
what if Naruto was grandson of madara

Ola_Karheem · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

What if Naruto was the grandson of Madara Uchiha part 1-2

Chapter 1 - The Legacy of the Uchiha

Naruto stood before the Hokage, flanked by his sensei and fellow villagers. This was it, the moment he had been training for his entire life. The moment that would define his destiny. The Hokage looked at him with a mixture of pride and anticipation. "Naruto, son of Minato and Kushina, grandson of Madara Uchiha... Today is the day you take your rightful place amongst the strongest ninja the Hidden Leaf has ever known. Today is the day you take your place amongst us as a full-fledged Chunin"

(Naruto's POV)

As I stood before the gathered villagers, my mind raced with excitement and determination. This was the day I had been training for my entire life. The day that I had surpassed even my own imagination of my potential. I smiled inwardly, knowing that I had earned this honor through my hard work and dedication. The Hokage continued, "Naruto, your ability to use the fire style and to seamlessly switch between offensive and defensive taijutsu makes you an invaluable asset to our village. Your training and dedication have set you apart from the rest, and today, we honor that dedication and skill"

(Naruto's POV)

I felt a surge of emotion flood through me at the Hokage's words. He had acknowledged my training and skill in a way that I had never experienced before. My sensei placed a hand on my shoulder, offering a silent message of support and approval. The villagers watched on in silent admiration, unable to believe the boy they had once shunned was now standing before them as a Chunin. "I am honored to have been given the chance to be your sensei," my sensei said, his voice filled with pride. "Your dedication and hard work have made this day possible"

(Naruto's POV)

I bowed to my sensei, feeling a newfound respect for him. He had seen the potential in me and had helped me develop my skills to the level that they were at. Without him, I wouldn't be standing before the Hokage, accepting my rank as a Chunin. The Hokage smiled, "Naruto, from this day forward, you will be expected to handle missions befitting of your rank. Your training has equipped you with the skills necessary for more difficult missions, and you will be given the chance to prove yourself in the field"

(Naruto's POV)

I felt a wave of excitement wash over me. The possibility of more challenging missions was a dream come true. I would finally be able to put my skills to the test against stronger opponents, to truly push myself to the limits of what I was capable. The Hokage's words echoed through my mind as I stood before him, my destiny as a ninja firmly set in stone

I groan, rubbing my head as i tries to rouse myself from sleep. As i blinks my eyes open, i sees a figure sitting next to me in the shadows of the cave im currently residing in - Black Zetsu, the self- proclaimed "Will" of Madara Uchiha.

Black Zetsu smiles ominously, "Ah, you've finally awoken, Naruto. I was wondering when you'd join us in the land of the living." He pauses, allowing the tension to fill the air before continuing, "I have a proposal for you, one that can greatly benefit us both."

I look at him warily, not trusting a word that comes out of his mouth. But I'm curious to hear what he has to say. "What sort of proposal?" *I* ask, my tone guarded.

Black Zetsu leans forward, his eyes gleaming with a sinister light. "I want to offer you a chance to fulfill your destiny, to become even more powerful than you could ever imagine." His voice is smooth, almost seductive. "If you join me, I can show you how to unlock the full potential of your bloodline and become the strongest shinobi in the world, just like your grandfather, Madara Uchiha"

I sit up straighter, feeling a surge of determination well up inside of me. The idea of tapping into my full potential and becoming the strongest ninja in the world is incredibly appealing, but I know better than to trust Zetsu. "Tell me more," *I* say, trying to keep my voice steady

Black Zetsu grins, sensing my hesitation, but also my curiosity. "I can teach you ancient techniques that only the Uchiha bloodline can use," he says. "With this knowledge, you will be unstoplable, able to defeat even the strongest of enemies." His words are like honey, but I can sense the danger behind them. I'm torn between my desire to become stronger and my distrust of Zetsu

I consider his offer for a moment, then speak up. "How do I know I can trust you?" *I* ask, my voice flat. "How do I know this isn't just a trap?" Black Zetsu's smile widens, and he leans even closer, his voice dropping to a whisper.

"This isn't a trap, Naruto," he says, his voice smooth as silk. "I want to help you achieve your potential, just like your grandfather before you did. And in exchange, I ask for your loyalty and obedience. As long as you follow my orders, I will show you secrets that even your ancestors never dreamed of." *I* think for a moment, still hesitant to trust Zetsu completely.

Black Zetsu can sense my hesitation, and he leans back, a sly smile playing at the corners of his lips. "You don't have to decide now, Naruto," he says. "But just remember, the longer you wait, the weaker you become, and the more dangerous the world becomes." *I* look at him, my mind racing. I know I have to make a decision, but I have to think about it carefully.

"Give me time to think about it," *I* say finally. "I need to weigh the risks and rewards before making a decision." Black Zetsu nods, his smile widening. "Take all the time you need, Naruto," he says. "But don't take too long or you might regret it." With that, he disappears into the shadows, leaving me alone in the cave to consider his proposal.

I sit in silence for a long moment, the weight of Zetsu's offer weighing heavily on my mind. On one hand, the opportunity to unlock my full potential and become the strongest ninja in the world is seductive. On the other, the idea of aligning myself with someone as treacherous as Zetsu is dangerous.

As I sit there wrestling with my thoughts, I realize that this decision is not only about myself, but also about my destiny as a shinobi. If I accept Zetsu's offer, I risk losing myself and becoming a tool for his own twisted purposes. But if I refuse, I risk missing out on the chance to become the legend that my grandfather once was.

I take a deep breath, trying to clear my mind and think objectively about the situation. In the end, I decide to sleep on it, hoping that a restful night will help me make a clearer decision in the morning. With that, I lie down on the cold cave floor and close my eyes, letting exhaustion take me to sleep.

As I finally succumbs to sleep, my mind is still swirling with thoughts of Zetsu's proposal and the consequences of my decision. I know that whatever choice I make will have far-reaching implications for myself and possibly the entire shinobi world. But for now, sleep takes me, giving me a brief respite from the heavy weight of my responsibilities as a ninja.

The next day, as the warm sunlight filters through the foliage of the trees, I sit up in the cave, feeling refreshed but no more certain about the decision I must make. The memory of Zetsu's proposal and the power it promises still lurks in the back of my mind, a tempting but dangerous possibility.

As I sit there, pondering my options, I hear a commotion from outside the cave. It sounds like a troop of ninjas, and it seems they are coming this way. Curious, but also wary, I quietly make my way to the entrance of the cave and peek out to see what is happening.

Looking out, I see a group of ninjas dressed in the uniforms of one of the Great Ninja Villages. They are moving quickly through the woods, their eyes scanning the area as if searching for something. I can hear them speaking to each other in hushed voices, their words barely reaching my ears.

As I watch, I see what seems to be the leader of the group, a stern-looking shinobi in a green flak jacket, signal to the others to spread out and search the area. They move like an organized unit, their movements precise and methodical, leaving no stone unturned as they search the vicinity of the cave.

I watch them for a few more moments, my mind racing as I try to figure out what they could be looking for. Could they be after me? Or is there something else they are searching for? Either way, I can't let myself be found by them.

As the group draws closer to the cave, I make a quick decision. I stealthily slip out of the cave and quietly move deeper into the woods, taking care not to be seen by the ninjas. As I run, I can hear them calling to each other, their voices growing louder as they realize they have lost track of me.

I continue to run, relying on my skills as a ninja to stay hidden and evade the pursuing ninjas. As I move through the woods, I try to think about my next move and what I should do about Zetsu's offer. The presence of the ninjas only adds to the urgency of the situation, making the decision even harder to make. With my mind racing, I continue to move deeper into the woods, hoping to find some solitude to think and plan.

Finally, I find myself in a small clearing in the middle of the woods. The area is quiet and secluded, and I feel like I can finally have some breathing room to think. I take a moment to catch my breath and gather my thoughts. As I do so, I realize that the decision I make about Zetsu's offer will have far-reaching implications for not only myself but also the ninja world as a whole.

As I contemplate this, I hear the sound of footsteps approaching. It seems like the ninjas have found me again. I quickly hide myself within the foliage, hoping that they won't notice my presence. As they approach, I can hear them talking among themselves, their words sounding like hushed whispers.

As I listen, I catch some of their conversation. It seems that they are searching for some sort of weapon that they believe I have in my possession. They mention the name "Rinnegan," and I suddenly realize that they are searching for the Rinnegan, the weapon wielded by my grandfather, Madara Uchiha.

As I listen, my mind races with the implications of their words. So they are searching for the Rinnegan, but why? Are they seeking its power for themselves, or are they trying to prevent its misuse? And how do they know that I have it? As I ponder these questions, I hear the sound of them splitting up to continue their search.

I take the opportunity to slip away while they are distracted, continuing to move deeper into the woods to avoid being detected. As I run, I can't help but feel a sense of urgency and danger. The presence of the ninjas and their search for the Rinnegan adds a new layer of complexity to my decision about Zetsu's offer.

*As I slip into the cave, I spot the Rinnegan eyes lying in a hidden nook. With quick and stealthy movements, I grab them, feeling the weight of their power in my hands. The eyes of the Rinnegan stare back at me, their red and black patterns swirling hypnotically. Without wasting a moment I turn back to try to leave the cave once more but I soon realize I was surrounded by the ninja I know I have nowhere else to run I look down at the Rinnegan eyes in my hands I make a decision I quickly implant them into my eyes awaiting what yet to come.

As the Rinnegan implants into my eyes, I feel a sudden jolt of power course through my body. The world around me seems to become sharper, more vibrant. I can see things that were invisible to me before, and I feel a sense of clarity that I've never experienced before. It's as if I can see the very threads of fate itself, weaving and intertwining in ways that I never could have imagined.

Chapter 2: Master of the Rinnegan

With the Rinnegan implanted in my eyes, I have gained control over a vast array of abilities, including the ability to manipulate gravitation and space-time itself. As I emerge from the cave, I see the ninjas staring at me with terror in their eyes. They had no idea what I was capable of now.

A cruel smirk appears on my face as I realize the immense power at my disposal. These pitiful ninjas had underestimated me and they were about to pay for it. With a flick of my wrist, I send a wave of gravitational force towards them, sending them flying through the air like ragdolls.

As they struggle to recover, I decide to humiliate them further. With a casual gesture, I warp the space around them, creating a maze of distorted dimensions that confuses and disoriented them. They thrash around in the chaos, unable to find their bearings or escape my twisted creation.

Watching their futile struggles, I feel a surge of pleasure at their helplessness. They had come here thinking they could take me down and now they were at my mercy, trapped in a world of my own making. I play with them for a while, toying with them like a cat with a mouse, reveling in their growing fear and despair.

Finally, I grow bored of their suffering and decide it's time to end their misery once and for all. With a final gesture, I concentrate my power and send a wave of gravitational energy so powerful that it crushes them like ants, leaving only dust where they once stood.

The forest falls silent once more and I stand alone, surrounded by the remnants of my foes.

The power of the Rinnegan fuels me, and I feel a newfound sense of purpose. I realize that now I am a force to be reckoned with, a legend in the making. I will use this power to become the strongest ninja in the world, just like my grandfather before me.

As I walk away from the lifeless bodies of my enemies, the trees and wilderness seem to bow to my presence. It's as if nature itself recognizes the power I now possess. I look down at my hands, now imbued with the Rinnegan's power, and a sense of excitement and ambition overwhelm me.

The Rinnegan had transformed me, giving me the power to shape the world around me. With this newfound power, I could create, destroy, and manipulate matter and energy as I see fit. I feel invincible, capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.

As I continue to walk, I hear a faint buzzing in my ears, like the sound of a thousand voices whispering at once. It takes me a moment to realize that I am hearing the voices of all the previous Rinnegan users, their spirits and knowledge melding with mine In that moment, I understand that I am not alone in this journey. The knowledge and wisdom of all who came before me are at my disposal, guiding me and helping me unlock the full potential of my newfound power.

With this knowledge and the Rinnegan's power, I feel unstoppable. I can already imagine the possibilities that lie ahead of me, the heights I can reach and the obstacles I can overcome. As I walk forward, I know that my path as a ninja has changed forever, and that a new legend is born.

CHAPTER 2 ends.