
A little about the story

a brief introduction about the story

the story is about a boy who finds himself unfit in the family, although the people love him, he doesn't feel a sense of belonging.

a mother who wanted to kill her child after knowing that it was a mistake between her and a stranger, the child survive after the premature birth with the help of another woman ,who his mother wants to kill. she saved him cause she saw herself in the child, a child who no one wanted, and after a few series of events the child was adopted by that women.

then indirectly he comes to know the truth about the relationship between his biological mother and his adopted parents, and how he was unwanted.

he was in a heaven as his both parents (adopted parents would usually be referred as parents l, and biological would be indicated) loved him. he had two twin sibling, a girl and a boy of one year difference, not a lot but there was some differences.and a younger brother of five years difference, his little sweet baby. other than his father and mother and siblings, a very few treated him as the child of the family.and he understood that he doesn't belong here.


it was a family of a great standing and wealth. his father was the most successful and rich businessman of the city, and uncle in army and another in entertainment businesses, few of those who ruled that industry in the city. but he wasn't one of them.

as plain as it was, a blonde hair and blue eyes among black hair and brown eyes.

the difference was such huge and plain to look at.

at school he was bullied for being different, so all the children were homeschooled.

but they have to join the school for high school.

and our story starts here.