
Chapter 1

Oikawa was going to be a little late to practice today due to the fact that he had a dentist appointment before hand.

But after his appointment he was skipping to practice as he thought about his teammates and how they'd been cold with him since the preliminaries.

Well his whole team but Kyotani and Kunimi. Even Iwaizumi had been cold with him recently. But what took him out of his headspace when he reached the gym doors was what was said.

"He doesn't even deserve to be our captain." He heard Matsukawa say and he paused, deciding to just listen in.

"Exactly what I was saying. He should just quit." Kindaichi says with a snarl.

Kyotani and Kunimi were in the corner, Kunimi secretly recording it to send it to Oikawa so he's know what was going on, not knowing Oikawa was just outside.

"He really should. And Iwaizumi should become our new captain. What do you think about that Iwaizumi?" Hanamaki asks and Iwaizumi knew he had to think on the fly.

He'd never trash talk his boyfriend and best friend to others but recently, his plays had been terrible and he wanted to keep the team on his side.

"Yeah.. He's not fit to be a captain anymore. Not since he lost us the preliminaries." Iwaizumi says and this causes Oikawa to tear up.

His own boyfriend was talking bad about him. His boyfriend and his best friend, didn't want him their anymore.

Oikawa continued to listen into the conversation for a little while longer, heading more things like how kageyama was better than him even though they all hated him and how he wasn't fit to be on their team and Oikawa had had enough.

Tears running down his face he pushed the door open and stomped in, taking his jersey from his bag.

"Is that what you all really think of me huh?" He asks, tears streaming down his cheeks. "And don't even deny it because I heard it all with my own ears." He says, his eyes filling with tears.

"And Iwaizumi. You're, you're supposed to be my boyfriend and you really think that?" Oikawa asks, tears running down his cheeks as he looks at Iwaizumi.

"If you really think that then fine! Be the fucking captain. For all I care. I quit!" Oikawa yells as he throws his jersey at Iwaizumi.

"And on top of that. Iwaizumi." He says, putting emphasis on the others name. "Fuck you. Don't try to talk to me again. Don't try to text me again. Don't try to anything for me again. Why. Because I'm breaking up with you. And ending our friendship." He yells at him and Iwaizumi looks at him in shock, the others in hut as much shock.

Oikawa then walks over to Kyotani and Kunimi and hugs both of them, the two of them crying. "Listen. You both have my number right? You can message me whenever you like okay?" He says and kisses them both on the top of the head before glaring at the others and running out.

Matsukawa just laughs nervously. "Guys im sure he's just being dramatic and needs to let off steam. He's never quit." He says and the others nod slowly.

"For our sake. I hope you're right." Iwaizumi says as he looks down, trying to hide his tears.


Meanwhile Oikawa runs home and runs into the house to see his mum cooking dinner.

He walks over to her with his tear stained face and she gasped. "Oh my beautiful baby. What happened?" She asks as she hugs her son.

"They don't want me there anymore mum. They don't want me on their team." Oikawa says with tear filled eyes and his mum hugs him.

"But you love volleyball honey." She says softly and Oikawa nods.

"And that's why, I'd like to move schools." Oikawa says and his mum's eyes widen.

"It can't be that bad honey." She says and Oikawa looks at her.

"Iwaizumi said that I'm not fit to be a captain." He says with his tear filled eyes and this time, she gets angry before looking sympathetic and nodding.

"We'll sort it for you okay honey. Which school did you have in mind anyway?" She asks as he starts writing a few things down.

"Shiritorizawa." He says softly and his mum looks at him and nods.

"They've been wanting you for years. So you're finally gonna accept the offer?" She asks with a smile and Oikawa nods.

"I'll contact the schools tomorrow and make it so you can start on Monday. Since it's a Friday night. You have a friend at Shiritorizawa right? Go and call them and see if your volleyball offer still stands." His mother says and Oikawa nods and wipes his tears before hugging his mum once again and running upstairs.


Once he was in his room he pulled out a phone and scrolled through his contacts, dialling a number he thought he would never call.

But this team wanted him.

This team worshiped him.

This team would always respect him.

And so he called the number.

Immediately when the phone started to ring it was picked up.

"Hello?" The deep voice spoke on the other side and Oikawa smiled softly.

"Hi Ushijima. I was wondering. Does your offer for me to come to Shiritorizawa still stand?" He asks, a small hic in his voice showed Ushijima the other had been crying.

"Did something bad happen?" The other asked and Oikawa just sighed.

"Yeah. Something really bad. And they don't want me there anymore, so I was hoping, that you still want me?" Oikawa asks and Ushijima smiles on the other side of the line.

"Oikawa. We would love to have you on our team. Everyone loves your sets. Everyone thinks your amazing. And your sets, are one thing just as strong as my spikes." Ushijima says before smiling to himself again.

"Come to our practice tomorrow and surprise the team. We start at 10am. I'll see you then?" Ushijima asks and Oikawa smiles.

"See you at 10am Ushijima." He says before ending the call and smiling to himself.

Tomorrow will be a new day, where he will begin another life.

Hopefully a much better one.

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