
What it means to be OMNIPOTENT

After winning the lottery, he lived the life he always wanted. that was until he died from a heart attack

Sage_Of_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Cultivation?...Nah that's to boring!

Kiba: well all I'm going to do is boost the ability.

Hinata: that's all?

Kiba: that's all!

Hinata felt stupefied because she thought it would be some complicated process.

Hinata: Ok then, let's get that over with and start cultivating.

She was feeling extra giddy because of the concept of cultivation in this realm.

you see in this realm you need to choose an ability or Sage art to build your cultivation on, meaning when you build your cultivation on a speed, Sage Art, you would always be faster than those who didn't use a speed Sage Art as there base.

taking this into account Kiba decided to use OFA as his base before he started to cultivate and if he used OFA as his base then...well Nuff said

Kiba: You see if I use OFA as my base for cultivation then with each breakthrough my strength, speed, agility, and durability by 100 times, hahaha

Hinata: but dad I thought you didn't want to become Saitama?

looking at her pouting face he couldn't help but pinch it and said with a serious face.

Kiba: Hinata you need to understand something here.

Feeling the change in the atmosphere she became serious as well

Hinata: What is it, father?

Kiba: I'm not going to become like Saitama no~

I'm going even further beyond AHHH~

after his screaming, he looked at Hinata who just watched and listened to him with a blank face

Kiba: What you didn't get the joke?

To him, it was rather funny but to her, it was just him rambling on

Hinata: no I didn't get your so-called joke, now then father can we get back on track for a minute, please.

when he heard she didn't get the joke he suddenly felt the need to introduce her to the culture of gods.

Kiba: Ahem* ok where was I, right I'm might have said I don't want to become a Saitama but that doesn't mean I need to be weak, plus I can wish to control my strength perfectly so it's all good.

When she heard what her dad said she couldn't help but sigh and say

Hinata: fine then but when are you going to start?

Kiba: right now!

Kiba: ' I wish the boosts from my boost ability become permanent '

after he mare the wish he felt different, he doesn't know how to explain it but he knows something about him is different.

Kiba: well then let's boost the OFA then.

And he did just that but this time instead of something he can't explain he feels it like it's the difference between ice and fire, that's how noticeable the change was.

Kiba: Hey Hinata I don't think I can sit here all day as those old fox geezers do, it's too boring!~sigh~ it's a good thing I don't need to hahaha.