
In The Morning, Normal, End Of The Day, Yandere.

"W... what do I do with the body and this stick!?"

I see a nearby burner. I see it near the town's restaurant. I drag the body towards the burner. I pick the body up and throw it in, and I go back to get the stick, and I throw that in as well. I take off my uniform and throw that in along with the body and the stick. Sadly, I don't have spare clothes with me. I soon learn how to turn the burner on and it starts running, well, I also start running. In full speed I run home. I dash to get my spare key. It's under a rock! Of course mom would use the old hiding spots. I quickly unlock the door and run in. I race to my room and I run to my dresser. I put on my pajama's and go to bed. I have a dream that this other girl talks to my senpai, and guess what I did? I killed her, I mean she deserved it, no one can talk to him, not even the guys! Next morning I wake up energized but, I decided to walk. I pull out my uniform and change into it. I walk out into the hallway and grab my backpack. I walk outside and jog to school

"Huh? I'm early!"

Tasuki waves to me

"Do you know where Kizana is?


"Oh, sorry, my friend that sits next to you?"

"Oh her, I don't Know?"

"Oh, well she's probably sick. I'll check on her at the end of the da-"


"What, why!?"

"I meant, I'll check on her! Because I'm now her friend!"

"You are?"

"Yeah, of course! Don't you want to be friends with people on the first day?"

"Yeah, I guess so?"

"Well time for Math!"

"Yeah, I guess."

Let's skip to what happens after school. So, I say bye to Tasuki and he reminds me to go to visit her.

"Oh, wait!"

"Can you give these to her?"

He hands me flowers. There beautiful roses, but there blue roses! Makes them even more beautiful!

"If she's not home for some reason, then you can have them."

"O...ok! Bye!"


Of course I just went home and put the flowers in a vase. I did my homework and took a shower. Then, I went to bed. The next morning, it's the same routine. But, there's a new student. I don't think she's from here. I walk up to her and my senpai


"What's your name?"


"You don't sound very excited."

" 'Cause school sucks."

"I know I hate school too. Would you like to be friends?"

Pshhh... like I actually want to be her friend


"I'm Soul!"

I stand there with my hands Infront of me. I walk over to senpai and wrap my arms around his, he doesn't seem to care.

"But, can you tell me where class 101A is?


I don't know where it is, but senpai does. He shows her while our arms are still wrapped around each other. I have a feeling I know what I'm gonna do with her.

"This is it!"


"No problem!"

She walks into her class room and we walk away to ours. So, we're talking to each other and the teacher asks

"Where's Kizana?"

"She's probably sick."

"Thank you Tasuki."

Now, let's skip to this interesting part. So I decided to go kill her but,That didn't go well. So I'm following her at the end of the day and this happens

"I know your there!"


"What do you want?!"

"I uh...I-"

I walk closer to her

"Stay back!"

Then she pepper sprayed me!


"I told you to stay away from me!"

"Also, Tasuki is mine!"

"N...no he's NOT!"