
What If They Are Girls!

There is a reason everyone calls her the "Iron Lady."  Call her a fashion designer, interior designer, a genius hacker, or even a talented healer. She is all that in a day and a ruthless assassin at night. Did I say she's a triplet? Oh yes! She has two other sisters who are geniuses in their own right.  Can you imagine Gerald Flynch abandoned them all onto Emily Fynn the day they were born, just because they are girls? Follow Adriana Hastings on a mission to acquire the same hard drive that could bring the Rockerfeller family to its knees.  With Aiden Rockerfeller on her tails, how will she shake him off from discovering her or even from getting too close to her heart? The most tormenting factor about the whole situation is that the Rockerfeller family may be responsible for her mother's murder. *** Follow me on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freda.lotsu Tik tok: call_me_mirror Instagram: call_me_mirror Discord: call_me_mirror

call_me_mirror · Urban
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257 Chs

Casanova Rockerfeller Prince!

"You said you'll do anything? Do you mean it?" Aiden asked. Adriana then responded hesitantly, "Yeah, I do." 

"Anything?" He probed further, then she responded in the affirmative; this time, without hesitation, "Anything"

"Marry me." Aiden's uncertain voice then sounded once more. Adriana was unsure of what to say, as she felt like marriage right now was too sudden. Then again, if it's Aiden, she wouldn't mind marrying him at all; even marrying right away wouldn't be an issue. 

"When?" Aiden tensed up when he heard Adriana's words. He felt like he was hearing things, making his body tense up on impulse. Adriana had her hands wound around his waist, with her head gently placed against his broad back. 

She felt at peace by merely hugging Aiden from behind. When she realized she wasn't going to get a response from him, she pushed further by probing, "When are we getting married?"