
What if I was Reborn into another World?

What if I was reborn into another world? Lately, there’s been a trend in books and animation. Reincarnation. I never expect a small wish turn to reality as I ponder what will I be if there is such thing as reincarnation. I was feeling empty, bored and nothing in this world could chain my interest. Death doesnt scare me, I even welcome it with an open arm. Same routine,different days. Its killing me slowly. Until one day, “Congratulation! The three of you are the only ones survived the meteorite disaster. Since you guys are barely hanging on the thread here, I, the most gracious and amazing God had decided to bring you to another world where I govern as God.” Yeah right. It seems the God still had audacity to say he is gracious and kind when the meteorite was actually his fault to begin with. He was scared of the recuppersion to be found out by the other gods, so he is trying to win out favors so when the whole thing blows, we’ll side with him and cover his ass. But anyway, i’ll take it. Its another world: new story, new life, and a new beginning for us. **Note: this is my story that I type as I goes. 18 years above ONLY!!! BE WARNED! Contain cruelty, madness and definitely gory stuffs. Skip reading part that aren't your cup of tea. I’m about to share you some part of my world, find the ‘bridge’ to my world. Thank you. Update weekly: 2 chapter minimum If you enjoy my works and want to support me further, how about helping me by buying me a coffee ? https://www.ko-fi.com/whiteneyz

whiteneyz · Fantasy
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99 Chs

6.First forage (III)

I asked Miya to show me the kitchen. Woah, and along the way, I notice that instead of bare, the house was furnished, with essentials needed. And I know this is where Ailee contribute. Between Ailee and Miya, Ailee more mature and thoughful ones. While Miya is all about fun and love.

"Did your sister told you to make this?" I asked Miya. Miya grinned and nodded. She knock her head and wink her left eye.

"You did tell me to make a house. So I made a house but Ailee said we need to make the bed, couch, plates, bowl, spoon and bathroom, toilet. She nags a lot."

"Well, she was right. Listen to her well, and respect her. She is your older sister." I patted her head as she mulled it over.

I smiled at her.

Back in the world, people keep on telling me that I am treating my kids like adult. That, the way I taught them is wrong and I should spoiled them.

I don't mind spoiling them. But with that, a proper teaching should be implemented. You don't teach your kids about fairytales and fantasy. That, the world is all about rainbow and love. I knew how cruel and dark the world is and I want them to live a happy life with good upbringing.

Living is hard. Life is cruel. But they can change that. Knowing the true reality of world will be their greatest knowledge so they can choose a better life, out of millions way to live their life.

At first, I hesitated. I don't want them to lose their innocence. But thankfully, they grew into such mindful kids, bright and definitely wiser than the other kids. But it doesn't mean that they wont be spoil or selfish. Emotion that they couldn't contain even after giving it a hard and long thought, means a sure sign that I need to really give my attention to it. Their cap had reached the limit and they couldn't stay matured for long. Because I know them very well, they knew how hard it is for me raising them up. And if what they want outweight what they already knows, no body can blame them as they are just children.. That is when I'll spoil them to rotten and do the best I can to provide what they need and want.

There were a time when I came from work, emotionally and physically tired. I feel helpless and what tethered me on the border of sanity was almost to non-existence.. The kids was outside the living room, playing together. And I went to the room far side, to have my lone time. I cried there silently. Broken and almost giving up. The door had creaked open, and Miya jump on my back and hug me tight. She kept on kissing my cheeks and rubbing my back. Ailee lift my face and dry my tears.

"Everything will be okay,mama. I am sure, It will be" they hug me tightly, as I cried like a baby. I sobbed, and let out my cries. I was that weak that I let my little ones see that side of me. I cried harder as their love and hugs enveloped me through the nights, reversing our role. I had two beautiful, kind and bright kids.. if the whole world abandoned me, I know these two won't. Both of them are my two little angels sent by the heaven itself. I don't regret for going against that bastard nor running away from him. That was my one of my best decision after giving birth to them.