
What if Aokiji was in Akame ga kill

Aokiji a former admiral with a devil fruit ability of ice. This ability allows his to control and manipulate ice at will. This also means most attacks ho right through him. Will Aokiji survive.

Greater_Oat · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Aokiji gets taken in

Several hours passed. Day turned into night. The blonde didn't come back. "You got robbed but how did you fall for it." Tatsumi looked at Aokiji clueless, "No she's going to come back."

"You can wait here till dawn but I don't think she's coming back." Aokiji stood up and went to the door before he walked out he signalled for Tatsumi to follow.

"Since you and I have no connection or places. There is nowhere to sleep." Aokiji sighed as a carriage would pull up and a man in the carriage spoke, "You man don't seem to have a place, I can offer you guys a place to stay."

Having nowhere else to sleep or go, they were forced into going. They arrived at the mansion, "This place is massive!" Tatsumi said happily to Aokiji. "You guys can sleep in the guest rooms."

"The guest rooms are here but it's dinner time right now. So come eat with us ... sir..." Aokiji respectfully declined. "I'm not that hungry" but Tatsumi would accept. Aokiji just sighed.

Aokiji excuse himself from the guest room and just sleep for hours until Tatsumi came to him. "Kuzan there are weird people outside. We have to help the guards."

Aokiji pulled up his sleeping mask and got up. He towered over Tatsumi before heading to the door. He would get outside to see two of the guards being killed by a girl with black hair and red eyes.

"Why are you killing these guards that are just doing their jobs?" Aokiji question. "The rich people of this house take poorer, less fortunate people and kill them for their amusement."

"I'm sorry I can't just take your word for it," Aokiji said seriously. "If you get in our way I'll have to kill me." The girl said. He touched the ground and a flash froze the area the girl was standing.

Tatsumi would finally get outside to see the girl move swiftly behind Aokiji and cut Aokiji in half. Aokiji's body turned into ice and shattered upon reaching the ground.

"AOKIJI" Tatsumi yelled as he dashed to the girl. "Do not get in my way."