
What the fae Queen wants

Blood is thicker than water is what people say, but from experience Braelynn Fayre Niamh Daybreaker II says people say whatever your power permitts them to say. Death, betrayal, strength, power,  is nothing new for Braelynn. Every century the fae Queen lifts the veil between Tír na hÓige and the Mortal world. Stalking the mortal world. Seeking. Seeking. Oh the Fayre lady seeks her Leannan Sidhe.

Merci_Blaine03 · Fantasy
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10 Chs



Let the cold cogeal our bloods.

Let darkness crush us down to the ground.

Oh young one.

Oh young one.

Come dance in this circle of mine.

Oh young one can you not hear the beats of the drums around us.

Oh young frail one can you not hear the melodious tone of the flute of the fawns.

Oh young one the moon seems besotted by us.

The nymphs sing to the melody of our awra that covets us.

Oh my young frail one come dance to the beat of our own melody.

Come dance in my circle.

Come. Come. Come. Come dance in my circle.

The nymph musician ended her music, and the guest around killed the silence with sounds of cheers and applauds.

The Queen on the other hand could no less be more unappreciative to the nymph's beautiful song.

Bored by the melody.

Her words to her tone were familiar to the ones she had heard from formers parties thrown. They seemed different from each other but when you had lived centuries they seemed no different from each other.

The main event of the night was meant to be when the Queen lifted the veil.

That was all the Queen looked forward to even though there was a prick in her chest knowing her hope we're most likely mere illusions of a lonely dictator.

The nymph stalked closer to the Queen.

Dipping down her head a little to show her respect.

"I do hope you enjoyed the song my Lady, my Queen?" The nymph asked.

Braelynn gave just a small curtly nod in response. It was only during rare occasions did Braelynn deem it fit to actually speak.

"Yes my sister most certainly enjoy your song." Emersyn replied for her sister with a small smile.

A blush crept on the cheeks of the nymph knowing she had pleased her Queen.

Braelynn had not failed to notice the reaction of the nymph. She was well aware of the reaction she drawed from her subjects.

Braelynn was crafted hand made by the gods.

Different from all the other faeries. Her beauty was incomparable in Tír na hÓige. The power she exuded was overwhelming and enchanting.

It was usual to see others react so entranced and enticed by her.

"Thank you for the song. You are dismissed nymph." Braelynn dismissed the nymph in slight irritation even though she knew that she couldn't blame the nymph for her reaction towards her.

It was only natural she felt so just like everyone else.

The nymph's face fell.

"Salami," Said Emersyn.

Braelynn turned to her sister. "The nymph's name is Salami." Emersyn referred to the dissapointed nymph walking away.

Braelynn nodded in response to the unwanted  information her sister had given her.

The guard from the side moved to the front with a scroll in his hand. "And now I call on the dukes, ministers, lords, and nobles that seeks to gift the Queen on this day...." The guard announced.

"Why most you be so aloof to your subjects?" Emersyn suddenly said.

Braelynn clicked her tongue. "What use would a smart smile be to my subjects?" She fired back.

"First I call on Duke Alver Dia-Blia of the woodlum elves!" The guard yelled out loud.

"Sister how long will you not allow anyone penetrate those walls of yours?" Emersyn cocked her head to the side as she asked.

Braelynn turned to her sister. Her magenta orbs glowed at the fall of the night. The reflection of Emersyn's crimson orbs glinted in Braelynn's eyes.

Slowly the unnerving feeling spiralled through Emersyn's body. It was a natural ability.

When her eyes met with that of another it felt as if Braelynn was tearing through your soul with those magenta eyes of hers.

"My walls are free for all those that wish to get bruised punching at them." Braelynn replied.

She was a cold closed off ruler. A dictator was what she was.

But that was fine because as a Faerie Queen she was a dictator as she had to be. Faeries were dangerous, diabolical, and mischievous, a dictator was what they needed.

But Braelynn had exerted that behavior as Queen on her close ones as well.

They wouldn't understand. She was a Queen who had lived centuries.

Years and years of emptiness in her soul.

They didn't know the feeling of hosting a Circle every century only for the purpose of it to be futile.

It was worse that she could not give up hope because she felt her leannan sidhe somewhere.

Out there in the Mortal world.

But she'd never found him!

"And Lord Diarmund Frost of the Winter court." The guard concluded.

As tradition the Queen stood up from her throne which meant it was the end of her conversation with her sister.

The hem of her black dress swept the grounds as she approached the last man on the list.

Lord Diarmund bowed then took the Queen's hand in his as he placed a gentle peck on the back of her hand.

The Queen followed his movement with her eyes. Lord Diarmund looked up at her with a smile and she returned his smile with a short nod.

"My Queen may I say you look rather enchanting," Lord Diarmund complimented as he eyed Braelynn.

She took her hand from his and let out a tiny feigned smile.

It seemed forced even to the most dimwitted of persons. "Thank you." She replied to his compliment.

She walked pass the entranced Lord. Her hand came up as she yelled. "Let us begin!"

The guest cheered and the entertainer thrummed on their drums.

The ainmhí biotáilles — the hounds — howled and snarled at her announcement.

She slowly pulled off her black lengthy dress, letting the dress drop as she motioned for the giant sized mirror.

All that was left on her was a silk silver colored knee short dress. It wasn't skin tight but it showed of the curves of her body.

The dress was a deep V neck so it showed more than enough cleavage.

She took off the bracelets on her, the small brooch pinned on her hair, so of that jewellery left on her was the ring on her index finger.

Her crown was kept safely on her throne the moment she got up.

"le cumhacht Avalon ordaím an veil ardaithe!!" She chanted as she approached the portal.

There was a shrieking noise. A portal tore open in the mirror.

In a slit the portal open it's mouth, the veil lifted as the Queen had commanded.

The howling and drumming increased as the Queen motioned inside.

"Rivers of Avalon, skies of Tír na hÓige, guide me to my leannan sidhe" Braelynn whispered before a pair of large black wings busted out of her shoulder blades.

And then she flew into the mirror portal.



"Sebastian!" Was what he heard when the ball came flying towards his direction and slammed on his face.

He fell to the ground, grunting. His forehead turned beet red, blood running down his nostril.

A figure hovered around him, smirking down at his groaning.

"This is basketball not nerd fest, watch what you're doing Lockhart." The figure told him with a smirk on his pale face.

Sebastian glared up at him. "Fuck you." He groaned out.

The figure opened his mouth to say something else but a whistle sounded, distracting the figure.

Sebastian slowly made his way up as another figure ran towards him to help him up the ground.

His black curly locks was wet with sweat tussled messily on his face. His blue eyes withheld their glares towards the figure that threw the ball at him.

Blood still ran down his nostril, only not as much as before.

"You better watch your mouth Lockhart," The figure hissed to Sebastian.

"Go away Ian." The blonde haired boy Sebastian leaned on gritted out.

Ian's mouth opened, ready to reply when the coach yelled out loud. "Ian, Caesar, here now!"

The blondie turned to the coach as did Ian.

"Sebastian, you're out! Get yourself to the nurse whelp!" The other teammates busted into laughter.

Sebastian's lean figure shifted away from Caesar. His blue eyes turned glassy with tears, but he still withheld his glare.

Sebastian huffed, walking away the court. Caesar followed him, yelling out his name.

"Come-on Seb, slow down." Caesar said, but that didn't stop Sebastian.

He slammed the door to the basketball court room, not listening to Caesar.

Halfway across the school hall, Caesar caught up to Sebastian and grabbed his arm.

"Seb," Caesar whined, with a sad look on his face.

Sebastian held up the facade of a nonchalant demeanor but the blood running down his nostril and the tears gathering in his eyes spoke pain.

"I'm sorry Seb, Ian, and the others are douches, you know that." Caesar begged, trying hard not to look down at his bloody nose.

Sebastian said nothing but to snatch his arm from Caesar and head on out of the building itself.

Caesar was stuck in that spot before quickly ran after him, pushing pass the school doors to find Sebastian sitting on the stairs, tears running down his crystal blue eyes.

Caesar sat next to him, silent for a minute before wrapping his arm around Sebastian's sobbing figure.

The wind blew against his charcoal black hair, as he rose his wet eyes him.

"Why does everybody hate me Caesar?" He asked in only but a whisper, the twinkle in his crystal eyes knew the answer to the question.

His cheeks had turn rosy red, almost like the color of his plump, puckered lips.

Caesar's sad expression quickly morphed into a pained one.

Sebastian had it worse than any of the other boys as socially awkward as him.

"Because everybody are idiots Sebastian." He replied in the hushed tone Sebastian had questioned him with.

Caesar wrapped his arm around Sebastian and said. "Come-on let's take you to the nurse,"

Sebastian agreed this time, getting up to follow Caesar back in when a light flashed in his vision.

The entirety of his eyes turned magenta and the image of a figure flashed before him. Maroon colored hair, falling at the ribs of the figure, styled a side part. Oval shaped face that was half---consumed by her full hair. Black eyebrows like that of her thick eyelashes.

A small piercing at her lower lip and two more under her eyebrows. Her porcelain cream skin had a deep shade of magenta scales covering them.

Like she could feel the presence of Sebastian her eyes flashed with shock, thinning into slits like a snake. Black wings with magenta stripes bursted out of her shoulder blades.

"No!" Sebastian yelled when a white light flashed, and all that he heard before he collapsing was the honking of a vehicle.