
What I Want To Be...Who I Shouldn't Be. -A Pokémon Tale

A dream he had wished....and a wish he didn't wanted. To take one's place, and be the one living it. There is no telling on what would become of this journey, or how it will affect him and everyone else. You still want to know? Then come over and find out. I do not own Pokémon. All credits are to Nintendo and Game Freak.

Dragon4ce · Fantasy
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33 Chs

What Has To Be Done-Part Two

<<<Some time ago<<<< p>

Cade couldn't help it. He really couldn't.

The moment he saw that Spearow flew away, the word slipped.

…and he was replied with a bash on the back of his head.

"Language!" Misty scolded after bringing a fist down to the boy's back skull.

"I have reasons, okay!" Cade yelled back, standing up with his backpack left on the grass and both arms now cradling Pikachu.

When Misty laid eyes on the rodent, she gasped in shock behind her covering hands.

Not wanting to hear any assumptions from her, Cade raised a hand to silent her, along with the most serious 'Interrupt-me-and-you'll-regret-it' look he could muster in Ash's face, and spoke, "Before you say anything, me and Pikachu weren't looking for any Pokémon to battle or capture when a damn Spearow swooped in and decided to attack us..."

Cade could feel his teeth gritting in anger as he continues, "We both managed to evade it and Pikachu shocking it after,

"But then, lo and behold a freaking damn Fearow decided to come in and attack my Pokémon from behind while Pikachu was at his most vulnerable. If that wasn't enough, that overgrown rooster decided to crush him between his beaks and twistedly took pleasure of his agony and my helplessness!"

Misty would whack him or scold him or both for such words, but she's far to lost at words (and a little unnerved of the death glare that she didn't expect a boy his age could muster) to say something. Then she saw pain and anger in his now tearing eyes, she didn't know if it was directly at the Fearow that did those to the poor Pikachu or to himself.

"...How?" she managed to finally ask, "How did you managed to get your Pikachu free from that situation? You spoke as if Pikachu is your only Pokémon,"

"He is," Cade answered, dejectedly then places a gloved hand on the Electric-Type's head, "As for how, I-"

Cade in Ash's whole being went frozen stiff.

Misty watched the boy stood there unmoving. She was about start wondering when he whispered something out loud.


Misty blinked in confusion at the word, "What-"

She was cut off with a start when the boy shoved his Pokémon to her arms. Out of curiosity, she placed a hand on the Pikachu's head.

And pulled it away in shock. The fever is unnaturally high. Misty fortunately has some sprays and a few others, but she is starting to run low of them.

Cade frantically looked around in panic. Call him overreactive, but he has no clue how to tend a sick Pokémon. So he really hope Delia packed something for this kind of emergency.

"Bag. Where is my bag?" he muttered frantically.

A tug at the back foot of his pants and Cade looked down.

To say the least, he was surprised to see that same Rattata still sticking around and now here, looking up at him before turning away and bringing the backpack to him.

For all the trouble he had caused to this little 'mon, why hadn't it left when it could have?

Cade shook his head and focused at the problem at hand. Thanking the Pokémon, he kneeled down and starts rummaging the bag.

He paused, then pulled out a pair of underwear and a pair of socks.

Both of which were ripped as if by....

"I'll give you a free pass for now," Cade said, already having a guess of what had happened as he could somehow sense the Rattata feeling sheepish beside him.

He could also somehow sense the Spearow flock coming their way, which left...

"Not enough time for to treat Pikachu..." Cade realized, his hand finally managing to get the healing items that he was looking for.

Cade then realized another critical truth. The Spearow flock would be after him and Pikachu, just like in the episode (Which is obvious since he's living it).

But the Thunder shock scene will never happen with Pikachu's state. The mouse could barely do anything in his sickness.

'This is changing far too quick and out of the rails!' he thought, 'Without Pikachu's Thunder shock, there is no chance for the both of us to survive...'

Then something whispered at the back of his mind.

'Maybe...it doesn't need to be both of us...'

It's reckless, stupid, and no doubt a 50-50 chance...which was a lie to ease himself....

But it's the only one he got.

Angry screeches from a far distance made him look up with a blazing glare before turning and approaching the Cerulean Gym Leader, the backpack held firmly in his other hand. He thrusted the potion in her arms to her surprise and confusion.

"I'm going to need your bike," he said to her, already expecting the livid response.

"Excuse me?!"

"Listen to me! That Fearow and its flock will no doubt attack all of us without a second thought," Cade forcefully spoke, "The last thing I would want is to put someone in danger..."

His eyes directed to the sick Pokémon with almost a guilty heart.

"Even if it means being doing this alone,"

Cade didn't gave any mind to her reaction and leaned closed to the unconscious Pikachu. Gently, he used the unoccupied hand to caress the Electric-Type's red cheek sac and presses his own forehead to the rodent's.

"I'm sorry," Cade whispered as tears trailed down from his eyes, "I'm sorry for taking everything that are meant to be for you. This journey, your soon to be friends, companions, and family, and...Ash... the real Ash...your best friend and brother in all but species and blood..."

Shakily, he pulled away and reached something inside the bag.

"No other Pikachu can do the many things you would've done," Cade said with a somber smile, taking out from the bag and placing a familiar cap on Pikachu's chest, "That's what makes you and him both special. Fated for greatness, destined to be the best,"

With that, Cade turned to leave...

Then yellow paws gripped his glove.