
What I Want To Be...Who I Shouldn't Be. -A Pokémon Tale

A dream he had wished....and a wish he didn't wanted. To take one's place, and be the one living it. There is no telling on what would become of this journey, or how it will affect him and everyone else. You still want to know? Then come over and find out. I do not own Pokémon. All credits are to Nintendo and Game Freak.

Dragon4ce · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Viridian Center-Part One

Nurse Joy hummed to herself as she checks her clipboard and a monitor at the counter. It was a fairly slow and quiet day in the Viridian Pokémon Center. Besides some sick Pokémon and a few staying-in Trainers, today all-in-all is a very well-

Wait, what's that-

The glass doors slid open just in time as a familiar blue motorcycle with a sidecar burst in before screeching to a ninety degree stop in front of the counter. On the rider's seat, Officer Jenny had a proud look at her face for sticking the parking while sitting behind her is a shivering and very traumatized Misty, one hand tightly gripping the officer's shoulder while the other is holding something out of Nurse Joy's view.

"You know we have a parking lot," Nurse Joy spoke to the reckless rider with a deadpanned and tired voice as this isn't the first time.

"Sorry, Joy," Officer Jenny spoke, a serious expression now wore her face, "But we have a very big emergency right now,"

Misty finally shook out of her trauma and quickly got off the bike before rushing to the counter. In her arms revealed as sick looking Pikachu.

"Oh dear," Nurse Joy looked at the Pokémon's state in worry, "What happened to him?"

"Explanations later, Joy," Officer Jenny said with a grunt voice, making the nurse look towards her and express shock at what looked like an unconscious ten year-old boy as the blue-haired officer carried him by the shoulder and towards the counter, "Both this kid and the Pikachu need medical attention, stat,"

Nurse joy nodded seriously, already having to call her Chansey in. As much as she already missed the peaceful pace of the Pokémon Center minutes ago, the work of a Nurse Joy was never done.


Out at the now dark night, three hidden figures spied the Pokémon Center behind the trees and shrubs. With their coats, fedoras, and glasses, it helped them remain hindered and unseen as they watched a few people come and go.

"Well, well, Viridian City's Pokémon Center," the first, a woman, spoke with amusement, "The easiest place to nab valuable Pokémon,"

"Indeed," the second one, a man, smirked and adjusted his glasses, "Such place holds great prizes in small packages,"

"And da Boss would be very please of the gifts we will bring," The final member, the smallest among them, spoke with a scratchy accent.

All three started to prepare their infiltration...unknown of the changes that had and will happen soon.


Misty sighed tiredly as she sat in the waiting room, reflecting to all that had transpired this day. Occupying the seat next to her were the bags of both hers and the boy's. It had been some time now. Officer Jenny had left while riding her motorbike at that time, and here Misty was now.

'What in the world is going on right now?' she thought, bringing up her hands to cup her chin while her elbows nestled on her legs, 'First, was that boy who had appeared over me...then that thing the Pikachu did....then that giant bird...Aaaargh!'

Misty starts scratching her head out of frustration, messing her own hair despite it being tied to a ponytail. In the midst of this, Nurse Joy walked up to her and speaking up to get her attention.

"Miss Waterflower," the nurse called.

Misty looked to her, then stood up with her hand clapped together behind her, giving a sweet and worriless smile with her hair looking the way it was.

"Hello, Nurse Joy," the orange haired girl greeted, "Back already?"

Nurse Joy nodded with her usual smile and cheery-closed eyes, ignoring the strange behavior the Cerulean Gym Leader had acted moments ago, "Indeed, and I'm happy to say they are both doing fine," then she opened her eyes to look at her with a frown, talking more worried and confused, "Although, I do hope you could explain some things. Please, follow me,"

Misty looked to Nurse Joy with confusion of her own as the nurse turned and walked. Without anything else, Misty grabbed the bags and lifted them. She silently winced at the stinging strains of her muscles as her entire arm were sore and numb of having to carry this entire day: the bags, the Pikachu, and some time ago was that kid.

"He better pay my bike back," she grumbled as she followed the nurse behind.

After some short minutes of walking-and agonizing enough for her arms, they soon came in front and entered the recovery room. The room itself was quite sizable, the plain orange-red walls and the white floor gives off a somewhat relaxing atmosphere. The room held only a simple rectangular table, three chairs, a T.V on one corner of the room, a few medical machineries here and there, and two sleeping patients: one spikey haired boy on a medical bed wearing a hospital gown and a Pikachu on a stretcher with an odd lightbulb tied on its head.

Misty went over a chair near the table on which she dropped the bags on and sat slump, then looked to Nurse Joy patiently.

"Okay, now what do you want to ask me about?" the young Waterflower spoke.

"For starters are their conditions," the nurse then gestured to the Pikachu, "Pikachu is doing quite fine as you can tell. The procedure for regulating his electric circulation was a success. And other than the fever and some injuries, they will be fine,"

Joy then turned her attention to the kid and frowned in confusion, "The boy on the other hand seemed to be of an odd case. Me and my two Chansey had found tears that indicated being attacked by Pokémon with either claws or talons, more so some small blood stains in those tears...

"That's when things got odder," the nurse looked to Misty as she continues, "We found not a single scratch on him, which didn't make any sense at all,"

Misty blinked at her then shifted her gaze to the boy.

"No scratches? Like they were never there?" Misty pondered out loud.

"Yes," Nurse Joy nodded, "Now, can you tell me what happened before you came?"

Misty nodded and began her part. As she did, once or twice she hesitated on certain parts of her encounters like the Pikachu's burst and the big Flying and Fire-Type Pokémon. Who would believe that? Not Nurse Joy for sure. So, she decided to leave those information behind.

"I see..." Nurse Joy said to herself before looking to the boy, "Well, I myself do not know if he was brave and caring or stupid and reckless for all he did,"

Misty nodded as well.

Suddenly, alarms blared in the Center, Officer Jenny's voice coming through the sirens:


Before both of them could react, a small device on Nurse Joy's belt beeped. She took it in hand, revealing to be that of a slide-phone and opened the device to see what triggered the alarms. Through the small screen, a commotion and an attempted infiltration was detected and seems to be at the front entrance. The nurse and the Gym Leader rushed out to investigate.

Soon as they left, they didn't managed to stay long enough to have witnessed the boy's hand move.