
23. Truth.

Sun rays penetrate through the narrow path between the curtains and fall on the young couple, who were asleep in each other's embrace.

Cissy wakes up and looks around, she smiles as moves closer to Severus, she snuggles into him.

Severus wakes up due to Cissy's movement, he opens his eyes, looks down at the weight on his chest, and he found Cissy smiling at him.

"Good morning"

"Good morning" Severus smiles at her,

Cissy placed a kiss on his cheek and got up from the bed, they were still butt naked.

Severus was having morning boner and the naked figure of Cissy only increased the bulge.

"I am going to take bath, if you join me, maybe I can help you with your-"

Cissy teased him noticing his morning wood, Severus smirked and follows her as she walks seductively into the bathroom.

After they both brushed their teeth, they had sex in the bathroom, they were young and liked to explore it.

After having hot steamy sex, Severus conjured some clothes for Cissy.

She wore the clothes and made her way along with Severus.

"I will make breakfast for us,"

"You know how to cook?"

Narcissa asked in surprise, she didn't he cooked.

"Yes, I do, why don't you check the mansion out? while I cook, I am sure you will find it interesting"

Severus placed a kiss on her forehead, Cissy blushes and smiles.

"You are being too Un-Severus-like."

"What do you mean Un-Severus-like?"

Severus questions her with a teasy simile.

"You are being too affectionate, cheesy at some times, and you have a smile instead of your normal uninterested expression"

"Oh, do you not like it?"

Severus places his face inches away from her, and smiles sweetly at her,

"No, I love it, Maybe I should add this to my mysteries surrounding Mr. prince"

Narcissa said suggestively and moved away from him.

"Maybe I should write as well, on how cute you are or about when you blush, I think people might have a heart attack seeing this side of ice princess of Slytherin"

"See I told you, cheesy"

Narcissa shakes her head with a smile and goes to check out the mansion.

Severus starts cooking breakfast for them, while he was cooking his thoughts were occupied with science.

Due to his tight schedule, he was not able to concentrate much on science but he was making time for them, his past muggle education and tuitions helped him fast track his studies.

He might be a genius, but without prior knowledge of what he is doing, it would be a waste of time.

He completed the material he had on biochemistry, physiology, and genealogy. he had a theory on how the magic worked and what set magical people apart from muggles but he needed equipment to check them.

He also wanted to check his mutant gene and perform some experiments on these genes.

Ever since he took the memory potion, which enhances one's memory, he remembers every second of his life, he remembers everything he read and listened to.

It was both a boon and a curse since he remembers his bad times as well.

His occlumency worked well with this potion, it was both of them working together, that allowed him to maintain his perfect memory, the potion increased his memory, while Occlumency retained the received information.

He took out his smartphone and called Robert, he didn't know if Robert would pick up the call.

*Phone ringing* *phone ringing*

-Good morning, Severus.

"Hello, Robert. Have found the location and facilities to start the industry"

-Yes, I found a few locations where you can start the work.

"Good, we will launch the cosmetic brand this September"

-This soon?

Robert was skeptical about the launching of the brand this soon.

"Yes, we will be launching the brand in September to the consumers but it will make it to the market in just two months"

-I don't understand?

He was confused about what Severus was speaking, 'Is he speaking about advertising or trial runs?'

"I meant advertising the product before the launch and getting the products certified"

-I will look after the advertising but how will we provide information on what ingredients were used in making the product.

Robert would have used his money to get certified but here the point was not the quality of the product but how the product was made since they can't expose the magical community.

"We are not going to lie about the process through which the product is made"

-but that would expose the magical community.

Robert asked confused at what Severus was speaking about.

"Do you know about Ayurveda and ancient methods of making cosmetics before the modern period?"

Finally, a light bulb glowed in Robert's mind, he knew what Severus was planning.

Roberts smiled and spoke

-So, we will be going that way. An all-natural product, without any chemicals, and handmade, well that could be used in advertising.

Severus smirked at Robert's quick thinking,

"Yes, I believe in your marketing skill but I want someone who knows about Wizarding world to advertise it in the muggle world, and as per ingredients, I will give you the organic chemical disposition of each ingredient."

-Ok, I will look after that, is there anything else you need?

Robert was impressed by Severus, 'the boy is not only a genius in the magical world but also knowledgeable in science, I'm glad I went with my gut feeling.'

The reason Robert gave Severus his personal phone number even though he is a busy businessman, was because he wanted to see this project personally, see if it could be a success, and he wasn't losing any money in it.

Severus thinks about the things he needs right now,

"Yes, actually I want you to find a place near Hogwarts with electricity, internet connection, isolated and ample space. I need lab equipment; I will text you the details on what I need"

-I will send someone to find the place and buy the equipment, just send me the details.

Robert agreed it wasn't that significant work for him, he can just order someone to do it.

"I sent you a message containing all the equipment I need, and thank you for being responsive and helping, I know your schedule must be quite tight."

Severus was thankful that Robert helped in things that he didn't need to.

-ah, no need to thank me, you are someone who thinks out of the box, I admire the work you are about to do. I want to see this industry be successful as well, after all, I get the 4% if it succeeds. And how was your date?

Robert asks with a smile, it was he, who booked the theatre and arranged the car after all.

"Good and send me a letter after you find the place,"

Severus says and cuts the call.

He levitates the food he prepared to the dining table.

He saw Cissy waiting for him at the dining table, she smiled at him.

she inhales the aroma from the food

"*Ahem* food smells nice"

Severus smiles and places the food on the table and sat beside her,

"Now, you should continue to tell me more about your secrets, Severus"

She knew there was more going on around Severus than just the murders.

"I am starting a company, that will be both open in the muggle world and Wizarding world, I am going help the children who suffer due to being a Wizard/Witch"

"So...you are going to help Half-bloods and Muggleborn, but it will make you a target of Voldemort and his forces, and how are you going to even do this?!"

Severus explains plans that he made with Robert, and about the seven students, he recruited.

"....To summarize it., You are going to war with Voldemort! Risking being sent to Azkaban by trying to start a company in the muggle world!"

Narcissa's voice was rising as she spoke.

"You know how risky it is! Voldemort might kill you! Pureblood like my own family will most likely brand you as a blood traitor and ministry will put you in Azkaban for the company you are about to start, you are behaving like a stupid Gryffindor!"

Cissy was worried about him; she knew her family would most likely punish her when they find out what she had done last night

She spoke with dread gripping her heart.

"I gave my virginity to you, Severus if my family knows, they will most likely punish me and disown me, and at worst, they might target you!. I do not fear their disownment. I.....fear I might lose you if you go against Voldemort! I am all for your plans to help Muggleborn and Half-bloods but I fear you might get yourself killed. You are brilliant, talented, and intelligent, but I don't think you would be able to defeat Voldemort!!"

She feared that she might lose him, she loved him, she didn't want him to get into any trouble.

Severus places his hand over her hand, he summons his two ice golem shadows.

Narcissa was taken back by the sudden appearance of two giant golems

"What are…are these?!"

Narcissa was surprised that these golems appeared seemingly out of nowhere, the air around became cold due to their presence.

"These are my shadow golems. I am a mutant and a wizard, I have powers other than magic, Cissy. I am not saying I will just go and just battle Voldemort. I am not a stupid Gryffindor, I made plans to defeat him in the future, not right now. As per the company, even if we tried to hide the magical world, it would be exposed with the increase in technology in near future. If your family finds out, I will look after you, I won't let your family harm you."

Severus reassures her, he knew she was just worried about him and she didn't know about his powers and he knew he would have to deal with the Black family when he chose to date her.

Narcissa calmed herself down,

"What is meant by a mutant?"

She never heard about mutants.

"Mutant is a someone with powers, they are different from magical people, they get their powers due to a gene present in them"

"What is a gene? Leave it, don't tell me, I won't understand muggle science anyway. I will help you with your plans. I don't want you to get yourself murdered, you will explain all of this to me, and you should tell Lily as well. You know she begged me to learn occlumency so that you would share your grievance with her. You should bring her in, she is both talented in magic and knows muggle subjects"

Cissy suggested remembering the words she gave to Lily.

Severus thought about what Cissy said, he knew he can't keep her away from what he was doing, at least he can train her.

"She told you about her muggle studies?"

He was interested in the friendship that blossomed between Lily and Narcissa.

"Yes, she is overly enthusiastic, she kept on boasting about her best friend being genius in muggle subjects as well. She deeply cares for you, Severus, it might seem odd coming from me but she is really kind-hearted with flaws."

Narcissa said with sincerity, she came to like Lily, she came to realize that Gryffindor's star girl had her own flaws and insecurities as well.

Narcissa on a few occasions in the past called her mudblood and treated her baldly sometimes but after spending time with her, she came to realize that she was fun to be around.

"I will tell her later, we must complete the breakfast and return to Hogwarts before dawn, we already spent a night here."

Students above the third year were allowed to visit Hogsmeade on weekends, some sixth and seventh-year students even spent a night in the village but had to come back the next day before the sunset.

Severus explained to her about his powers, she was surprised by them, she slowly concluded that Severus might be able to defeat Voldemort in the future.

She vowed in her heart that she would work harder to stand beside Severus.

Severus's thoughts were occupied with the second cursed vault, he was going to explore it this week.


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