
sweet dreams

in another room

a boy got up with a refreshing smile. dark black hair and captivating black eyes. and thin pink lips. and that coldness that attracts all the others to come near him but not close enough. Li jianqian, second son of Li sicheng, twin of Li jianyue. if Mosen is someone who will attract others consciously then jianqian would be known for attracting others unconsciously. today he was in a great mood, as it was his elder brothers birthday.

this last week was fabulous, after a long time the whole family was together, and he feels great as his brother didn't change.

he knows whatever he couldn't do his brother can and that makes him admire him the more. and also feels jealous as he can't do or say somethings due to his ego or arrogance as others term it, but his brother knows him well, and does things so as he won't be bothered.

just like in childhood, how he can't be able to handle his silly sister, but brother had patience that could handle all the tantrums of his sister. and he still does.

but there is something that makes him feel different, that he can't understand, ' I think it's nervousness due to the party tonight' as every event related to Li family is grand and after 10 years we are going to such event, and first time gonna show our face in public.

' I don't know what changes would it bring'

this week has been blissful, and I hope everything works fine just like this.

he has full belief that his brother can handle the business, though the results place him higher than his brother, he knows that his brother's personality would make up for it.

he knows him the best. he knows that it's not just a polite person and understanding boy, but someone who knows how to respond and make others happy and manage everything with pace.

the perfect person in everyone's view.

' I think I should go back to military, this way it will make sure that others don't point unnecessary issue, the next week would be it then, anyhow I have a year before school'

"comon brothers get up! we have a long list of things to be done by noon"

came the voice of the house favourite child, ah what a lucky guy, no need to go to military till 10 years. he was sent at the age of 5, Mosen at 8 years, but he got lucky.

actually dad wanted to send him but mom didn't allow, thus filled with luck, being the baby brother of us. Li Moyun the youngest son of Li sicheng. but now that brother Mosen is back, dad could convince mom and would be sending him to the military.

' just you wait a little bit more and you would know what getting up early means baby brother'

"coming" .

I got up and went to fresh up before going down.

As it is Mosen's birthday, we have to go to old house to meet great grandpa and then go to airport to get his brother's friends here. as they came to k city for the first time . and help up a little with the security, as I was in the military camp near k city, I would be responsible for it, as I know the people there, it is like a test for me.

hi, hope you like the story, would like to hear your thoughts in comments.

dia_sfcreators' thoughts