
ok? is this a dream?

i never thought it would come down to this... never in my life i thought i would need to change my perspective to view something. I'm currently seeing myself flying in the obscure sky above my house. I'm lucid dreaming right? if that's really the case then why am i feeling the air right now? am i still alive? let's stop for a moment. let's think back in time for a second. I was finishing my essay for gym class and i went to bike at midnight. i fell due a lack of main grip on my bike. i hit my head. but hey! i was ok. so i got back up and i walk back home. i took a cold shower and went to bed. so why am i in the sky right now? above my house? let's think rationally... YES! i should go back in bed! how did i not think of this! but im just standing here in the air so how am i supposed to go down? this is great. do i have superpowers or what? it was humanity's greatest wish to have the ability to fly and here i am. IN THE AIR. it's really strange. im still in my pyjamas and i dont feel the cold.... i pinch myself and yes...it hurts. so ok! I'm not dreaming...i guess? then how am i supposed to go down? im like 20 meters above my house and it doesn't seems there's anybody outside since it's still quite dark outside. i really wish i can go down and lay on my bed. next thing i know i realise im going up. im freaking going higher without doing anything and knowing why! it's strange though. im going towards space at a speed of 5 metres per second and i dont feel fear. i dont feel any cold. my body is still intact. there is nothing wrong with my body. i think there's something wrong with my head. while im thinking about this and losing my self in dark thoughts. i barely see my house anymore. im leaving. i think im going any slower and im soon going to past the clouds. yep. goodbye home. goodbye life on earth. time to see when im going to stop. surprisingly im confortable. it seems im breathing and im just sitting with my legs crossed while going pass the clouds. i think im eating the atmosphere. im no longer dreaming. im going into space. wonder when I'll start thinking this is all a just a dream and that my head is playing tricks on me. i dont know anymore. i want to die. but i cant even kill myself right now. i have nothing on me. only my pyjamas clothes. isn't this great? i dont even know im having these darks and yet calming thoughts and feelings. im in space! im leaving earth! im still alive and i don't know how. i still think this is because i fell on my bike and hit my head awkwardly. did i trigger something in my head? like the full capacity of the brain or something? hahahahahahaha.... that's really funny. who am i kidding. i was a dumb kid who's failed chemistry and barely passed my others subjects. Despite the fact I'm not a smart person...i still graduated from high school. i was looking foward to college life but seems i got look foward in front of me. there's black... behind me is earth of course even though im quite a distance away. oh! the moon is pretty big. sadly im passing besides it. im going in a straight line towards whever i know where. heck i still dont know how im still alive and how much time had already passed. i miss my family. i miss my dog. i miss... wait what again? who are my friends? did i have friends? what's the names of my parents again... do i have dog? what's my name.... i closed my eyes. this was the start of my long trip to a new destination... a new life with no memories of the past.