
What if, it's never too late?

Honey is struggling with her life of not having a job. But it doesn't hinder her to become of what she wants to be. While Jenny, struggling on how her love life went astray. She got her dream job and it went well. They're both struggling and facing what's lies ahead. But, what will happen if there's someone that might break the bond they had? Was it too late to everything? Was it too late to do and fix between them? We'll never know when it's too late, Or never too late...

Princess_Gu · Urban
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22 Chs

Chapter 5: Percival Montenegro

It was twelve o'clock when Jenny arrived from shopping. And she found Honey holding a plate to take somewhere because it was going out.

"Where are you going?" She asked her after putting the grocery items down on the table.

"Gonna ask Tita Karie for a dish. The cabinet is empty!" Honey points to their food storage.

"Yeah, here. There is a dish cooked here." The cooked a dish she bought outside.

"Finally! I'm famish! I thought you went somewhere!" She said while sitting in the chair next to the cabinet where they were hiding their food stocks.

"Sorry, I forgot that I'm in charge of this month." Jenny stated that Honey knew she was the reason.

"Hey! I didn't mean anything by that, Jenny!" Honey's defense, because she really meant nothing else when she said it.

"It's fine, let's eat!" Take it back and take a plate and get a dish.

Honey is upset because Jenny left her! Before sunset, she was invited to wander around the mall, of course! Honey agreed.

First of all, it's free, will she still refuse?

And that's it, they went to a nearby mall. Apparently, it's just a friendly date while they're both not that busy. Because in their previous jobs, they were rarely able to travel.

Honey had been annoyed for a while because of the clothes Jenny made her wear! She really hates skirts and any other kind of girly clothes.

She feels it's not suitable for her.

"I really don't want Jenny to be BH! I'm the one being tripped up!" Honey yell, taking a bite of the candy she bought at the terminal outside the mall, while she pulled down the hem of the skirt. Even the clothes she's wearing were only above the knees.

Honey was about to turn when someone poked her left shoulder. She thought it was Jenny so she immediately sneered,

"Jenny,?! I'm not in the mood!" But she was very surprised to see who it is, Manley!

Manley scratched his forehead and was still ashamed of what he had done.

"Sorry for the inconvenience. I thought, you are my girlfriend."


"Ahm… It's fine! Alright. I will go first." Honey was hurt by what Manley said.

She concluded that he had a girlfriend, but it still hurts to hear! Especially if it comes from his mouth.

"I did not mean." Manley chased, but Honey just shoo him. She is no longer in a mood because of Jenny, then Manley added to it?!

"Didn't mean?! Don't fool me!" Manley couldn't understand why Honey suddenly raised her voice. He was about to explain, but she quickly ran away.

You e can call your girlfriend by her name, right? You e should have just called!

Honey is hurt because it looks like that she needs to kill her feelings for someone.

As soon as she got away from it, she bumped into someone. Honey apologized and was about to leave when that someone hold her hand.

"Miss Gonzales?" When she looked up, she was insulted because the very person she bumped into was really Manley's friend. Enough for him to hear.

"Let go, please~ I-I can't do it anymore." Tony saw her eyes trying to look away.

But Honey couldn't stop the tears slowly forming in the corners of her painful eyes.


They are now inside a café.

The coffee in Tony's cup is almost half over and Honey's coffee is currently being sipped.

"Ahh! The coffee is really good!" Honey put the cup on the table again.

"So, he mistook you for his girlfriend?" Tony asked as he stared at her.

"Yeah! Do I look like his girlfriend? Tsk!" Honey frustratingly confessed, because she can't believe it!

Tony laughed because of her reaction.

A while ago, she cried, but now everything seems to be gone. Tony didn't think she was talkative, and sarcastic. He dragged Honey to a nearby café. Especially since she started crying all of a sudden.

Fortunately, there weren't many people there.

Tony told Honey that they were there in the carinderia when she once used Manley's name as her boyfriend, to the naughty young man.

So, Honey didn't hesitate to talk about what happened before they bumped each other. There's no point on denying, right?

"Are you really hurt? Why did the wind suddenly change, Miss Gonzales?" Tony asked her before cutting a small part of the cake he ordered for himself.

"I calmed down. Maybe, later... I'll cry again. Hahahaha!" He couldn't help but feel sorry for her, because she was really pretending.

"What are you planning to do?" He asked again, but Honey just look her empty cup.

"Nothing. Bear the pain. I'm like this every time I get hurt. Don't call me Miss Gonzales anymore.just Honey." Honey divert the conversation.

"Sure!" He did not dig further about what happened. He knew for a long time that Honey likes his friend because of her twinkling and attentive eyes when he explains something to her.

"You? You're going to meet Doc Manley?" Honey asked bluntly because if he was here, the two would probably meet.

"Actually, no. I'm going to order stuff that's why I'm here. Going to order a cake for Grandma's birthday."

"Are you going to order from Dolly's Cakes and Shakes?" It is widely known especially for family occasions.

"Nah. I don't want that. I'm even looking for something else to buy. I'm not into cakes, that's why I'm having a hard time looking. Lola is also old, so I would like it to be good for her health." He was surprised when Honey suddenly slammed her hand on the table.

"No problem, my friend! I know how to bake. Well, if that's all right with you."

"Are not you busy?"

"As if moment? Not yet. If you give me that as a job, well. I assure you that my recipe is good for oldies!" Tony laughed because he didn't think she would suggest such a thing.

But as a matter of fact, it looks like he can save even more and he won't think about to search anymore.

That's why they cleared the conversation and decided that Honey would do it. They also exchanged numbers, for example if it still has requests and also a form communication when it will be taken.


Manley noticed that his friend was busy poking at his cellphone. Whereas before he rarely saw them holding it, unless someone called or conversation with their superiors. But he was even more surprised when Tony laughed out loud, immediately apologizing to those around him.

"Doc, does Doc Tony have a problem?" A nurse came and handed him the paperwork for the patients. It is also surprising because it is usually quiet and serious during work. Except when the companion is a friend, it becomes talkative.

Manley answered with a shrug because he didn't know if there was a problem or none.

When they were in the parking lot of the hospital, he decided to talk to him. Maybe it's just because he's too shy to say it so he just laughed at.

They've been friends for a long time but Tony doesn't hide anything from him.

"Tony, you've been laughing so hard at the OPD!" He started as a joke because after their checked up with patients he became like that.

"Jonas!" Tony answered in shock as if he didn't see him even though Manley just passed in front of him because their cars were right next to each other.

"You seem so happy?" He's attempt to change the conversation.

"Sorry, does my laughter bother you?"

"No, I'm just not used to it."

"Ahh, it's Honey, she's a comedian!" Tony points to the cellphone in his right hand.

Manley looked at him in complete confusion.


Honey as endearment?

Or, Honey Gonzales?

And are they close?

"Remember the one who likes you? Geez! I didn't think she was fun to talk to!" He said still laughing. He is referring to Honey Gonzales.

"When did you get close?"

"We are not close, actually. She's just straight forward." Tony's eyebrows danced that Manley couldn't understand.

Does he like that woman?

"I mean, since when? The last time I checked, it was you pushing me to her?" Tony raised his hand as a sign that he was about to surrender.

Suddenly, Manley raised his voice as if he didn't like Tony being close to Honey.

But, wait a minute...

Shouldn't he be happy that he's not pushing him to her anymore

Tony was suddenly confused and shot him a persecutory look.

"The last time I checked also, you don't care about her? Then now? Whoa! You're getting mad?"

Manley frowned and replied cautiously. "I'm just concerned about you. I don't trust her."

"But she trusted you about her life." Tony's defense because it doesn't sit right.

"I didn't ask for it–"

"Then vice versa! I don't get you, bro. The first time we talked was all about you. And she's not asking in return. Maybe, that's why you said you thought she was your girlfriend, so that she would completely destroy any love she has for you, right? Because a few weeks ago, you were getting drunk on alcohol because you were having trouble with your set up with Thea? Bro, I didn't know that you are this heartless!" Tony opened his car's door and left his friend without a word.

That bastard! If you don't like the person, speak up personally! He pondered before completely maneuvering away.

Manley was bothered all night by what his friend said. It's not like that, especially when it comes to women who like him.

But this is the first time he seems to side with the woman. If you really call it defending Honey? Tony is the kind of friend who always take his sides.

Of course, if it's wrong it's not.

His thoughts were interrupted when his cell phone on the study table suddenly vibrated.

It's Tony.

He thought that the content of his text was about apologizing for the way he looked just now, but no. The content of its text is about its grandmother's birthday. Lola Maleng that will turns 78 the next day. He said that he should not be absent because the old woman was expecting his arrival.


Early on Saturday, Honey was already at the arrival area holding a card with Percy's name on it. Before Tita Karie left she asked for his full name and wrote it down.

Percival Montenegro

Honey he knew him through pictures but maybe he didn't know her, so he made this gimmick.

It's actually boring for Honey, because she's still going to buy ingredients for the cake she's going to make. She look at the watch on her right wrist and how long she had to wait.

And unfortunately, she was very early because the plane that Percy was on from Singapore was delayed due to some malfunctions that happened there.

Honey didn't even realize he was late, unless someone came up to her and asked,

"Honey? Are you Honey?" He looked up because he didn't even lift the card from waiting and cramps. Honey apologized immediately because she didn't notice it right away.

"All right. It's really embarrassing and it looks like you've been here for a while…" He scratched his head as if embarrassed. Holding the handle of a large suitcase in his left hand. He also noticed its height. So he came to his side and estimated his height.

"You're so tall!" Honey exclaimed surprising her. "I'm sorry, hehe. I think you're the tallest I've ever seen." She took it back because they weren't close and just met.

"All right."

"Ahmm, is it okay if we go to a nearby supermarket first?" Honey asked worriedly, because he was tired from the trip.

"Go for it! I made you wait too. Actually, Tita Karie said you just commuted here... So, I asked my college friend to pick us up." He said while smiling.

Honey stared at him and he was really handsome. "Eh, I've been here for a while but no one else is waiting for you, except me?"

"Maybe, he's in his car. Can I borrow your cell phone?"

"Alright, here." He typed and after a few moments his friend answered.

It was here in the vicinity and waiting on its car. It's just got here.

"Wait, do you know what car he has?"

"Yup. He loves his car, so you can see right away that it's his." Honey didn't answer anymore and started walking with Percy.

Honey then thought that his car was full of hearts and girly stuff. But no, man.

"What are you thinking?" Percy suddenly asked Honey. He was expecting the her to ask him about Singapore or his job.

But there is none. It's just quiet and silent.

"I was just wondering what your friend's car looks like. Because he loves his car, right?" It was a serious answer that didn't even look at him.

"Ahh! He takes care of that, like it was his girlfriend."

"So, he's not—" Percy couldn't stop laughing at the thought.

"No. Hahahahaha! See that car of his?" He points to a red BMW that you can see right away because there is not even a speck of dust!

"I don't know anything about cars, sorry."

"Nah, that's fine. I mean, that's his."

"Ow. It doesn't have stuff?" Honey was surprised, because she had expected it to have some kind of catch.

"Yeah, nothing really." This laughable answer.

Percy approached the door by the driver's seat and knocked on the window.

The man removed the magazine covering his face and opened the car door.

"I'm so sorry, Percy!" It immediately opened up to the friend as if it was the magnitude of it's sin committed.

"That's fine, Cody. But, I have someone with me." He pointed Honey who is not far away and looking on her cellphone.