
The forced lovers

It was on the first day of high school and like any other newbie I felt awkward around people. We were called to Assembly where the school staff made their introductions after that we were dismissed.I walked around the school just to get to familiarise myself with the surrounding. As I walked past the school library, I saw a girl who sitting alone and I walked up to her and greeted her and she said "hey,my name is Amanda." And I said "hey Amanda ,my name is Catherine." We walked around school together and then sat down by the outdoor teaching area and chat. Lunch time arrived. We went to the cafeteria and had lunch. We went to vacant classroom. As we were talking a random girl came and said her name was Tania and we introduced ourselves. She asked to speak to me in private and I agreed. We went outside and she then said "umm Catherine hi again, so one of my guy friends has a crush on you and sent me over to you to tell you that he kind of like likes you, so what's your response?" I responded impulsively "Yeah umm I like him too." Then Tania gave me a hug and told me she'll get back to me. When she left I talked to myself wondering as to what i did without thinking. I literally screamed and everybody looked at me and I ran back into the classroom and sat down panicking. Amanda asked me what happened and I said nothing. After I few minutes Tania came back and said to me "it's official! Y'all are now boyfriend and girlfriend!" She screamed. "Wow uhhh OK" I responded in disbelief. I couldn't believe I had a boyfriend on the first day and what was shocking was , bear with me.... I didn't even know the guy let alone his name.