
What If fanficts

A series of small chapters with the potential of becoming full fanficts based on how you receive them.

TrapcardD · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Jujutsu Kaisen- The Golden Mountain

Name: Ishiguro Ogata

Age: 20.

Hair: Black.

Eye color: Blue.

Height: 6'2

School: Kyoto fourth year.

Sorcerer Grade: Special Grade.

Innate Technique: Prayer of Enlightenment: Praying channels his Cursed energy producing a calming effect.

Extension Technique: Siddhartha's Grace: By channeling His cursed Technique, Ogata can create a calming aura around him that binds low-level curses. Stronger curses aren't as restricted, but their movements can be slowed slightly.

Reverse Cursed Technique: Gautama's Wrath: By harnessing reversed cursed energy, he thrusts his hands forward, creating the image of a giant golden palm that creates shockwaves. He must pray before and after each attack. The user can also use these hands to defend by creating an open palmed barrier or use the palms to deflect attacks. It's best to avoid the hands making these images.

Domain Expansion: Eight hells of the Heavenly Buddha: The user and his opponents are dragged into the depths of the eight hells. There, they are cut, stabbed, burned, mutilated, poisoned, beaten, and maimed in every way imaginable. In order to escape this domain, one must have absolute faith. Never wavering in the slightest. If their determination breaks for even a moment, they are sent back to the first hell and must endure all eight once more or die.

Backstory- Ishiguro comes from a long line of Buddhist monks, whose presence has been notified to date back to the Heian era, the golden age of Jujutsu. Their special cursed tools allowed them to restrain and eliminate cursed spirits with ease. However, Ogata was born with a special technique of his own, the prayer of enlightenment. His technique and his overwhelming cursed energy bolstered by his iron body, quickly earned the attention of the jujutsu society, and once he was old enough, he was sent to the nearest jujutsu school in Kyoto. Once there he quickly made a name for being one of the rowdiest and most disrespectful students to ever enroll, constantly butting heads with the principal Gakuganji. Although, he tends to show a disrespectful side to the higher-ups, Ogata has an intense loyalty and devotion to his underclassmen, especially Mai Zenin and Noritoshi Kamo both of whom he took under his wing upon their first year, and even went as far as threatening to kill Ogi Zenin and Naoya zenin directly to their faces when they began berating Mai.

His motto is: "live life the way you choose." He is untethered by the rules and traditions of Jujutsu society, coupled with his massive Cursed energy capacity, and boasting a high cursed energy output, Ogata is considered a monster among his peers. At one point he clashed against Tokyo's Hakari Kinji and Kirara Hoshi during the annual school meeting event. 


Kyoto High- 10:30 AM.

" Well, Gakuganji-San... How have you been?" Ogi Zenin asked the older gentleman sitting across from him, as he sipped his tea.

" Well, Ogi-San. To what do I owe the pleasure of a visit from the head of the Zenin clan's younger brother?" Gakuganji asked.

There was a brief pause from the Zenin clansmen, an obvious nerve had been struck by the older man.

" Well, I wanted to see how Mai, was doing? Do you mind if I oversee the schools training today?" Ogi asked.

" Well, this is most unusual." Gakuganji stated. " But I'm sure it wouldn't be much of a problem. Come, let us pay Utahime-san a visit." Gakuganji spoke.

He raised himself up from his seat, and alongside Ogi, walked towards the Kyoto high school's training grounds. 

Today, was a special class, preparing the students for the upcoming sister school annual competition. This year, was a chance for the Kyoto school to take home a victory, seeing as how Yuta Okkotsu and Kinji Hakari weren't going to be participating. 

But for some students it was a chance to prove themselves. Mai Zenin in particular felt the pressure beginning to build on her as she closed in on the competition. 

Utahime watched as her students practiced in the fields, Noritoshi and Miwa were sparring together, Todou was nowhere to be seen, Nishimiya was flying around on her broom, and Mai was practicing with her revolver.

" Alright, everyone, keep up the good work!" Utahime shouted. " Hm? Oh, Principal! Mr, Ogi. Welcome. What can I do for you sir?"

" Utahime, Ogi-san, has joined us today to oversee the students' progress."

" Yes, I was hoping to see some improvement in my daughter's status but.... It appears that she is still a failure as ever." Ogi exclaimed.

Utahime looked slightly infuriated by the man but did not speak her mind to him as she feared offending the brother of the head of the Zenin clan.

* Clank! Clank! Clank!

" My, my, that mouth of yours hasn't changed a bit in the last year, has it Ogi?"

Upon recognizing the voice, Gakuganji, Utahime, and Ogi all turned around to see the newly arriving 4th year, Ogata Ishiguro.

He was dressed in his blue Kyoto pants, sandals, and a blue long sleeve shirt, with his dark blue haori draped over his shoulders like a coat. 

With his hands brought together in front of him, Ogata approached the group with an eerie smile on his face.

" Wow! Ishiguro! Welcome back!" Utahime exclaimed, a feeling of relief washed over her breast as the 4th year student, known for his disregard for authority, showed up just in time. 

" Utahime, you're looking as beautiful as ever. Old man, you're looking as stubborn as ever." Ogata spoke.

Gakuganji grumbled and glared at Ogata. 

" What are you doing back?" Gakuganji asked.

" Why are you so surprised? The exchange event is coming up soon, is it not? Of course, I would be here to cheer on my, juniors. If I didn't, then what kind of Senior would I be? After all, this will be the first year Hakari and Okkotsu aren't participating. Which means, I get to take a backseat for once and just enjoy seeing how much they've grown." Ogata explained. " After all, that is the purpose of this event, yes?" Ogata opened his eyes slightly and stared down at Gakuganji and Ogi. " You wouldn't be thinking of trying anything right now, would you? Ogi-san?" 

The amount of cursed energy gathering caused the students nearby to stop and look up. 

" You brat." Ogi muttered.

" Yes? I'm listening." Ogata told the man.

There was a tense silence following, his eyes all but dared either of the two sorcerers to make a move against him.

Ogi made a move for his katana and suddenly, felt the weight of a mountain coming down on top of him.

" Reach for that blade. I've been waiting for a reason to kill you." Ogata muttered coldly, his eyes all but darkened as he glared at the older man.

And finally, realizing the severity of the situation, Gakuganji stepped in.

" That's enough, the both of you." He spoke.

Ogi looked to Gakuganji and slowly nodded his head, lowering his hand back to his side.

Ogata, relaxed as well and laughed at the man, feeling a bit embarrassed by how easily Ogi gave up.

" Ishiguro, you should know better than to threaten a member of the Zenin clans head. How many times must we talk about this?" Gakuganji asked. " Have you no respect for the higher-ups?"

" Old man!" Ogata shouted playfully. " It's a darn shame... It seems I do indeed have no respect for the higher-ups." Ogata muttered. " But there is something I must admit, I heard the higher ups sent three students from the Tokyo school after a special grade, and that one of the students, supposedly the one who has become Sukuna's vessel, had perished." Ogata spoke. " You wouldn't happen to have anything to do with that, did you?" He asked.

" Why are you asking?" Gakuganji wondered.

" I'm just wondering if the higher-ups are so scared of the next generation that they'll do anything to keep them from growing, even if that means killing them." Ogata explained. " Is that it, old men, are you two scared of having your precious traditions and rules replaced by the new generation?" 

" Rules and traditions are what have kept the jujutsu society running and stable for hundreds of years. Who are you to mock them?" Ogi asked.

" I am the enlightened one. I care little for your traditions, and rules. I follow my own path and will crush those who stand in my way, Ogi, Gakuganji. You two... Should be very careful in these coming days." Ogata spoke. He took a step forward, parting the path between Gakuganji and Ogi. "Because if either of you try to harm one of my juniors in an attempt to "Uphold" Tradition. I will kill you both where you stand."

Ogata then dashed out onto the practice field, leaving Utahime behind to deal with the enraged Gakuganji and Ogi Zenin.

' Uh-oh. What do I do now?' She wondered.

Utahime watched as the two older sorcerers clenched their fists and grit their teeth, knowing that there was nothing they could do but stand aside.

" Gakuganji-san, is this the kind of sorcerer that Kyoto produces?" Ogi asked.

" There is nothing we can do, Ogi-San." Gakuganji told the man.

" Satoru Gojo.... Has sunk his grip firmly in the next generation, hasn't he?" Ogi asked.

" Satoru Gojo is not responsible for this one. Even before he became a sorcerer, and was just a lowly monk, his attitude has always remained the same. He never followed the rules and does whatever he wants. But there is no denying, he is strong. Even when he was a first year, his understanding of barrier techniques and cursed energy was far above many of his peers. For what it's worth, he takes his training serious, and nothing else." Gakuganji explained.

But that wasn't right. Far from it. And Utahime, knew it.

Even now as she looked down from above, the smile he wore on his face, as he greeted his juniors was real. And for a moment, it seemed as though he were at peace.

" Ishiguro-San, are you going to participate in the exchange event this year?" Kamo asked.

" Kamo! No, not this year. It would seem as though, Hakari and Yuta are not participating, so, there's no need for me to take part. Instead, I'm going to leave it all to you guys. This will be good practice and a good chance to see what you've all learned over the year. I'm looking forward to it." Ogata told the young man.

" Hm!" Kamo nodded his head and grunted in approval.

" Aw, man, I was hoping this year would be easy." Miwa groaned.

" Miwa, you shouldn't be talking like that. Nothing ever worth respecting is easily gained." Ogata told the girl.

" Yeah, but...."

A strong hand plopped down on the girl's head.

" The line-up this year is pretty amazing. This will be a good chance for all of you to learn how to fight together better, and to develop your skills against opponents who are just as skilled as you are." 

" As if." Mai exclaimed. " no one, at that school can handle Todou."

" Don't be so sure, Mai. After all, Maki is quite the talented swordsman, and then there's also the cursed speech user, Inumaki, and Panda. All of them are quite formidable." Ogata said to the young woman. " Focus, Mai. Don't get overconfident. You have all grown magnificently in the past year, but there is always going to be someone stronger than you. And who knows? That stronger man may just be lying right at your feet."

Mai seemed to reel back a little from that statement, and even started to cower. However, a strong firm hand to her back slapped that doubt from her mind, if only momentarily. 

" Don't get down, Mai. All I'm saying is, consider them a very real threat and treat them as such. Even if you think there's no chance they can beat you, act like they can. Keep your guard up and don't drop it even for an instant. You do that, and I guarantee you, you'll see just how strong they are, and how strong you are." Ogata told the girl. " Now then, where's Todou?" 

" He's...." Kamo spoke. He closed his eyes and groaned as the image of Todou flashed in his mind. " He's at a meet and greet for Takada." Kamo told the man.

Universal Studios- Osaka Japan.

" TAKADA-CHAN!" Todou yelled loudly as the idol Takada appeared in front of a large crowd of her fans. Todou had tears streaming down his face, and a smile larger than the Grand Canyon.


" Yeah, that sounds about right." Ogata muttered as he envisioned Todou in his mind. " Well, then, I guess I'll be heading out ahead of you. I have business in Tokyo I need to take care of before the exchange event, until then, continue training to the best of your abilities, and even if it feels like there's nothing left for you to do, keep going until you drop." Ogata told the group. 

He looked over his shoulder, up at the elders and smiled.


A year ago.

" It might not be much now, but one day these kids will become the pillars of the jujutsu world." Satoru told the young man.

" I believe you may be right, Gojo-San. But still, do you think the higher-ups are going to just let you change the way things are without a fight?" Ogata asked the man.

" Nah, but as long as I'm around, they won't try any funny moves."

" I wouldn't be so sure, Gojo-San... After all, they can be quite vicious when cornered."

" Oh? Are you worried, Ishiguro-kun?" Satoru asked playfully.

" Worried? No. After all, as long as I am around, there is no need to fear." Ogata said to the man. " By the way, I heard Hakari and Kirara were suspended for fighting during the parade."

" Yup!"

" Hahaha! That gambling bastard. That's too bad. It seems this year's exchange event is going to be quite an easy one." 

" I wouldn't be so sure."

" Oh? Who's left that to challenge me?"

" There's my newest student, who fought during the parade. Yuta Okkotsu."

" Ho?"

" Yeah, I'd say he might have a slightly larger pool of cursed energy than you Ogata." 

" Is that, so? Then this might be fun after all. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


" The Exchange event.... Is always quite the spectacle. I wonder what will happen this year?" Ogata wondered. " Regardless, the way things are, there's definitely going to be a storm brewing. The jujutsu world is about to change drastically, I can't wait!!!"