there anyway? come on." looking up at my brother who was ontop of the frige and helps him down. "once I was getting cereal and it fell back into the cubby.. so I climbed up to get it and found the candy. may have eaten a few" mom looks in the bag. "a few." her brows raised. "alright more than a few but I left most" mom smiles "yeah half of it. its alright though. I expected that some would go missing." she walks out of the kitchen then comes back with a full bag. She pours them all into a big bowl orange bowl with a Jack-o-lantern face on it. "okay you two can start your trick or treating whenever you want as long as it starts and ends before 9 pm." Ian frowns seeming to want a longer curfew. "but mom, it's the weekend" he protests. "it's always 9 on weekends Ian." kaylee retorts expecting me to not allow any longer. "hold on kaylee. I didn't respond yet. I'll make it 9:45 since it's Halloween and I've got... some extra work to do." they both smile "really?" they say together eyes lit up eager for it to not be a prank. "yeah why not you deserve it anyway" that and my.... well fur problem I suppose that works the best. "can we start trick or treating now?" Ian asks eager wearing his skeleton costume. He had it on all day. Kaylee was still in regular cloths she never liked wearing costumes at school. "I would wait till it's a darker out but if you want to you can" kaylee rolls her eyes. "it's too early Ian. We'll go once the first group comes by." Ian's face goes blank. "alright but could we watch halloween movies until then" he asks looking a bit hopeful. "of course" I walk over to the small to medium light purple couch and turn on the TV. I find a halloween show and put it on. "hocus pocus is a fun one" Ian says with a big smile sitting down on the couch. I smile at him.. I'm so glad that he didn't end up like I did.. or whoever that was. But like a said there is still a small... very very small chance that Keith is still... I shouldn't be worried about that I had to leave they would've killed me along with Ian and they might've gone after kaylee too. Thank you marabell for your spell and kaylee being pretty young was another great thing about it. After hocus pocus and the nightmare before christmas kaylee was in her costume, Wednesday Adams. "alright seems good enough to go now." she says walking to the door. someone knocks on the door. "must be trick or treaters" I go to answer it, there was a boy dressed as a mummy and a girl dressed as a cat I hand them some candy. I ended up looking up towards the sky... no moon just yet, I smile. "happy halloween" Ian smiles excited to go trick or treating. He grabbed his pumpkin basket. Ian and Kaylee walk out to go trick or treating.

Ian's point of veiw: we left mom seemed a bit distracted.. she did say she had extra work though. I spot marabell across the street handing out candy. "can we go to that house?" kaylee looks over there. "come on." we go over "hi mary." we say together it was our nickname for her. "oh hi." she was dressed as a fairy. "isn't that.. too childish?" kaylee asks looking at Mary's costume. "no" she replies a stone cold stern look on her face. "mom said you were busy" I state wondering what she's doing. "yeah helping with this haunted house. I hand out the candy, guide, greet, and send them on their way." she seemed a bit tense.. (marabell's thoughts yeah keeping an eye on you if I'm honest.. I hate lying especially to kids) "something wrong?" kaylee says getting the same idea as me. "no everything's fine. how about you two join the next group. After we have four more people." she looks to the sky. (marabell's thoughts: almost here.. Val I sure hope that this isnt going to go south) "yeah why not" she leads us through the haunted house after we have four more people.

Valorie's (mom's) point of veiw: the full moons coming.. please let me not hurt anyone. I put out the candy with a sign on it reading "take one or two no more" i send a text to marabell, "can you put a spell on the candy so each person can only take two at most" after a minute she sent "done 😁" "thanks💖🧚‍♀️" "no worries😉" I go in my room and lock myself in. the full moon was almost up.. I felt it. The moon was up now. It hurt.. thanks mar for making this outfit able to withstand the transformation. The wolf part has the control now.

Ian's point of veiw: we got through the haunted house it was really good kaylee screamed a few times. We go to other houses until 9. I was getting tired. "can we go back?" "come on just 45 more minutes mom never let's us out later than 9." "alright how about 20?" "good enough for me"