
What I Want To Be...Who I Shouldn't Be. -A Pokémon Tale

A dream he had wished....and a wish he didn't wanted. To take one's place, and be the one living it. There is no telling on what would become of this journey, or how it will affect him and everyone else. You still want to know? Then come over and find out. I do not own Pokémon. All credits are to Nintendo and Game Freak.

Dragon4ce · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

A Sparking Start-Part One

How long has it been?

How long since he was captured? How long since he evolved to the form he is now? And how long has it been since he was stuck in this stupid capture device?

This place has been nothing but a wasteland cell with nothing for him to do. No other Pokémon to interact with, No field or plains to run around, nothing. All his freedom vanished just by a flash.

This upsets him a lot. No, cross that. He is downright, Spearow-level mad at all of this. Now, he will soon become some human's puppet to do their bidding and fight for their amusement. Oh, they made a grave mistake if they think he will obey that easy!

Light soon flashed around him, causing him to close his eyes. Then he hears voices.

"Ash, This is Pikachu,"

He opened his eyes and looked up to see a human boy in front of him. Spiky black hair, two odd zigzag marks over his cheeks, wearing something that he could recognize as something that humans wear when they sleep, and brown eyes-

'What the..?'

What...what is this feeling? Something's....different. This human...when he stare at those eyes, something's.....something's-

'Keep it together!'

He looked down holding his head and shook it, trying to get rid of that strange feeling he got. Whatever that is, he needs to avoid it somehow.

"Hello, Pikachu," he heard a whisper and looked up to see that same human crouching down to his level, smiling friendly yet eyes showing concern behind them. "It is nice to meet you. I'm....Ash Ketchum,"

Pikachu looked at this human oddly. Somewhere, he recognizes some hesitancy when he said his name. It's almost as if he was forced to say them.

Humans are weird.

"Great! It seems you two are getting along quite well,"

That voice, he recognizes.



Cade is very thankful that the logic in the series seems to stay along in here, or else he will be in need of medical attention for degree burns, seizure, and everything else real quick.

And now here he is, walking his way back to the Ketchum residence with Poké-balls in one hand, a PokéDex in the other, rubber gloves and an unused leash that he is not planning of using and never, and the electric rodent himself following behind him. As expected, Pikachu is being a stubborn rebel. Who is he to blame the Electric-Type? Being caught against his will is not a pleasant experience.

He sighed, then decided to crack the silence.

"So, Pikachu," he felt the Mouse Pokémon looking to him from behind, "You looked kind of mad back there. I'm guessing you were forced into something you didn't sign up for, huh?"

"Pika pika!" he heard him shout lividly.

"Not that I blame you. After all, you and I aren't different," he said, unaware or not of the look of confusion the Pokémon is giving him, "The only difference is that the lives of those I know and seen depends on me,"

Cade slowly raised the PokéDex in his hand and stared at it distantly. This is not his mission, not his role. He knows what would happen in the future, he has the knowledge. But will it be enough? So many things started weighting him down, including the burden of the trainer he took place of.

"Oh, Ashy!"

The next thing Cade knew was being suddenly hugged tightly by a familiar red hair mother. Albeit too tight. Seriously, Cade is surprise his bones didn't gave in but they might soon!

"M-Mom! Can't....breath!"

He heard Delia gasp in realization and soon found himself leaning on his knees and holding his chest as he tried to get some air back. He looked up to his-Ash's-mother who's smiling proudly at him with a crowd of people behind her.

"Sorry about that," she said, wiping away some tears in her eyes, "It just felt like yesterday you were my little boy,"

Cade let out a small smile. That's Delia for you. He really admired her affection and care for Ash, also including her ways of humor.

"Oh, I almost forgot," she said, almost cheerfully, and lifted up a backpack on the ground along with some clothes, "I had a hunch that you went to the lab with your pajamas on, so I readied these for you,"

Looking down on himself, Cade immediately remembered that he-Ash- is still in on his pajamas and flustered. For the second time today, his thoughts spoke the same seven words plus one.

'Ash Ketchum, I blame you for this....again,'


After some time excusing himself to change in the house, Cade looked at the mirror.

Looking back is Ash Ketchum as he was in the Kanto Journeys: a black undershirt, a blue outer-jacket with white short sleeves and neck-collar and gold trims, a brown belt securing his light blue jeans round the waist, black and white sneakers, fingerless green gloves, and....

Ash's hat. Resting on a chair behind him. He hadn't worn it yet, and he felt...unsure of it. Almost every journey, Ash always wears a signature cap every time he travels to another region.

Cade felt somewhat disgusted, feeling like the world is playing some cruel joke at him. He felt he was about to take two of Ash's closest things aside from his mother. Turning to the chair, he approached it and hesitantly take the cap to his hand. He then strokes the hat's rim, deeply thinking of either to wear it or not.

With a heavy sigh, he placed it in the bag and zip it close. After making sure everything is in order, he sling on the backpack and went to the door.