
The Horror

The first period bell rang, "Damn, I wish summer wasn't over." Shantell explained. Junior year meant that she only had to endure the torture of high school for just two more years. Two years of dread and bullying. Why couldn't she just home school, where she didn't have to deal with any of the drama and any of the fights that she usually found herself in the rough end of.

Shantell wasn't like the rest of the kids at her high school. She wasn't attracted to any of the guys even though she always finds them staring at her petite body, with large breast and booty to match she definitely stuck out. Luckily she did have two friends at the school that always seemed to have her back, Hannah and Reneè.

Making her way to her first class of the year, she already found herself in the grips of the biggest school bully, Max Hamilton, side stepping the nonsense that he was blabbering in about Reneè and Hannah assured Shantell that he is only mad because she turned him down again for a date.

"Shani, I don't know why you never go out on dates, your turning 16 in just 2 weeks and you haven't had a single boyfriend" Reneè exclaimed.

"I just don't want to. None of these boys are interesting and I don't see why dating is such a big thing. All they want to do is go to football games and out for pizza and frankly I'm not into either of those things." Shantell retorted.

"Are you sure there isn't another reason Shani" Hannah prodded.

"No" Shantell left it at that as she walked into her class and took her seat.