
Hope p.o.v

I'm walking in the hallway when I bump into someone,I look up and see not just anyone but the famous Landon Kirby.He looks at me and I blush a little, he bent down to start picking up my books, he hands it to me and says "next time we meet I will try to say hi and not bump into you next time",I say yeah let's do that I say bye and walk away until I bump into the wonder twins Lizze and Josie.I say hi to them and start to walk away until Lizzie gets in my way, I start to walk away but Josie gets in my ways and says" I saw you talking to my boyfriend " I start to say he doesn't like you but I get cut off by Emma the counselor she says " Hope come in my office",I go in and she she asks me how I fell since I lost both of my parents.I tell her how I felt. She tells me I seem happier, so I tell her about my run in with Landon and that his voice is low and his eyes are green and not the color that he wears but lighter. She tells me I need to get friends.