
His tiny warmth

looking at the whole family in his room with warm wishes on his birthday morning Li Mosen felt warm in his heart...

though he was abandoned by the very women who gave him birth... he was accepted and cherished by a family...

he has parents and siblings... whose care he felt... and that is the very thing that keeps his sanity...

who doesn't lacks a demon in their hearts... similarly he has a few within him... but all of them are cage by the chain of love and warmth he felt from his family

"get up and get going dear... it's a special day" came the reminder from Su Qianci

" I will soon be down mom" I replied while putting down my not so young youngest brother and getting up from the bed...

'a long day awaits ahead' is all I can think...

" though we are having a celebration that doesn't seem much of a like to you youngsters ... you can do as you wish the upcoming week with your friends.. after today's party that is" said Li Sicheng

which managed to uplift the corners of the lips of the children into a happy smile

cause everytime since they can remember birthdays were for celebration for among themselves... not some grand banquets...




after some time the whole family gathers at the dining table... which is undoubtedly filled with Li Mosen's favourite food, made especially by Su Qianci

after having breakfast everyone gets busy with their plan for the day...

like Li jianqian is responsible for the security... and Li jianyue is for deciding the decorations which she requested her parents for more than a month before getting the permission...

and she wants to make this most memorable day for her brother

and Li Sicheng and Su Qianci have to receive their relatives who have arrived earlier...

Li Moyun have to keep company to their grandparents...

when everyone disperses Li Mosen goes to the hospital... with the reason to meet his great-grandfather...

old masters Li have been blessed with life but with time as a companion he lost his health... and now is under observation and assistance of doctors in one of the best hospitals of the country and city...

and on the way he dropped by his doctor to mention his recent nightmares...

undoubtedly after mom the person who loves him most is his great grandfather... it was later that his father returned and loved him the same to his brother... but in his heart his great grandfather comes second...

looking at the old masters on the hospital bed was painful... but they were unwilling to lose him... he mainly is a great source of support for Li Mosen...

" It's lucky that you are awake Nana" greated Li Mosen as he entered into the ward...

" at last you have come huh... come.. come let me have a look at you... you have grown up well... seems like the military did u good in growing up as a fine young man... you are looking no less than a Prince..." said the old master Li...

looking at the young man he had tears of happiness in his eyes..

time really flies...as they both spend chatting with each other... last time he visited, old master Li was asleep...

and this time the old master Li was unwilling to let him go soon as he rarely has the chance to meet this grandson of his...

amid their talk they reach to their destination wher they have to get ready for the evening...

slowly Li Mosen pushes the wheelchair of old master Li into the building from where the caretakers and will make him ready... and he is dragged by his sister... who has decided to make her brother decorated..i mean ready for the day...