
What if I was Reborn into another World?

What if I was reborn into another world? Lately, there’s been a trend in books and animation. Reincarnation. I never expect a small wish turn to reality as I ponder what will I be if there is such thing as reincarnation. I was feeling empty, bored and nothing in this world could chain my interest. Death doesnt scare me, I even welcome it with an open arm. Same routine,different days. Its killing me slowly. Until one day, “Congratulation! The three of you are the only ones survived the meteorite disaster. Since you guys are barely hanging on the thread here, I, the most gracious and amazing God had decided to bring you to another world where I govern as God.” Yeah right. It seems the God still had audacity to say he is gracious and kind when the meteorite was actually his fault to begin with. He was scared of the recuppersion to be found out by the other gods, so he is trying to win out favors so when the whole thing blows, we’ll side with him and cover his ass. But anyway, i’ll take it. Its another world: new story, new life, and a new beginning for us. **Note: this is my story that I type as I goes. 18 years above ONLY!!! BE WARNED! Contain cruelty, madness and definitely gory stuffs. Skip reading part that aren't your cup of tea. I’m about to share you some part of my world, find the ‘bridge’ to my world. Thank you. Update weekly: 2 chapter minimum If you enjoy my works and want to support me further, how about helping me by buying me a coffee ? https://www.ko-fi.com/whiteneyz

whiteneyz · Fantasy
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99 Chs

4.First Forage

So, after the bubbling excitement died down… if it will ever be but at least all of us are calm now, I figure that we had to find a place to stay. Its easier for Miya to reconstruct a house using her skill.

We learned that a window appear and told her about how to use her skill and the limit of it. She couldn't reconstruct things that she had never seen or known. The probability of successful reconstructing things will be higher if she had seen it, or had recently touched. But to reconstruct something, it need a material. Same goes with it, if the material fits what with you will reconstruct, then the probability would be higher and vice versa. You can't make a bag, if your material is water. You have to at least use thread, or piece of clothes to make it works.

"then Miya, we will have to trouble you with building a shelter for us."

"No problem. Leave it to me" she puffed and went to do it right away. We decided to build a house where we landed. Once, because its not too far from the river, second the whole place was pretty and wide. I love the view.

The air here is so different than the earth. Its more, refreshing and pure.

While miya busying herself making a house, Ailee went to find more material of miya.

Water, and shelter are settled for now. Next should be food. That's mean, hunting. I don't know anything about this world nor what kind of animals they have here.

"Tutorial mode"

Then a window popped out in front of me.

'How may I help you?' a writing appeared.

"What is edible things around this area?"

'Gold wild berries, rainbow lemon, lompa ball fruit, blue pot fruit, totie bird, silver deek, wild buwa, fendo vegetables, sil vegetables and fish.'

O-kay… almost all of that, totally unheard of. Scratched that, this is my first time hearing that.

"Can you show me the picture of each of it?"

Then several pictures popped out, showing me what it was.

So get this.

Gold wild berries was a golden colored mulberry. Rainbow lemon as the name suggest is a lemon with rainbow colors skin. Lompa ball fruit is akin to watermelon with ref outside and green inside. Can the god be more creative than reversing earth's product? Blue pot fruit is a new one. Its shaped like a ginger, metallic blue in color. Totie bird is a smaller version a prehistoric bird of pterodactyl with feathers. It had two flappy bunny ears. Don't ask why, because I don't know myself. Somebody had a weird taste in creating living things around here. Silver deek is actually a silver deer. With a bull horns that had barbs. One strike of that horn would send you to after life, I bet. Wild buwa, I'm guessing it was meant to copy a wild boar. The scary thing about it is.. it had one pointy horn on too of its forehead (a unicorn boar?) and spiky tails. Yep. Tails, three of it. Yikes. Fendo and sil looks like a spinach and kale to me. Both are green, thankfully. The fish? Well, the only normal ones with name that is oh-not-so-normal!

The thing have square shape body,overgrown long fangs that need a proper trimming. It have wings by the way. Wings!!! Why do you call it a fish if it can fly? Might as well call it a bird!

I slapped my forehead I frustration. For now, the safest bet for us to get food is by finding vegetables and fruits. I am staying away from that animals before I'm sure how to handle them.

Maybe I should asked Miya to make some traps? But then, she's already doing a lot of thing. Its not good to depend on her skill too much. There's that problem with mana consumption too. I had warned them about it and I hope they heed it. Worse come to worse, I'll just use my magic to kill the animals.

"Appraisal- area" and all windows popped out not less than a second. I could see all kind of things around us. Luckily, I spotted golden wild berries, lompa balls fruit, sil and fendo vege. At least we have something to get by for now. But I have to tackle the meat problem, sooner or later. We do need some protein and the kids still growing. I am not letting my own flesh and blood become a thin, stick malnourish kids.

I took everthing and put it inside my spatial ring. I checked inside by the way. Thankfully, that god had some sense in him and had provide me three pairs of undergarments, two pairs of shirt and two pants. And I'm guessing all of us were given the same.