
What Went Wrong With Him?

A young boy was born into a tragedy, his parents are nowhere in sight for any help, he is on his own at hardly hours old from birth, he doesn’t know what’s ahead for him. But someone else does. And they’re willing to do anything for the boy. The world is a harsh place for him. But maybe with this person, it can be just a bit less harsh. What do you think?

UnknowinglyFluffy · Urban
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5 Chs

An Unforgiving Memory To Haunt One

When Tanaha turned four years old, the kid was able to run at incredible speeds, outrunning elk and deer, and it turns out that Tanaha had a very strong forehead. That was found out when Tanaha fell—Again—In the training grounds he was supposed to hit his head on a rock and instead of hurting himself, he shattered the rock into a lot of pieces.

"Ow...!" Tanaha pouted—But at the same time—Yelled out but rubbed the spot on his head. A small scratch was visible on his forehead but the rock he had hit was completely obliterated! Such a fascinating kid.

'He could do that!?' Ri let out a shrill scream, hurting the central head's consciousness at the pitch of Ri. But, he did have a rather good point. Tanaha had just shattered a rock, probably centuries or millions of years old with just his forehead.

That is something that is never been able to happen. It's just not possible for a human to do.

'Just what else can the kid do?' Ri asked, he was highly impressed, he can't remember the last time he saw someone able to shatter a rock using their forehead. And the rest had agreed on that.

'He is like one of them....' Le spoke out in fear, before Indra, they had another one they listened to. Oh, the memories that were brought up. Mi was speechless, stunned, he was worried. Will he turn out to be like them?

'We must make sure he will never become like them. We must find alternative training methods for him. Remember the last time we encountered one of them?' Mi reminded them all about the time they met one, such a gruesome battle that costed them to retreat and surrender right in front of Indra.

They brought shame to their Master.

"Airavata!" The voice of Indra shouted, his voice ranged out in a battlefield that was in ruins, beyond unrepairable and fixable. Airavata was in his behemoth form; he had crushed countless citizens and their fresh blood had painted his entire body. Small spears were through him and he had been littered with permanent scars that would last a lifetime.

Airavata turned to look at his Master, he was drained, exhausted and just tired of fighting. They fought for their Master, but this isn't what he had planned to do; countless citizens, cities, villages, people....so, so many people had perished because of him. They were about to speak before a sharp pain was felt.

Airavata let out a pained, high-pitched, trumpet cry, he tumbled over on his side and did a couple of more barrel rolls before he crashed down and stayed still. This wasn't going well; they weren't even where they were now. This place was destroyed because of the fight.

Airavata's vision was covered by his ear, Airavata slowly moved his ear and was able to see a rather lonely man. There was only one man in front of him, in front of their Master.

Wait... This couldn't be.

"What have you done Indra..." The man spoke, such dullness and emptiness in his tone that it was surprising that he even spoke at all.

"You shouldn't have come to stop me. You don't know why I've done this." Indra spoke out, venom spewing out like acid.

"Yes, yes I do know." The man started, "Jealousy, resentful, and spite." He put out a list. "Also, because you have a thing called, 'Family Jealousy' and 'Pathological Jealousy.'" He calmly stated. Airavata took a closer look at the man.

The man had so sign of eyes but had a mouth, his skin was nicely white mixed with a bright peach colour, with no signs of freckles, his arms and legs were disconnected from the torso, and they were floating mysteriously around, with grace. Even though his head was disconnected from his body, he was still alive.

He had a long cape-like coat that resembled a trench coat, but, it had no sleeves, exposing his arms which had a nice shade of black starting from the tips of his fingers and going into a nice fade with the skin around the elbow region. He had his chest exposed for all to see and had yoga-like trousers. Baggy and long.

"You son of a bitch." Indra was known to be hot-tempered and inexperienced, but fighting this man is an extinction craving. They ought to get their Master to ease him down.

Airavata stood up before an impulsive outburst of breeze made him tumble over again, the enormous elephant let release a gasp and saw the Beast that had always been beside the man since the man had created him.

The Beast was at least 6 times larger than him, and he was over 300ft tall. The Beast had the body of a lion, such robust and annihilating sets of teeth in its jaws. Had four horns, two of them were ram's horns while the other two were sweptback and had a small twist to them. Massive wings belonging to a dragon, a tail like a scorpion.

The Beast even wore armour, gold-plated armour around his ankles at the front and back, and right at the side of it, held a beautiful red ruby. A large chest plate covering some of its busy furs at the front, which also held a ruby, but was large and brighter than ever. It had gold shoulder plates that had a large horned spike reaching the heavens above and held a ruby at the side of the shoulder.

And finally, it wore a massive hold helmet that rested right at the horns, pure gold while there was a massive red ruby right in the middle of the Beasts forehead.

For the beast wearing such breakable material, it has never once been ravaged or marked in all of the warfare the Beast had fought.

The Beast is the most powerful Beast that was ever created.

Airavata couldn't oppose the Beast; the Beast is 1000 times more powerful than him.

"Stand down." The Beast said to him as he outstretched his wings out, a symbol of dominance, intimidation and strength.

Airavata couldn't oppose him, he just couldn't defy such beast that held a lot of power over him, this was a losing battle, he couldn't win.

The Beast can out-do him in everything he was once good at.

And so, with humiliation, he stood down. He could hear Indra shrieking at Airavata for being such a weakling, but what could he do? Indra couldn't defy that man, that man was in his very own league, the third strongest in the family. Only being better than the thousands of siblings he shares his blood with.

"And now Indra, stand down. I will only ask this once." The man gave a warning, fighting his brother is not a good thing, not because they were siblings, but because he is considerably, considerably stronger than him.

When seeing that Indra wouldn't stand down, he muttered, "You do not want this fight, Indra." The man said to Indra, giving him another warning. All he could do was to seem like 'The nice guy' And to keep on giving warnings and seem like he didn't want this.

Indra snapped his head to the man and shook it.

"No. Because I will claim the place I am supposed to have. I will!" Determination screamed and reeked through Indra, Airavata couldn't watch, not wanting to see his Master getting slaughtered by him.

"Fine then." The man articulated, "If you want to fight for my spot that you so want." He declared.

"Bring it on."

And that, momentarily after a solid 30 seconds, Indra's body was cold and dead on the battleground. With the man standing above him, looking down at his lifeless body.

Airavata didn't know what to do, he felt sadness, grief and remorse for his master. That's until he felt the wings of the Beast comfort him in a way that he couldn't remember feeling many centuries ago, Airavata turned one of his three heads to him and saw sympathy in the Beast's eyes.

"I'm sorry this had to happen to you." The Beast spoke, such genuine and real emotions it had despite the many encounters and absolute annihilation the Beast caused. Airavata is internally grateful for the Beast's comfort.

"It isn't too late to serve someone else." Airavata flinched. Replace their master? What kind of joke is that? Airavata felt like penetrating his tusk through the Beast but knew the consequences if he were to do that.

The Beast was able to read him, and gave him a low chuckle, making Airavata's body rumble and have a sort of tingly feeling. "Not mine, Airavata. But another one from somewhere. You won't ever see us again, but you will live a peaceful life." The Beast's voice was passionate, and Airavata believed him.

He wanted a life of peace. He hates to say it, but life without his Master was already getting better.

No more war, no more unnecessary battles, and no more deaths.

Airavata swallowed a lump that has been there the moment he saw the Beast, and he nodded, he wanted a new life, and to serve someone else that he knows would make a difference in this world.

He won't make the same mistake twice.