
What I'm the demon Kings mate

Furaga_Angeyango · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

The Transformation

Elijah had always been a man of routine. He woke up at the same time every day, ate the same breakfast, and went to the same job where he worked long hours. His life was predictable, safe, and utterly devoid of excitement.

It wasn't always like this. There was a time when Elijah had dreams, ambitions, and a family. But all of that was taken away in an instant, on a rainy night when a drunk driver veered into their lane, ending the lives of his parents and siblings, leaving him alone in the world.

Since then, Elijah had thrown himself into his work, burying himself in spreadsheets and deadlines, using them as a shield against the pain and loneliness that threatened to consume him.

One day, while browsing through a dusty bookstore, Elijah came across a book that caught his eye. The title was "Follow the Hero's Journey," and it promised a thrilling adventure about a hero's quest to defeat the Demon King and save the world.

Elijah was captivated by the story, losing himself in its pages whenever he had a spare moment. He admired the hero's bravery, his unwavering determination, and his ability to overcome any obstacle in his path.

But as he reached the end of the book, Elijah couldn't shake off a sense of unease. The hero's journey had ended, but what about the other characters? What happened to them after the hero had fulfilled his destiny?

He searched for a sequel but found none. The story had ended, leaving him with a sense of longing and curiosity. What would it be like to live in that world, to be a part of that adventure?

One night, as Elijah drifted off to sleep with the book by his side, something strange happened. He felt a strange sensation, as if his body was being pulled in a million different directions. And then, everything went dark.

When Elijah opened his eyes, he was no longer in his bedroom. Instead, he found himself standing in a vast, unfamiliar landscape. He looked down at himself and gasped. He was no longer Elijah, the workaholic businessman. He was now a character in the book, "Follow the Hero's Journey."

Panic gripped him as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. He was no longer in control of his own fate. He was now a side character in a story that had already been written.

And then, a voice echoed in his mind, a voice that was not his own. It was the voice of the Demon King, the most powerful and feared being in the land.

"My mate," the voice whispered, sending shivers down Elijah's spine. "You have finally arrived."


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