
Chapter 1: Rimuru's Dilema

Pov "Narrator"

Rimuru had been taking care of Tempest for 20 thousand years... The village of Tempest had thrived past anything she had ever expected possible. With all of the founders dead she wanted to find something different.

She could expect everything to be the same, and could predict what would happen next. Only after growing bored did she decide to hand leadership to her outstanding servant Diablo.

This village holds great importance to Rimuru, and Diablo would follow any instruction without fail. Even if it killed him... His best friend Milim wasn't as childish anymore still she was not to be trusted with positions of power.

Milim had become respectable still had a good personality and understood people a lot more... He would trust no one more than her, due to the long time they've known each other. Through the long time they've known each other they have change each other for the better.

Although, Diablo on the other hand has always been mature... He has always handled things the moment they appear, and he would be best suited to take care of tempest.

Pov change "Rimuru"

In a field of gras a humanoid slime set staring at nothing for what seemed to be a long time ?" She sighed

Staring into the sky not aware of the time that had passed. It had been a long time but due to her seemingly never ending life this time felt as though it was nothing.

A week for her would feel as though a blink of an eye, and time was irrelevant only a concept to her now. Her long life made it hard to form relationships. She only strengthened relationships she had prior.

2 weeks had passed yet she still stared into nothing … She had litterly surpassed life, and time was no longer a privilege she would ever in her life have the thought to worry about it.

Only after the voice in her head interrupted the silence did she stop contemplating for days "Why not just find another universe" Raphael saying as if it was obvious

She contemplated for hours and hours until the voice in her head gave advice "Are you gonna ignore me" Rimuru scoffed still not coming to terms that the voice in her head felt anything.

"Not as if you have anything left here to do" Raphael said bluntly "Just start a new story you have the power just give it a try. You could always come back" Rimuru nodded

Rimuru sighed, "This universe is my home how do I just up and leave it... I've already given orders so now I'm the only one delaying my departure from this world, If only leaving could be so simple"

" Your just being stubborn there's nothing left for you... Are you perhaps suffering from an disorder known as Agoraphobia, If so I can assure you there are no risk involved you are the highest level a being can reach and nothing can hope to harm you" Raphael had gained emotions only recently after studying them for thousands of years, and Rimuru couldn't tell if this was a good thing.

" Your right" Rimuru said smiling

" I know I'm, I know everything after all" with a hint of sass

" Now to begin opening a portal to another universe is simple, Just pour your magic power in a tear in space and a random universe will become accessible"

" I would recommend you allow me to pilot your body, any mistake could destroy the universe in the blink of an eye" It started raining

"Were did this rain come from, so suddenly at that" Rimuru said in annoyance

"The voice of the world is aware of this change, although the voice can do nothing of it due to your immense power... The rain is just merely for show it would never threaten you for it would mean the end of its existence." Raphael mentally puffed her chest in pride

Rimuru had a surprised Pikachu face unaware that he was that much stronger than god himself.

" Lets start" Rimuru said with some new vigor in his eyes

A prompt appears : Would you allow Raphael to take control of your body for the adequate time required to open the portal


"Yes!" Rimuru said mentally. Finally free of his boredom.

"Wow" Rimuru had blanked out and the by the time he opened his eyes Massive portal the size of a house had appeared. The portal was radiating purple energy hitting the planes erasing different signs of life occasionally.

He was sucked in and what amazed him is that he was sitting in front of the sun a fraction of a second later. Raphael had told him that it would teleport him to a random location although this was just unfortunate.

This did not bother him whatsoever his body did not need oxygen he only needed his magic to survive, and due to his infinite magic reserves he just didn't care if he ran out due to the fact he just simply couldn't run out.

He felt an unfamiliar energy and decided to follow its path. Using his flight heading a little over 90 times the speed of light. He had an ability that broke his body down into particles that could interact with the world like mass but he never took up space so he could travel at infinite speed without a care in the universe.

After reaching the source of energy he saw what seemed to be this universe's earth. Although the most powerful entity not even coming close to rivaling him.

" What is the most powerful life form" She ask Raphael " It seems to be a life form known as sage of sixth paths although he exists outside this dimension"

"Take me to him" Rimuru said with excitement

"Of course Rimuru Sama give me three seconds to teleport you"

"Hey how are ya" Rimuru said after Materializing from thin air. She saw the old man playing with 9 little tailed beast . The old man looked startled not noticing the little girl behind him.

Rimuru stood at at measly 4 foot 9 (150cm for you wierdos) Bright blue hair, amazingly sculpted face looking as though sculpted by the gods, and idol like body that could make any man fall in love protect her with his life. It all came together to make the perfect little girl.

"How can you see me" Hagoromo said calmly thinking the little girl must have an awakened blood line ability that allowed her to peer into another reality.

She appeared far to innocent but Hagoromo never trusted anything at face value in a world like this innocence doesn't last for long. He been trying to change that he's trying to make a world were humans can avoid the conflict and strife, but due to his brother this was impossible.

"I'm Rimuru Tempest and what about your self" She said it in such a polite way was surprised manners like this even still existed.

" Hmm I'm Hagoromo is there a reason you seek me out" Hagoromo knew that anyone capable of seeing him was not normal, and he understood human nature better than anyone they never came just to visit.

Rimuru said simply "A friend" Hagoromo could see the disconnect in the girls eyes when she said these words wonder how someone like her couldn't make friends she look to be the popular type based on look alone.

"You still never answered my question how did you see me" He was curious but if she wouldn't answer it was no use bugging her for something that he would never get an answer to.

" I can see everything my magic reaches said Rimuru" Hagoromo look at her dumb founded what is magic.

" This time it was Rimuru who was surprised" due to his infinite reserves he never noticed the absence of magic only the new energy connected to life but she was going to ask about that later for now she needed to know this strange man.



I Finally got the first chapter done hehe this is a new type of feeling writing is actually kind of fun I'll Please point out any mistakes I want to be capable of writing perfect stories in the future and what's better to start off than with fanfics.

If you have anywhere you want to take the story please recommend something everyone knows I wouldn't mind the ideas.

Have a great day my fellow Readers.