
What The Hell Am I Doing In a Novel?!

An ordinary Light novel reader finds himself in the world of the novel he was reading. This is a fanfic based on versatile mage with Indian MC pov it's added with Indian myths, so I don't know how the readers would take it Hope you guys enjoy Feel free to criticize and leave your thoughts Disclaimer- I have no ownership of the Versatile mage Novel, other than this plot. It's myway of showing my appreciation of the awesome novel Versatile mage is. All the names mentioned here are fictional and I have no idea if they exist irl or not. So I really don't mea to offend anyone

ITS_ASH · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

First Official Adventure

"You asshole! Are you out of your goddamn mind?!", yelled a teenager, as he stared at the silver thunderbolts raging from the sky, striking the sea, causing terrifying explosions.

The wind that was blowing, formed myriads of tornadoes that were revolving around each other.

The pouring rain, and the raging sea was making it impossible for the hunters gathered on the 8 men boat, examining the perimeter of the thunderstorm.

The thunderstorm and those tornadoes were extremely terrifying but they didn't leave the said perimeter. It was like a barrier that was preventing anyone from entering.

Raghav was excited when his best friend invited him to go on an adventure with him. But never in his wildest imaginations did he expect it to be such a disaster!

"Calm down man. I have a way to get in there, but I don't have the equipment for it", Ashwin said. The two were already disguised themselves, wearing hoods over their head and covering their face. The hunter names Ash had recently caught the attention of all the regional hunters. So, no one hesitated to allow two mysterious individuals from joining them after Ashwin showed his Hunters ID.

"I have bought what you asked me to, but do you seriously think it would be of any use against that!", Raghav freaked out. Unlike Ashwin, who was playing with danger for almost four years now, Raghav was the rich kid who lived in the safety of his family. This was the first time he had ever seen something so terrifying.

"Hey, weren't you the one who said staying close to me would be beneficial. So why chicken out now?"

"Is benefit equals certain death in you dictionary?"

"No, but I do believe in high risk, high returns ", Ashwin replied without skipping a beat. "Also, do you seriously wanna miss such an opportunity to breakthrough. Think about it, this is an combined domains of three different elements, wind, water and lightning. Towards the centre the thunderstorm would be much calmer. So if we cultivate there for say, a month or two, absorbing all those elements, won't we obviously breakthrough to mid tiers?"

"How do you know that the thunderstorm is weaker towards the centre?", Raghav enquired.

"I have my ways"

"My, oh my, what do we have here? Isn't this the rising stars of the Gujarat Hunters?", a tall man, with a bulky body came forward. His skin was dark, as one would expect from the occupation he was doing.

"Ash, do you wanna deal with him, or do I have to?"

"Ignore him", Raghav and Ashwin talked to each other. As one would expect, they were talking loud enough for everyone to hear.

"You bastards, are you looking down on me?!", the man yelled. He was already annoyed by the fact that some newcomer was getting very famous. But now, he was furious from the insult. He was the hoping to insult them, but how dare these two newbies pull out the uno reverse card before he could even begin?!

Ashwin and Raghav didn't even bother looking at the guy, and continued with their chat.

"You son of a b*tch!", the man raised his hand to punch raghav, who stood on his right. The man couldn't use his magic since it may damage the boat, so he resorted to the old ways- using brute force.

But all of a sudden, before his fist could even begin to move forward, his entire body froze. It was like, he lost the sensation over his own body. Only thing that could move were his eyes, that were rolling, scanning for the necessary cause.

"What do you think you are doing?", an ice cold voice came from his left side. As the bone chilling sensation of bloodlust enveloped his body, the man found the source. It was the kid in hood, with whom he was trying to pick a fight with.

But now, all he felt was terror, as the unusual eye of the boy in hood gazed down on him. Those eyes were nothing like he has ever seen. Not only was the sclera pitch black, even the eerie purple glow in it was ominous.

The man felt fear he would feel infront of a demon beast. The figure in front of him raised his hand, as if trying to grab something from behind. As if his fist folded, a handle appeared within the fist.

Ash drew out Asi, and held it close to the man's neck. The bloodlust was radiating from the tip of the sword. Even the surrounding hunters could feel it.

"Go back to your boy club behind you, and never try this again, coz the next time you do, you'd already be dead. Am I clear?", Ashwin asked coldly, his sword poked the guys neck, and a drop of blood started dripping from the point of contact.

The man could move again, but he didn't dare to. Even his teammates didn't take a step forward, coz one wrong move and their boss's head would be on the ground. And also, the aura of the kid was that of an intermediate mage, not someone those novices could ever hope to compete against.

"I asked you a question?"

The man quickly shaked his head, and fell on his butt. He used his arms and legs to quickly slide back to his crew.

The other hunters were speechless at what happened. But, they were smart enough to not try what the idiot before them just did.

After all was settled, Ashwin just gazed at the thunderbolts before him, lost in thoughts.

"You know, that was pretty scary, but I gotta ask..", Raghav spoke up.

"What?", Ashwin glanced at him, while gulping down a bottle of water.

"Was that a 'Fist of the North Star' reference"


The next moment, Ashwin spit whole mouth of water, and started coughing. It took just a second for Raghav to guess the answer, and he started laughing his ass off.

"Cmon, how on earth did you even guess that?! That's not even the correct lines as well!", Ashwin asked back. He had long since lost his cold attitude towards him, coz this dude was just too annoying to ignore.

"A hunch, but damn, I never would have expected you to actually be trying that out", Raghav could stop laughing at all. His somewhat hysteric laugh was catching bit too much attention.

"Shut up! It came out on its own. I couldn't help it!", Ashwin cleared up his side, while also freezing Raghav in place using his right eye.

This was the magic that he stored up in elemental eye. It casts the effect of giant shadow spike on the person in from of him. The closer the better. While it isn't so effective against strong demon beasts, it could still stun them for a bit.

Aswin released Raghav a few moments later. He had calmed down, but now he had another question.

"So, why can you use shadow magic when you didn't breakthrough?", Raghav had already felt the shadow magic when Ashwin froze him.

"I awakened it along with lightning element ", Ashwin lied.

"And the eye?", Raghav didn't even bother dwelling on what he just heard and proceeded on to the next question.

"Elemental eye, innate talent. It holds the shadow element ", Ashwin didn't hide that fact. He trusted Raghav well enough.

"I think I get it ", Raghav didn't ask more, as he knew his boundaries. Also, now was the time for them to get to work.

Raghav quickly took out three compass like devices. They were designed as formations that fends off lightning, so as to provide shelter from extreme thunderstorms. But that too, could only protect them for like five minutes in front of this calamity.

But that's where something Ashwin (plot) conveniently found after his encounter with those shark monsters during internship. It was a lightning nebula crystal. It a condensed crystal that could absorb lightning element. It was found between the rocks, probably as a result of all those lightning bombardment that usually takes place there.

Ashwin felt its presence ever since he stepped on the Reef and took it before escaping. Although he had absorbed the lightning within it, it was still extremely low for him. Most likely because it was Fairly new.

Even still, it had the property to hold large amount of lightning and so, Ashwin kept it with him, just in case.