
What? I got reincarnated in Masamune-kun's Revenge?! [HIATUS]

It's a crossover world with the Quintessential Quintuplets and some martial arts moments. Don't read this if you don't like such stuff. --- A young boy was walking happily across the road before getting hit by a truck. BANG! Well, what happened after was quite confusing. He got reincarnated into the world of Masamune-kun's Revenge. Except... "Huh? What is Miku doing here?!"

ThighLover · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Who let the dogs out?

--- Chapter 3 ---

Third Chapter cause why not. Also the last one for today. Next chapter will also be to fulfill the word count so don't read. I'll delete it after I resch 15k words without it.

Also does anyone know what I meant in the title?


"Do you want to play with my dogs?"

Ren looked at Aki with confusion.

'What dogs?'

Ren then looked down and thought about some things.

Aki saw that Ren was confused and then started running outside.

Meanwhile, Ren was still thinking about the dogs before re-calling a song.

'Who let the dogs out - Baha Men.'

'Weird..why did it remember it now..'

Ren snapped out of his thoughts soon after. He then looked around and realized that Aki was already gone.


Ren started looking and walked around for a while before running outside.

When he entered the garden he saw Aki playing with two dogs.

She was running around, laughing and smiling as the two dogs chased her around.

Ren looked at this scene with a weird smile.

'She likes getting chased?'

Whilst he was looking at them, Aki also noticed his presence.

She smiled at him before introducing her dogs.

"Hi! These are my two dogs, Sean and Lancelot!"

The two dogs barked right after she called out their names, making Ren step back a little.

Aki then turned her head towards Ren before asking him a question.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Aki what's yours?"

Ren turned his attention from the dogs towards Aki.

"Oh, my name is Ren. Nice to meet you."

Aki smiled after hearing his name and then jumped around with excitement.

After she finished jumping she looked at Ren with a big smile.

Meanwhile, Ren was looking at her with smile even though he was confused inside.

'What is she going to say now..'

He was about to continue thinking but then halted when he heard Aki speak.

"Hey, Ren, we're friends now aren't we? When you get to know each others name is when you become friends!"

(A/N: I think this is what a normal 5 year old would think.)

Ren looked at her and nodded.


Aki smiled even wider.

Ren was about to continue speaking but then stopped when he heard a robotic voice inside of his head.

[Host has become the first friend of a female lead. 5 points rewarded.]


After living a few years in this world, Ren didn't think that he had any cheats. He had tried every single thing he could to see if he had a goldfinger but then gave up on his fourth year.

Apparently he did have a goldfinger all this time! It only activated after ge befriended a 'female lead.'

Ren then thought for a while before saying 'status.'


[Name: Ren Hayase]


[Strength: 5]

[Agility: 5]

[Endurance: 5]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Charm: 10]

[Points: 5]

[Note: Maximum for a child is 10. Maximum will increase when Host reaches the age of 13.]

[Skills: None]

Ren was looking at the screen with wonder.

Right when he was about to look even deeper into the system, he was stopped by Aki.

She was waving her little arms in front of him while staring at him.

That was when Ren realized that it must have looked like he was spacing off to other people.

Ren then smiled apologetically to Aki before smiling.

"What do you want to play then?"

Aki looked at Ren with puffed cheeks before answering happily.

"Hide and Seek!"

Ren looked at her nodded before telling her to wait.

"Let me get my brother..."

Ren then ran upstairs while formulating a plan on where he wouldn't suffer alone.

'I will not play with a 5 year old girl with 2 dogs alone...especially when they can bite you anytime...'


A few minutes had passed before Ren walked downstairs with a sleepy Masamune.

Masamune was walking around with half lidded eyes while scratching one of them with his hand.

He then yawned while holding his favourite teddy bear.

Ren looked at Masamune before sighing.

'I'm sorry Masamume...sacrifice is needed for the greater good...'

The only thing Masamune saw was that Ren was looking at him with a smile. This made him think that they would play a fun game.

Though what he didn't know what that this was all a trap...

Ren then stepped outside with Masamune whilst Aki was running around and talking with a girl with short brown hair and brown eyes.

Ren narrowed his eyes at that.

'Yoshino Kowai. The maid of Aki, where was she before...'

Ren didn't know that he was so immersed in the system that couldn't notice Yoshino, who was looking at them behind a window.

Ren then stopped thinking about this while walking towards the two girls and dogs.

He them smiled brightly while introducing his brother.

"This is my brother, Masamune Hayase!"

The girls looked at Masamune before nodding their heads.

Aki then stepped forwards and smiled whilst introducing her maid.

"This is Yoshino Kowai! My maid and my best friend!"

They then decided that Masamune would be the 'Seeker' and everyone else would be the 'Hider'. Including the dogs...


A few hours have passed since they all started playing with each other.

They were all now happily talking while sitting on the garden, sweat dripping down their foreheads.

Aki was the first one to speak. while the others listened.

"This... was so much fun! Next time come to my house to play, okay?"

Masamune and Ren both nodded while smiling.

After a while of talking, Ren decided to lay down.

The rest all did the same whilst looking up at the orange sky.

A few seconds of silence happened for a while before Ren breathed our heavily.

The rest looked up before laughing while Ren started to smile.

'Yeah, this was fun...'