
Chapter 1: Panic much?

A young man was running through a forest when he had to stop suddenly at a cliff trying to ditch his pursuers. "I told you I didn't take your stupid cube! It latched onto me on it's own!". The young man's name was Vince Connors, he was your average high school kid minding his own business until he had the fortune or in his case, misfortune of accidentally stumbling across an open briefcase right next to what seemed to be a government vehicle but now destroyed revealing a mysterious cube with strange patterns and symbols which even if he wanted to pass by and play it off like he never saw anything, flew toward him on its own which startled him and merged with him focusing on his chest befored spreading out on his body, knocking him out as the cube finished it's merging process and his host looked the same as they did before the process but now that was irrelevant as the cube had to act quick before they were caught by the enemy. The cube controlled Vincent and headed toward a nearby forest to find a place to hide.

First time writing lol

Gemaxtercreators' thoughts