
What I Want To Be...Who I Shouldn't Be. -A Pokémon Tale

A dream he had wished....and a wish he didn't wanted. To take one's place, and be the one living it. There is no telling on what would become of this journey, or how it will affect him and everyone else. You still want to know? Then come over and find out. I do not own Pokémon. All credits are to Nintendo and Game Freak.

Dragon4ce · Fantasy
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33 Chs

What Has To Be Done-Part One

Hunt. Terrorize. Take. Conquer. Kill.

These are some of the many objectives all of the Spearow flock follows and will always be. Along with these are laws that are never to be broken, courtesy of the leader:

-Spearows and Fearows are meant to be ruthless, powerful, and shows all that they are the highest of all pure Flying-Types.

-Any kinds of attachments towards those who aren't their kind or on their level are signs of weakness and an act of treachery. Especially if they were humans.

If one ever breaks them, punishment by death.

It has been like this since then.

"And it's sickening," The Spearow sourly said as he scouts over the trees by himself.

As he soar, he looked up at the darkening clouds with a distant look. Being alone has been something he's used to. No other Spearows ever gets along with him and vice versa, being that he is...different.

When he hatched, he has been the odd one out. Always curious, studying everything around him, and at most times, wondering. He still has the fighting spirit of his kind, but he finds it...pointless to do so whenever they raid. He sees things that other Spearows are too blind to notice, they only prioritize one thing and the rest are nothing but rubbish. Not to mention, that leader of theirs.

It was always like that. Obey the leader and that is final. The Fearow only thinks for themselves and no one dares to challenge them.

Then came the boy.

It was a rule to all Spearows: Attack any and every human that they came across and leave no living behind.

He was the first to go for the strike, but failed when the boy dodged. He could still feel the lingering ache from bashing head first to the stupid tree and the tingling sensation of the Pikachu's electrocution.

Soon, the Fearow came and that is when it happened.

That human...didn't feel natural. The blaze in his eyes held something beyond understanding the moment he saw his leader crushing the rodent. Then in a blink of an eye, the boy was in front of their leader.

And sent the Fearow crashing far in just a punch.

Spearow seemed to think he was the only one who felt the power coming from that single human. Everyone else are too single-minded.

But what can he do? He's just a lone Spearow in the middle of a mindless flock. He wanted to see more of the world, and against the flock laws, meet species that are NOT his kind.

He looked down.

There was the human that disappeared.

He hovered there, watching him and another human. There is no doubt to him that what he felt in that human.

So many questions filled his mind. He wanted to know more but...

'Then, take the chance,'

Spearow whipped his head around in shock, then calmed down when there's no one and no 'mon was there. For a second, he could have sworn he heard a child-like voice, yet powerful and old in mannerism.

'I delayed my stay here,' he thought.

With a flap, he made a turn and let out a loud cry, returning to report his findings.


Rainfall turns out to be heavy and humid as thunder flashes within the roaring clouds above. The dirt road started becoming muddy and slippery as Cade pedaled as hard as he could under the harsh weather.

Cade glanced down at the lump in the basket that he had covered over with the jacket.

"Hang in there, buddy," he softly said and looked backed straight.

Numerous angry caws and screeches had shouted behind him. He didn't need to look behind to know who they were from.

On the raging sky, the Spearow flock soared towards the human they are mean to hunt and kill. The Fearow had been taking the first lead as the one to tear the human apart in a slow, agonizing way. Thunder flashes above as a twisted, malicious grin formed in their beak as they thought of the many tortures they can inflict on this stupid boy.

Cade gritted his teeth, legs aching and lungs burning as he pedaled harder.

Thunder and lightning clashed on the storm above. Strong winds came blowing against him and some of the Spearows.

If Cade didn't know any better, this weather is a lot stronger than he had seen in the episode.

Then, everything started.

The bike tipped over, throwing Cade to the grass field. He grunted upon the less pleasant crashing, heavily breathing from all the pedaling as he lay limp on the grass.

'Looks like this is where everything started, the place that started it all,' he weakly turned his eyes towards the something, 'Except...'

There, lying beside him, staring with its squinted eyes at him, is a Substitute plush.


Thunder continues to crack and boom in the clouds as the heavy rain pours to no end.

"The storm seems to be getting worst," Misty worried as she sat and looked out from a den she managed to find before the storm hits.


Misty looked away from the monstrous weather outside to the weak and sick Electric-Type laying sideways on her sleeping bag like a mattress while facing the cave entrance with a long stare, a damped white fabric resting on his forehead. A small campfire crackling behind the mouse.

For once, she doesn't seem to care about her bike...just a bit.

Pikachu stared at the stormy sky outside as the thunder continued to clash and spark the dark sky. With his condition, he couldn't help. The storm crackles as if mocking him for his powerlessness and helplessness.

The only thing he could do in his sorry state is grip the two objects in his trembling arms as if they were his only light. A green glove and a red cap.

As another lightning flashed, one word weakly spoke out to both his mind and mouth.

