
What I imagined...

She was a girl with some mental difficulties and some misfortune. She was of 2 months when she had an accident. Her mother took care of her, but she too could stay with her for a few years. Her elder sister 'Rebecca' looked after her, but she too left few years after her mother, leaving lot of mysteries behind. She was 11, when she ran away from her father, her house, but she could never run away from some memories, some mistakes, some flaws which she wanted to run from. She met some people who gave her support, gave a new color, but still she couldn't tell them about her dark past, even if she wished. She fell and collided with someone who saved her from falling, mixed her up in his own. Brought her out from bad memories, adopted her all mistakes, and ended her flaws. Gave her the moments she was happiest, also gave her the moments she was saddest , the moments she lived the most. But what if she comes to know that, those moments in which she was alive the most, she never lived !!

I_am_Anonymous · Teen
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9 Chs

To the Shelter

It was almost 45 days since Angelina was with Ralph. Meanwhile, He conceal all the documents of her missing complaint from the station.

She only talks to him, Ralph seemed that's wasn't enough and in those days he implied, Foster Home will be convenient choice for her, she will meet new people, make new friends. It will be better for her if she adapts new surroundings.

(Tuesday, 6th June, 2006)

He drives her to the Shelter Home, on the way he found her upset and disturbed, it was clearly shown that she now don't wanted to go, where she chosen first.

"I wanted you to stay with me but Susan can understand you better than anyone and you should make friends, so.... you'll like them", He said.

"Is... is it necessary for me, t-to go".

"I guess, yes. You should have to, this is necessary".

After being silent for a while she asked, "What shall I say to them, about myself? "

"All you need is to tell you name. I'll try this should be enough. But just Angelina isn't enough." She looked puzzled, he replied looking her back, "Your surname".

"I'll keep Maa's surname." She replied without wasting a min.

The car stopped in front of Shelter Home and they got out.

Guard salute him," Good Noon, sir".

He nod, hold her wrist and enter through the gates.

Slowly stepping inside, she saw a rectangular shaped garden with parametered flower bed, having colourful flowers, benches on which some of children around her or less then her aged were sitting and playing. And a big sweet bay can be seen out through the home's boundary wall but it's large branches where touching the foster home's terrace.

As He was holding her hand, he led her on the stone paved garden path, which was leading to a 4 storey building.

Getting through the gates again, she saw a corridor and a door to Susan's office. He takes her inside.

She was at the left of him and as she walked inside the office, her gaze shifted slowly from left to the right, glancing lots of books aligned on wooden shelves, a big pot of indoor plant at the corner, a big frame just in front, written 'Don't worry kid, you have a family' on it, then a round clock, then a board with lots of creative paper work made by kids pasted on it , then a wooden door at the right corner, then a desk with computer kept on it, then two eyes, staring at her through specs.

And she slowly hide herself from those eyes, behind her Uncle.

"Good Noon, Miss Smith",He said.

Susan immediately shifted her gaze from Angelina and glance at him. "Ah..! COP, please have a seat" she take off her spec, keep them on the desk and look at Angelina, again. "Hello ! Little girl, how are you ?"

She blankly stared at Susan, then cut the glance and look around. Susan quietly try to observe her.

"She's been with me more then a month",he said. Susan look at him and he continued, "am mostly busy in my duty and I felt it would be better if she stay here with you and other kids".

After listening him, Susan asked her again," What's your name, dear ?"

She nervously looked back at Susan and fidget her hand, "Am.... An....!" and she stops.

Glancing her for a while, Susan got up from chair and step towards her, she drag her feet, a bit, backward.

Susan slightly lean infront of her, to look into her eyes and communicate properly but she darted a nervous glance at Susan's face then drop her eyelids.

Susan smile slightly and caressed her head politely, Angelina looked back at her, that was some kind of act her mother does. Her eyes blazed.

"You don't need to worry, sweetheart, you can trust me" She said.

"I am Angelina Hathaway." She replied after dropping her eyelids again.

Susan looked back to Ralph and he secretly signalled her, he need to talk in private.

She get back to her seat and rang the bell. A head girl arrived.

"Dear, go with her and check, whether you can stay with us" She said to Angelina.

"Take her to a round" Then said to the head girl.

"Ok ! Ma'am" said head girl and ask to Angelina, "Come with me"

Angelina looked at Ralph with her widened eye, which was asking him silently, "Should I ?"

He smile gently, "Go with her, and don't worry am here"

She nod and follow the head girl.

" So, what do you want to talk about? " She asked.

"Angelina is not like other normal kids. She's mentally ill. She needs extra and proper care."

"What kind of mental illness? " she questioned.

"She was about 2 months when she had a head injury. Right now even I don't know exactly what's the problem with her. She forgets something, gets nervous sometimes, if ask about something."

"Ask about her something! " she confusingly asked. "What happened with her ?"

"I don't know.... anything. She not even want to tell anyone, she just gets panic and cry."

"Where did you find her ?"

"Um.. ! Near police station. I investigated, her mother and father both are dead."

"Ok !... will she able to collaborate with others ?.....Well, she looks very quite but is there anything like, she'll try to hurt any kid ?"

"Absolutely not, she hasn't done anything like that." Then He asked her, "So....Can she stay here ?..I thought you could understand her more than me. Or should I take her back ?"

"Ok ! Let her stay here a few days, let's see if she can stay with the rest of our kids. After that we'll decide."

He nod, "fine."

After inspecting whole foster home, Angelina was standing in the garden with head girl, watching kids playing. Ralph and Susan walked to them from behind.

"Angelina! " she turned to him as Ralph called her. "Do you like this place, Do you wanna stay?"

"I can try", she quietly said and turn to those playing kids. "This place is nice". She again turn back to Ralph and look at his face, she still seems little upset.

"I'll take care of her. You don't worry", said Susan.

He replied to Susan, "am sure you will." Then get down on his knees in front of Angelina, "Are you Ok ?"

On asking her this, her lips pout outward and tears pooled her eyes then streak down her cheek. She hug him, "You want me to stay !?"

He hugged her too and gently pat her back.

"Yes, I want you to stay", he quietly replied.

She release him and look at his face.

He try to hide his watery eyes, hold both of her hands and keep his sight down on them. "You can come back whenever you want, you can tell me whatever you want. Just make me know, okay !"

She sniffed and nodded, "okey !"

He stood up, kiss her forehead, "it's time to spread your gorgeous wings and take flight with your new family", then looked at her face and immediately shift his sight and turn to the gates without turning back.

She silently stared him leaving.

Susan introduced her with some children of her age but neither she nor they were interested in having any interaction.

Susan call head girls to her office and instructed them about her. "Tell everyone, no one will ask Angelina about herself. Tell them just try to play with her"

"Ok ! Ma'am"

"And you keep eyes on her, inform me if anything happens"she said to other head girl

"Alright Ma'am", replied head girl.