
What I Want To Be...Who I Shouldn't Be. -A Pokémon Tale

A dream he had wished....and a wish he didn't wanted. To take one's place, and be the one living it. There is no telling on what would become of this journey, or how it will affect him and everyone else. You still want to know? Then come over and find out. I do not own Pokémon. All credits are to Nintendo and Game Freak.

Dragon4ce · Fantasy
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33 Chs

To Know You-Part One

Pikachu didn't know what to expect when he opened his eyes.

He didn't expect to find himself in an endless blank space, standing on nothingness.

Nor did he expect to see a young human boy-he could guess about five or six years old- with brown, messy hair looking between two strange, long-shaped boxes in front of him with grief, not noticing the Pokémon behind him.

The mouse watched as an older human male-man as they call themselves- came to the young one's side, crouches down and places a gentle hand on his shoulder.

The older human sighed, "Caden, I know this is hard-"

"I missed them," the boy, Caden, quietly said, "I missed Mama and Papa,"

Pikachu's ears twitched from hearing that, turns to the boxes, and realization came down on him.

"I know," the older male softly said, "I missed them too. But there's nothing we could do about it,"

The boy turned to the man and buried his face to the adult's chest, crying and wailing in the man's shirt.

Pikachu watched in sympathy, then turned to the boxes in which he had a guess of what or who are in them.

Pikachu can't say he know how the child feels. He never knew his own parents, just being a care-free, innocent Pichu.

'But what am I doing here exactly?' he thought.

Then in a wisped, everything changed.

Pikachu blinked in confusion as he now found himself in some sort of house, standing on a carpet and in front of a large black box. Looking around, his attention soon fell to yet again the same kid from last time, hugging his legs on the carpet instead of the object behind him which humans called a "couch".

It...almost reminded him of Ash when they were under the tree.

"You alright, champ?"

Pikachu turned his head up to the side and saw the man approaching the kid, going down to one knee as he spoke.

"You can't sulk around every day, you know that," the man pointed.

"I guess," the boy mumbled, not moving his head up to look.

The man stood and picked something from the "couch". It looked like a small and long black thing with odd colored bumps on them. He pointed the small thing at something and pushed one of the bumps.

Light shined and sounds blared behind the rodent, causing him to turn.

What he saw can never express what he was feeling. Gears in his brain went abrupt through his entire body the moment he saw...

"Ash?" he breathed out, not giving attention to the music and focusing on what the box was showing.

…Is that chunk of a Pikachu supposed to be him?!


After calming down from his outburst- which involves pointlessly shooting Thunder shock after Thunder shock at the unaffected box, Pikachu sat with a pout as he watches Ash in the moving pictures run towards the strange structure.

'Of which is where he'll meet me,' he thought, still bitter of that horrible imitation of himself.

When it soon came to the part of where they meet each other, it made him frown a bit with narrowing eyes.

'Hang on, this is way too different,' he inwardly said after seeing the boy got electrocuted by him and is now being dragged by the leash with his other self stubbornly sitting on the dirt path.

It was the same leash that his Ash discarded and left in his house.

Pikachu watches as time went on, seeing parts of which were changed from what he remembered. One of which the encounter with the Spearow flock is different from his and Ash's.

The sight of those no-good birds made his fur bristled in anger.

It soon came to parts of which hadn't happened yet or not which he couldn't guess: the chase with the Spearow flock, falling down a rushing river, almost being eaten by a Gyarados (Pikachu almost felt like fainting from that), meeting an orange haired girl who only focused on his other self's condition (which looks minor from his own), a second chase with the flock under a storm (after borrowing the girl's bike)…

Pikachu's breath hitched when they were thrown off the bike. He watched as they lay there, tired, beaten, and everything in between.

He watched as Ash brought out the Poké-ball of other him, telling him to enter it to keep other him safe.

Tears watered in his eyes as he watched Ash standing and stepping up against the angry flock with arms wide, shouting, declaring his dream, his will, and his care for him.

'That idiot,' he thought, balling his paws to a fist, 'They will rip him apart! Doesn't he know that!'

He wished for some miracle. Wishing that his other self would do something!

And do something they did.

Pikachu watched as his in-picture self leaped off the ground, then off the boy's shoulder, and with somehow got hit and absorbed by a stray thunderbolt.

Then with a cry, everything went white.

When it cleared, Pikachu let out his breath that he didn't notice he held back.

Both in picture him and Ash were down at the ground. But this time, no Spearows in sight, and the storm has cleared, revealing the clear sky above.

Pikachu smiled at the sight of the both of them smiling tiredly, yet happily at one another.

An all different screech causes them to look up and...

"...You're...you're kidding, right?" Pikachu said, dumbfounded when the box showed Ho-oh of all Pokémon flying in the sky, a rainbow trailing majestically behind it.

The rest of it played along, showing in the end how Ash got his trust. A trust that he is starting to see and imagine.

Subconsciously, Pikachu stood up, walked over, brought out an open paw, and presses it on the box's surface as it showed human scribbles in the end.

Then a human hand joined next to him.

This action causes him to glance over to the sight of the same brown-haired kid, who's now revealed blue eyes now held an odd spark in them.

The world then shifted.