
What The Hell Am I Doing In a Novel?!

An ordinary Light novel reader finds himself in the world of the novel he was reading. This is a fanfic based on versatile mage with Indian MC pov it's added with Indian myths, so I don't know how the readers would take it Hope you guys enjoy Feel free to criticize and leave your thoughts Disclaimer- I have no ownership of the Versatile mage Novel, other than this plot. It's myway of showing my appreciation of the awesome novel Versatile mage is. All the names mentioned here are fictional and I have no idea if they exist irl or not. So I really don't mea to offend anyone

ITS_ASH · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

Please Collect My Body

The said location was simply a name they came up with for quick understanding. About two miles away, among the boulders, is a ship that crashed into those boulders. It was the safe haven for sailors. As long as the are not persued by commander rank sea monsters, they could seek shelter there.

Ashwin heard of this location from the captain himself and so he figured this was the best course of action.

'But can they make it ? Even with that speed?', capt. Kumar had his doubts. He actually thought it was a magic equipment. 'No, they have to make it. Because, they can't turn back now!'

Ashwin also understood this. He can't return to the ship. Especially with Akansha. He got to her because the sharks were unaware of his approach but now it wasn't the case.

He picked her up, and carried her on his back, did not bother to ask permission. With lightning surrounding him, he dashed away.

In the next ten minutes, Ashwin already covered about a kilometer, but he was only about half way through. He wasn't in his top speed, since he was carrying someone.

'Yadav, even with this unusual spell of yours, we can't escape them. They are gaining on us!", Akansha warned. Her body was a bit numb from the shock, but she didn't mind, because now wasn't the time.

"I know. But I can't go any faster ", Ashwin confessed.

"Then put me down"

"Now is not the time princess!"

"If this is your maximum speed, it's better if I move on my own", Akansha said.

"You can match my speed?"

"I can, but I won't be able to defend us"

"That's good enough"

Ashwin let go of her. The moment Akansha's legs touched the ground, the water froze. The next second, both Ashwin and Akansha moved forward, as Akansha mobilized the ice beneath her feet and in a few seconds, her speed reached reached Ashwin's speed when he was carrying her

'Even though it can't compare with my own top speed, her control over ice is really great', Ashwin praised in his heart.

"Focus solely on speedand keep moving straight, no turns. I will defend us", Ashwin said. Akansha nodded her head, her eyes incredibly focused.

Ashwin closed his eyes. He released lightning into the sea, through his legs. He activated his elemental eye, getting a clear mental image of the water, via those electrical Flux.

His mental barrier was at level three now. Since his innate talents are based on spiritual strength, improving his mental barrier was of atmost priority.

Now, at level three, he was able to detect the approaching enemies through the lightning. This method was not so effective on land or air, but it was perfect for water.

The closer the sharks got, more their bodies get charged. Ashwin drew out Asi, and took his stance. His eyes were closed. But the moment the sharks got near him, Ashwin immediately zoomed in on it, slashed of its tail, and returning back the next second. No matter how many approached, as long as they get near them, Ash would slice their tail off. Without their tail, the Sharks, with uses its tail to propel and manipulate water, lose thier mobility completely

What Ashwin was doing was a simple physics theory- opposite charges attract. The sharks' bodies get electrically charged the closer they get to him, while Ashwin himself gets oppositely charged. And when the sharks get to the surface, Ashwin gets pulled close automatically and all he needs to do is avoid the attack from the shark and slice of its tail. A simple and effective method. All you need is an eye that could detect demon beasts and the talent to alter the effect of spells.

Even so, their mana was limited. They weren't able to keep up for long. Their speed reduced, gradually and the sea monsters noticed this too. They became even more aggressive. The warrior shark demon smashed through the ice and full speed, closing in on the two escapees.

'Damn it, how much farther is it?', Ashwin mentally cursed. He had to take a breather and so he stepped back on the ice, panting.

"Yadav! Catch!", Akansha threw back a small bottle. Ashwin didn't think too much, and drank the bottle. All of a sudden, his mana completely recovered!

'Mana recovery potion!', was not something an average novice Mage could buy since they are sold in lakhs. Sometimes, even crores. 'Rich families have it easy huh', Ashwin thought as he glanced at Akansha, who just emptied her bottle.

"You really are a princess"

"What are you talking about?", Akansha glanced back.

"Don't mind me, just keep moving. Oh look, we are already close ", Ashwin pointed straight. Following his gaze, Akansha also saw where they have reached. Before them, was a wrecked ship, that crashed into the boulders. Most of the ship was underwater, but luckily, the cabin seemed fine.

With their recovered, their speed accelerated again, Akansha put all her magic into acceleration, and soon, they boarded the wrecked ship. But they had another broblem to deal with.

"But those things could smash the ship or the Boulder, to sink us", Akansha pointed out, panting crazily, as she was out of magic power.

The demonic sharks had tough heads, and even a servant rank could smash through rocks, much less, a warrior rank. Their ability to use water magic to propel themselves aids for the purpose too. So sinking the ship wasn't a problem for them, and so they didn't stop at all.

"They are still chasing us?!", Ash was really shocked this time.

"We're you actually hoping they would turn back?", Akansha asked, looking at him like an idiot.

"I actually was..", Ash muttered.

"Are you stupid?"

"I am glad to have a conversation with you princess, but it doesn't have to be on the topic- how smart is Ashwin"

"Just shut up. I need to think of something now?", Akansha rubbed her temple in frustration. She expected the only lightning user in class to be smarter, especially since he was second to her only, but no.

"Nah, I have I back up plan. Just stay as far as possible from the water as you can", Ashwin reassured.

"What are you gonna do?"

"Something stupid", Ashwin said as he walked to the edge of the tilted cabin, ready to jump down.

"Also, when this is over, please collect my body"

With that, the jumped down onto the water, standing on top of the water with his magic boots , his sword drawn out, and took his stance.

"Asi, can you assist me", Ash asked mentally.

'With your current strength, even a fraction of my strength will only last for one second before your body gives in '

'That's enough '


'Please collect my body'

Those words were ringing in her hear, as she glanced at the 'idiot' who uttered those words.

'What is he planning?'

'Is he gonna get himself killed?'

These questions filled Akansha's mind, as she stared at the idiot, cloaked in purple lightning.

Meanwhile, Ashwin was incredibly focused. Lightning constantly building up within him, as pulses of lightning rushed through the water.

He opened his eyes, glowing purple. His right eye had black sclera, giving him a distinct view of lightning element around him.

'Let's hope this works. Asi get ready', Ashwin held his sword tightly, his life literally depended on this one attack.

"Flash steps!" 

With that, lightning erupted from his body, as he dashed forward at incredible speed. His speed was so fast for Akansha's eyes to keep up. 'He was actually this fast, and yet I was slowing him down?'

But her thoughts were interrupted when she saw something different.

Blueish silver lightning zapped through the water. Ashwin was also hit, but he didn't stop or slow down. If anything, he was faster. But servant sharks weren't so lucky, and became fried fish.

Even the Razor back was numbed, as it's movement speed dampened a bit. At that moment, Ashwin closed in, only inches away from the Shark demon.

'Asi, now or never!'

At this call, the blade edge turned blood red. Ashwin only felt an instant of power surging through him. His eyes were no longer purple, but red. His lightning was no longer purple as well. They were pitch black.

One second.

In just one second of power outburst, Ashwin's body flashed past the Razor back shark. As for the shark, it's mouth and face were sliced off.

Ashwin didn't know what happened next. All he felt knew was his mind going blank, and his vision going hazy.