

It was then that he thought of something. "What happens if I use Red Magic Stones?"

The attendant narrowed his eyes. "Well, they are a lot more expensive, so I wouldn't recommend it. Nonetheless, if you use Red Magic Stones, higher levels of Soul Waves will be available. For example, regardless of the grade of Yellow Magic Stones, you will only have Level One Waves available for use. Red Magic Stones, obviously, unlocks Level Two Waves, which are a lot stronger. Usually, they are not fit for Level One Familiars like you."

"Oh..." Linfel nodded and came out of the platform. "Seems like I wasted my time coming here. What else is there for Familiars in this place that doesn't require Magic Stones?"

"Hum..." the attendant thought about it. "I guess only devices related to normal training. For example, target practicing, magic energy control practice, and things like that. They need your own Core Magic Energy, so they obviously don't need magic Stones."

Linfel shook his head, not interested. He had done these kinds of practice countless times when he traveled with Horan. He also got perfect scores on similar tests, like the Independent Familiar test. They were pretty much useless to him. "Oh well... I guess I'll go to the Mission Hall instead and try to earn as many Academy Credits as possible."

The attendant nodded and brought Linfel to the entrance. However, just as Linfel was about to leave the building, he bumped into someone else who had just arrived. "Hum? Oh, hi! I haven't seen you yet. I'm Linfel."

In front of him was a small cloaked person whose expression was impossible to be seen. There was also a familiar on his side with a red color of magic energy, showing its level two. Nonetheless, the familiar kept silent. The guy simply nodded at Linfel and didn't say anything, quickly passing by with his familiar.

The attendant seemed to know who it was, though. "Hi, William. Are you trying the Level Three again?"

The clocked guy nodded. From the name, it seemed to be male.

"Very well," the attendant nodded. "Do you need me to help you with it?"

The guy shook his head, still saying nothing, before turning to the side and walking deeper into the building.

Before he even left his sight, Linfel got curious and asked the attendant. "Is that the last member of the Floating Blades Faction?"

"Last member?" The attendant got confused.

"Oh, right!" Linfel understood. "You weren't here when Alvin and I first arrived. They introduced us to the members of the Faction, but there was one remaining who wasn't here at that time. Pamil said we would eventually meet him. I wonder if that was the guy."

"I see." The attendant nodded. "That is indeed him, William Banzen. And on his side was Mongis, his Familiar. Obviously, an independent familiar since those are the rules of the Floating Blades Faction. Don't judge him by his size. William is almost twenty already."

"Twenty?!" Linfel was surprised. "I thought he was a kid."

"He's a dwarf," the attendant explained. "That's why he is that small."

"Dwarf? Is it a different race?" Linfel asked, curious.

William suddenly stopped, not being able to ignore those words. He quickly turned around and reached for Linfel. "Where the hell did you get that from? Are you mocking me, uh? Dwarfism is just a genetic mutation or disorder and sometimes happens due to some other medical reasons. Nonetheless, I'm still very much a human. Don't be that disrespectful."

"Master, let's just destroy him. Pamil will definitely understand it later," said Mongis, his Familiar.

Linfel was taken aback and quickly apologized. "Sorry, sorry. I've been created without general knowledge that most familiars carry from birth. This was the first time I had seen or heard about dwarfs. I truly meant no disrespect."

"No knowledge?" William narrowed his eyes, feeling skeptical. "Do you take me for a fool?"

The attendant quickly jumped in. "William, he isn't lying. Linfel was indeed created without the general knowledge of Familiars. It is also mentioned in his Faction ID."

William looked at the attendant, who he could consider to be a friend. Nonetheless, he still took out his MCOM and checked Linfel's information. Indeed, in the Faction private website that only members could access, it was mentioned that Linfel was created without general knowledge. "Why would anyone go through such a pain?" Finally, he let Linfel go, understanding Linfel didn't say that out of malice.

Linfel was relieved. "Bro, you truly have a short temper."

Mongis quickly spoke. "That's because you don't know what my master has gone through because of his stature. If you ask me, my master was already being very lenient with you. I would have simply wiped you out straight away."

"Enough, Mongis," William stopped his Familiar there. "We came here to see if we can finally make the jump to Level Three. Let's not waste time."

Finally, William and Mongis left and disappeared inside the building.

The attendant finally let out a sigh of relief. "Try to not make such jokes anymore, okay? Even if it wasn't intentional."

"It wasn't supposed to be a joke, though." Linfel felt helpless. "By the way, what do you mean with Level Three? Is he trying to advance to the next level? Also, what's your name? I still haven't asked."

"Hum? Oh, you can just call me Droval," said the attendant. "As for your first question, the answer is yes. He has been trying to advance to level three for a few weeks already. Right, you might not know about it yet. Advancing a level is quite annoying, even if you have the resources. For William, especially, it is even more so because of his dwarfism. After all, the techniques available always take into account the normal meridians of a normal person's body. His ones are different. I hope he succeeds soon. Even though he has a short temper, few are as dedicated as him."

Linfel definitely liked those who put in the effort, and he could even see a little of himself in William. After all, even though Linfel was with Horan, the contempt due to the fact he was a wisp was obvious in everyone's eyes every time Horan met someone with him. "I understand... Is it a problem if I take a look?"

"There shouldn't be since the entire Floating Blades Faction is open to its members," Droval said. "Just make sure you don't bother him."

"Very well," Linfel quickly went after William after that.

I like William. =)

MyCatFelixcreators' thoughts
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