
Chapter 2 Somethings not right?

This chapter is not yet edited.

Authors note. CHAPTER 1 and CHAPTER 2 are two different versions of one chapter, but are essentially the same chapter different perspective. Its hard to explain just bear with these two chapters as after chapter two new content will be told.

Hold on were going a little to fast here, and something just does not seam right. So lets go back a bit.


(Thought bubble/Talking to self will be symbolized with **)

*Ughh my head. Were am I?" Eric

(System will be symbolized with --)

-System initializing.-

*What the?* Eric

"Don't you asdjfgknb asdjgfnf asrrkjc TAKE OFF AKJUSRHN ASKLUJDHNFF!!!" Dad

-System task say "Mom I'm Tired."

-Task success acquire a fully functioning system.-

-Task failure Dea...-


-Error, Error, Error. Due to an intervention by a higher being task failure will now change.-

*Noooo....* Eric

-Task Failure time loop.-


*Lets just sleep for now* Eric

-Task failure. Time loop commencing.-

Eric proceeds to watch his whole life from beginning to end, and right when he dies again.

-System initializing.-


"Don't you asdjfgknb asdjgfnf asrrkjc TAKE OFF AKJUSRHN ASKLUJDHNFF!!!" Dad

-System task say "Mom I'm Tired."

-Task success acquire a fully functioning system.-

-Task failure Dea...-

*I don't have much time. I need a game plan.* Eric

-Error, Error, Error. Due to an intervention by a higher being task failure will now change.-

-Task Failure time loop.-

"Mom I'm tired." Eric

-Task success now installing. Brace yourself extreme pain will now commence.-

-New task don't scream.-

-Task Success pill to refine your body-

-Task Failure chronic migraines every four hours.-

*Will blacking out from the pain count as a failure?!* Eric


-Task starting in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...-

"Eric don't go to sleep! We will be at the hospital in no time." Mom

Eric closes his eyes to prepare for the pain.



*Breath Eric breath, softly in softly out. this is no where as painfull as reliving my life again.* Eric

Some time goes by and Eric is lost in pain, and struggling to pretend to be asleep.

-Task success, a body refining pill will be granted to you once you finish the tutorial.-

Eric proceeds to black out after hearing this.

About thirty minutes later Eric wakes up in a hospital.

"Where am I?" Eric

"Your about to go into a machine that's very loud don't move." Doctor

-New task, get your parents arrested.-

-Task success if your dad is arrested a bone refining pill, if your mom is arrested an organ refining pill, if both, bone refining pill, organ refining pill, egg.-

-Task fail, relive every embarrassing moment thirty times in a row with your emotions heightened. After the punishment is finished, time loop to beginning of currant task.-

*oh no, umm...* Eric

"... you did not answer my question where am I?" Eric

"Your in a hospital you've hit you head very bad. Don't move there trying to scan your head." Mom

*Ahh I know lets make them freak out, if I remember correctly they originally though this was due to domestic violence.*

"Stop. I don't consent to this, nor do these people speak for me or have the authority to do so. If you proceed with what you are doing I will press charges on this hospital." Eric

"What are you talking about Eric lay back down right now!" Mom


"Doctor do something he's hysterical just listen to him!" Mom

"That's enough stop embarrassing yourself, Doctor while I was out did you reset my nose already?" Eric

"Umm, yes???" Doctor

"That was without my permission nor my consent, or legal guardians consent. Any and all charges for that will be forwarded to the people who brought me here. If they refuse to pay take it up with your hospitals legal team, I'm sure they will figure something out." Doctor

"Eric what are you talking about I'm your mother!" Mom

"SHUT UP! If you proceed to bother me I will call the police and file restraining orders with an attorney!" Eric

"Umm I don't really have any authority in this kind of situation, but you've been in a very bad accident we need to get you a cat scan as fast as possible to see if there are any problems with your head." Doctor

"And I said that if you proceed any further I will press charges against this hospital. I refuse your service and am under sound mind. If you wish to do a test I can do that. However I refuse treatment, if you proceed any further I will consider this as being held captive, and place more charges against this hospital, I also req." Eric


Mom proceeds to lunge forward to cover my mouth forcefully.

*Good good.*


The doctor get mom off me and quickly checks me over.

"Get her out of here!" Doctor

-Task completion 50% would you like to turn in now or wait.-

"Thanks." Eric


Other doctors show up

"What's going on here?" Doctor 2

"recap" Doctor

"We still need to do a ct scan to make shore your alight young man." Doctor 2

"I have a fractured skull, a broken nose, and many bleads across my brain, and definitely a concussion. The skull fracture is around the suparao.... no the supraorbital foramen? I'm probably butchering it, essentially my eyebrow." Eric

"Even if you somehow knew all this we still need to give you a ct scan." Doctor 2

"I refuse, I am a minor and have no job or form of income to pay for a ct scan. I am of sound mind and as you can see fully functioning. I order your hospital to seas and desist. This farce has gone on for long enough." Eric

"What do we do in this kind of situation?" Doctor 2

"Why are you asking me your the director." Doctor


*He sounds pissed, if I'm not carful and he hits me I'm probably gonna die. F*** it I'm gonna run for it*

"Ahh sh** umm I'm going to leave before my dad get here bye." Eric

"Where do you thing your going?" Doctor

"ERIC!!!" Dad

"Away from that guy! Bye!" Eric

A bit of a repost of chapter 1, but its gona be a lot more different from here on out. I used these two chapters to set a tone, and explain why some things are happining, and why Eric wants to avoid certion situation at all costs.

The system is gona be helpfull, but painfull to use for Eric.

FluffyButtcreators' thoughts