
What I Want To Be...Who I Shouldn't Be. -A Pokémon Tale

A dream he had wished....and a wish he didn't wanted. To take one's place, and be the one living it. There is no telling on what would become of this journey, or how it will affect him and everyone else. You still want to know? Then come over and find out. I do not own Pokémon. All credits are to Nintendo and Game Freak.

Dragon4ce · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

A Sparking Start-Part Three


Cade knew all too well about these species. At least, in the shows and games. Similar to Pidgeys, they are fast, swift, and goes by in flocks. Difference?

They are very, very hostile towards both Pokémon and humans. They have aggressive tempers and ruthless attackers.

Seeing them in the show is one thing...


But seeing the actual one, even if it's just one, coming towards them...Cade's brain only has one thing to say to the rest of him.

'Dodge, you idiot!'

"Move!" was what came out of his mouth and managed to roll out in a nick of time as he heard the assailant squawked when they met the tree with a 'smack!'. Cade jerked his head to the direction just as he stopped. The Spearow had fell on its back, then turned over and stood back up to its talons, shaking its head before opening its eyes...

And Cade could have sworn he felt death crawling on his back when those eyes settled their sight towards him.

The Spearow stretches its wings out, crouched down, and was ready to attack when suddenly...


Spearow lighted up like a lightbulb as Pikachu electrified him. As Pikachu did, many thoughts swarmed over the reason behind what made him do this.

He's protecting Ash. Why is he protecting him? He could've just turned and legged it, left the human on their own (But then, he has his Poké-ball so that won't work) . And yet...

Pikachu then stopped his Thunder Shock once he felt his he had done enough. He watched as the Spearow tries to get up, but the paralysis effect kicked in. Pikachu looked up to the boy's eyes, looking surprised of the Electric-Type's action. Then that surprise became horror.

"Pikachu, look out!"

Pikachu was too late to react as something struck him on the back with a Drill Peck.

Cade froze in shock at the Pokémon who attacked Ash's companion. A small part of him knew there will be little changes since he's unwillingly the one in control of Ash's journey.

But never did he expect to encounter a Fearow among the Spearow flock. And it seemed like it's not only a high level one, but it looks like the leader as well.

Pikachu's cry snapped him out of his shock and Cade saw what made his heart stop. There right in front of the boy, the Fearow had the electric mouse between its beak, Pikachu screaming in pain as the Fearow maliciously squeezed him tighter. The Beak Pokémon's eyes showed a glint of delight hearing the mouse cry in agony in its grasp.

Then its eyes settled at Cade. This time, mocking him, laughing at him.

Inside him, Cade snapped.

Pikachu felt like losing hope while his eyes were clamped shut in pain as his body is being crushed by the Fearow. His body is already too weak to launch a single Thunder Shock and his trainer might have ditched him moments ago to leave him dead.

Then three things happened.

First was the sound of the Fearow itself crying in pain, releasing him. And the next was landing on something gentle and secure. The last was the voice of someone he thought had left him to die.

"Pikachu, are you alright?"

Pikachu weakly opened his eyes and saw the face of his trainer looking down at him with relief. Pikachu realized he's in his Trainer's arms, holding him gently like an infant.

To be honest, Pikachu really doesn't care at all. The way his trainer's cradling reminded him of Kangaskhan's gentle, caring touch. And oddly, a sense of something else. He could feel his eyes watering, but that didn't matter to him for now as he snuggled closer into his trainer's arms and fell unconscious.

Cade watched as Pikachu had now dozed off and smiled heartedly, then it vanished as he looked on front with an unhappy glare.

What had happened back there were almost a blur to him, but the scene before him says enough.

Twenty feet far from them, leaving a graze trailing on the dirt, the Fearow weakly tried to move up from its crater as numerous Spearows went over to see if their leader was alright. On its cheek, a deep, swelling mark of a fist can be seen very visible.

It was a mark Cade did when he punched the Beak Pokémon. Just one punch.

Cade won't question it and picked up his backpack with his free arm and slings it over his shoulder. Turning to the trees, he runs away.

As the boy did, One of the Spearows, the one who attacked, watches him run with wonder.

"Boss, you alright?"

The Spearow turned to see his Fearow leader now, if not wobbly, on their feet. The scowl on their face says it that they were not happy of being beaten. Anyone who crosses that will never live again, no matter if it involves sacrificing their own kin or any 'mon.

"That human will pay for standing against me," Fearow growled, "I will make sure he will suffer!"

All the Spearows around them cawed along. Yet that one Spearow didn't, but every one of his kin didn't give a care of him.

"Spearows! Take the air, hunt the human down, and tear him apart!" Fearow screeched.

With that declaration, they went to the sky in search of the human as one Spearow contemplates his own thoughts.

Once they were gone, a small flash popped up beside the tree and out the light came a Mew. The entire time, they were there, watching the scenes unfold. The moment the boy acted, they knew it had finally happened. For now, they would follow him, to keep an eye on the himan and what slumbers within his soul. Just as how they appeared, they flashed out of existence. Along with a whisper echoing through the empty wind.

"May Grandfather's blessing fall upon you...Caden Fayte,"