

An echo of screams rang through the empty parking lot as a stream of panicked teenagers fled the burning building.

Ignored was all the previously taught fire safety rules, the presentations featuring students calmly and quietly following their teacher out the nearest exit in a single file line, the posters plastered all over various walls by students as extra credit, to hell with it all, once the fire alarm had gone off and the faint smell of smoke wafted in the air, there was really nothing to be done but run.

The parking lot was packed in a matter for seconds, with students, teachers and custodians alike, all watching as the building they occupied just moments ago went up in ash.

An eerie silence hung in the air, one resembling that of a grave yard, not a sound was heard besides the crackling of flames and shattering glass.

Within the crowd you could see the look of absolute horror and disbelief on their faces, the mere thought that, if they hadn't run fast enough some of them would not have made it out alive was enough to haunt them where they stood.

The spell, however was broken with the wail of fire engines in the distance, the abruptness of the noise startled the crowd, chatter erupted through the lot, with sounds of dewilderment and concern, the teachers, now fully realised, began the head count, checking to insure that their classes were intact.

Panic insued once more when teachers realised that, infact their students were not all there.

The noise grew along with the number of missing students, the air of bewilderment was gone, now replaced with fear, for everyone knew that who ever wasn't there was still in the building, the building that was now beginning to resemble a heap of char.

It didn't take much longer before two fire engines arrived and with them an ambulance, it rounded the school grounds and parked just becide the mass of people.

The fire fighters hurried out of their respective vehicles, working fast they dragged out their hoses and aimed towards the schools shattered windows.

The EMTs got to the teachers, the teachers informed them that everyone that was there was left unscarred, but that there were still students inside the building, a total of seven students were reported missing.

The EMT's informed the fire fighters, suits were put on, masks worn, then a handful of fire fighters ran into the scorching building.

By now the crowd was past agitated, people had grown hysterical, sobbing and argumenting, husted whispers and nail biting, the atmosphere was nothing if not chaotic.

Rounding the corner of the building to the front doors, the space was the complete opposite, unscaved and quiet.

It was deserted save for four student, four that had also been reported missing, standing in front of it's doors silently watching as the building burnt down.

They were a safe distance away that they wouldn't get hurt, and could only feel the warm blaze of the scorching building, doing a good job keeping them warm that late autumns day.

They were in a trance like state, staring as the building snapped, crackled and popped, with the sound of water rushing from hoses and sqawks from disturbed birds.

The silence was broken when the tallest of the group spoke.

'Holy fuck guys, it's really burning down', the jock said with his mouth agape.

'Yeah no shit Daehyun that how fire works', the shorter girl standing beside him remarked, her face directed in the general sound of his voice.

'Guys, this is really really bad', said the boy standing becide her biting at his thumb nail, ' we shouldn't even be here, what if we get caught, we're looking at some serious prison time here', he finished.

'Damn, if only I could see this monstrosity, I bet it would be a true beauty', the girl to his right said wishfully.

'That why we don't get caught', said the final student, ignoring her remark.

'We keep our mouths shut, and if any questions are asked, we deny, deny, deny, got it?' she demanded, getting their full attention, they gave sounds of agreement.

Pearing at them through her thick head of coily black hair covering her eyes, 'now let's get our stories straight'.