

P.s: This story is entirely a work of my imagonation. I didn't copy anyone. It is ny first story. Pls vote if u like it . Comments are also welcomed.😍

Jazz's p.o.v

The Sun shone so brightly as if intending on blinding me. My skin was getting burnt slowly and I couldn't tolerate that for anything. I had just arrived from Turkey after having the turkish milk bath and massage.

I really enjoyed my Turkish bath and massage therapies a lot that I didn't want to come back. Speaking of why I had to come back . Oh my God, I had to come back yesterday for a meeting with the other shareholders of the company . There was gonna be a debate between the nominees after which a new chairman will be elected because d old chairman died last week. So sad but the company had to choose a new leader and I was lucky enough to be chosen. Did I say lucky? Of course not,it is not by luck but my hard work. I really worked hard so I deserved this besides I had one of the highest shares in d company so I had to be chosen but then even HE had equal shares. Hmmm ... him

Looking at d clock, I realised that if i don't leave my bed now,then I will be keeping them waiting. Gosh!!. M so forgetful.....

What to wear ? What to wear?

I hate d fact that I think about wat he thinks about what he thinks of outfit. Should I wear Blue? No he hates blue but who cares about what he likes. What of pink? No he always used to say it's childish to wear pink to an official gathering. Lord!!I hate d fact that this is me! Y does he seem to affect me so much? No I don't care about what he thinks. I will just wear what I like. After all,I am d great jazz. No wall of Bryan can break me. I laughed at my thought and so I hurriedly picked a white tan top ,blue pencil jeans ,blue blag and my simple but classic pearl necklace and earrings. Yes!.. that's who I am . M jazz and I love keeping it simple. I smiled at this thought and so I hurriedly rushed into d bathroom ...

Bryan's P.o.v

"Will she get here already?" I said rather too loud. I was super annoyed with dis problem queen. She always comes late to important meetings like this. I just hate her but then everyone was staring at me so I had to say something. Something to keep them from staring. So I forced a smile and said "I was just saying that we all had important things to tend to, and yet,miss Wilson is not here so I felt.. ". People nodded in agreement and keep their eyes away from me and I was able to sigh . She was responsible for this . She . Only her. I hate her too much. She is the worst person in d world . Her sight irritates me,well not irritate. Ok, she looks beautiful. She always did but she annoys me. I still hate her . I wonder what she could be wearing today

Blue dress? No..

Probably pink? No

Maybe a jeans as usual with her usual ugly tops which still look perfect on her.

Gosh!!! I hate myself for thinking this. "Mr blake" "Mr Blake . I heard someone say continuously . I thought it was my illusion but then I opened my eyes and say everyone staring at me as though something was wrong. It was then that I realised that they have probably been calling me for hours already. Now I was feeling embarrassed. "Yyy.. yess". I answered facing Mrs Hardy not feeling sure of what to say. "Is anything wrong,I was thinking we should start the meaning since everyone's here". She replied.

Everyone's here ? Even jazz? Oh No! I have to stop thinking of her. Suddenly my heart starts to be extremely fast. I nodded signifying for them to start. "So today ,we will have to choose our new chairman amidst three nominees ; Mr Bryan Blake,Mr Antonio Gates and Miss jazz Wilson ". Everyone clapped so I did the same. I kept looking down coz I want to make sure I don't have to see her but I really have to know what she's wearing. No!I won't but my heart won't stop beating if I don't. "So first we will have miss Wilson give her two minutes speech for her campaign ,let's give her a round of applause ". I heaved a sigh. So now I will see her . I looked up and saw her. Our eyes meet and she immediately averted her eyes. She probably can't get over me. After all, I still got those charming blue eyes she loved staring at so much. "Good day ladies and gentlemen " she began and after people nodded in greeting,she continued "M really happy 2 be here. I am Wilson jazz and a nominee for the chairmanship position . M really sorry for not being punctual. Even I hate lateness but yesterday I had just arrived from Turkey so I was tired and all. I hope u do understand. ". She said raising her hands. She can't really change.she is always late yet she is claiming that she hates lateness. What a fool she is! "so gentlemen I hope with this few points of mind I hope u will consider me eligible for the position." . She concluded and they all applauded her. Oh gosh . I was so lost thinking about how much she lied that I didn't hear all she said in her favour. I hate her. Mr Allen called my name and once again am embarrassed when they all asked me if I was okay and all I could do is nod. Lord!! " Am absolutely fine ". I said giving a fake smile .

Bless u

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Love u🤗🤗🤗

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