
What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters!?

“Huh? Who am I? Where am I? Am I going to fight someone?” After waking up from his slumber, Li Yexing found himself transmigrated to the world of Resident Evil and became a cold-blooded mercenary?! He thought he was going to live a life of blood and violence, only to pick up a girl on his first mission instead! He thought she was just an ordinary cute girl, but she was actually a biomonster?! Huh? They are all biomonsters?! Li Yexing: This is overwhelming... === This is not my story and it was written by a Chinese Author, I'm just translating it. Thank you very much for reading! Author: Super Dark Dombara Raw: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/4016.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · Video Games
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Chapter 5

Two huge figures got out of the truck. Their dark coats were fixed on them with rivets and restraint straps, they wore metal-soled boots and gloves studded with knuckles. They carried on their broad, exaggerated shoulders a pale, hairless head, emitting a powerful sense of oppression just by standing there - the aura of a strongman!

This is a Tyrant! Even if it turned into ashes, Li Yexing would recognize it! It was a classic biochemical weapon developed by modifying Sergei's clone body using the T virus, featured in most of the Resident Evil series!

However, this Tyrant was different from the T-103 Tyrant that Li Yexing was familiar with. It not only lacked the wrinkles on the face of the Tyrant from Resident Evil 2 Remake but also its body was too large! It was bigger than the Tyrants that appeared in Resident Evil: Damnation, approaching the size of those super-sized guys, and its face wore goggles full of technology, with a strange collar on its neck, and several wires extending from it that were densely inserted into the Tyrant's temples.

"Open your eyes and take a look, BSAA gentlemen! THIS IS ART!" Freeman waved his tablet like a madman and roared at the BSAA beyond the armored truck, his crazy face resembling that of a certain colonel of the Third Reich.

"Target locked, attack! Go, Bear One and Bear Two!"

He tapped the tablet a few more times, and the two Tyrants moved, stomping heavily toward the direction of the BSAA on the mountain, charging forward. Li Yexing was already dumbfounded and didn't even notice when Norman returned to his side.

"Five minutes is enough for the two bears to tear the BSAA on the mountain into pieces," said Norman.

"Is this what you call insurance?" Li Yexing asked, not hiding his surprise.

"That's right. How do you feel?" To be honest, Li Yexing thought it was pretty cool, but even this high-end stuff was just insurance. Looking at the third truck in front of him, Li Yexing became more and more curious about what they were transporting.

Watching the two tyrants charge up the mountain like wild bulls, Chris felt uneasy. "Fall back! Retreat! Spread out! Their clothes are bulletproof! Aim for their heads!" Chris roared into the radio, and the team followed orders, firing their guns while adjusting their formation.

Bullets crackled and rattled against the tyrants' bald heads, but the two tyrants did not slow down. They shielded their relatively vulnerable faces with one hand and charged forward, smashing all the trees blocking their way. To make matters worse, the security forces on the road had begun to fight back, and the situation had taken a turn for the worse since the tyrants entered the scene.

BSAA members started throwing smoke bombs and grenades, hoping to obscure the security forces' vision and delay the tyrants' charge. But it was in vain. One tyrant broke through the defense line and grabbed a member's head with ease, crushing it like a watermelon with one hand.

Then it threw the corpse at another member firing at it. The corpse smashed into the member like a missile, and he flew backward, hitting a tree behind him and spitting out a mouthful of blood, losing his combat ability.

However, the bio-weapon had no mercy. The tyrant charged towards the member who was spitting blood and stomped his upper body into a pulp with one foot.

Meanwhile, the other tyrant was holding the leg of a BSAA member who had already breathed his last breath. It swung the corpse like a warhammer, knocking nearby BSAA members down one by one.

"Retreat! Disperse and evacuate!" Chris's eyes were bloodshot as he shouted, "Newmann, get in the car!"

"Newmann is being used as a hammer by that monster!" The sniper's voice came over the radio.

"Dammit!" Chris cursed, "Contact Kirk, how much longer does he need?!"

"Don't panic, I'm here, I can see the flames!" A voice came over the radio, and the sound of a helicopter could be heard overhead. Chris looked up and saw a helicopter flying over.

On the helicopter, the pilot Kirk looked horrified at the tyrant rampaging on the mountain, "What the hell is that thing?"

"Don't ask, everyone scatter! Kirk, take down those two bastards!"

"No problem, hold on!" Kirk said to the BSAA behind him, "Go get the RPG, I'll adjust the angle."

The BSAA member on the plane took off the RPG and tried to aim at the tyrant on the mountain, but as soon as he raised the RPG, a burst of bullets forced him back.

"It's no use, the people on the road are firing at us!"

Norman put down his gun and clicked his tongue, "I should have left them a grenade."

Li Yexing leaned out and fired in the direction of the helicopter. The helicopter hovered over the battlefield, then pulled away towards the mountain.

Soon, the RPG was fired from the helicopter and directly knocked one of the tyrants to its knees, while the other turned its head and threw Newmann's body at the helicopter, the almost unrecognizable body slamming into the front windshield of the helicopter, splattering a large amount of blood.

Another RPG hit and the previously kneeling tyrant was hit again, this time taking off half its head. With an explosion, the tyrant lay on the ground, neck spraying blood.


From the second truck came Freeman's roar, like a pig being slaughtered. "You disgusting bugs! Trash! Scum! You dogs! How can you bear to destroy this perfect work of art?! Die! You all must die! Accompany my Bear to the grave!"

As he spoke, he pulled out his tablet and frantically tapped away, with a strange smile on his face and muttering, "All must die, all must die..."

On the mountain, the tyrant who had been using a corpse as a hammer had his collar explode off his neck, followed by each of the rivets on his body popping out and the restraints falling off.

The tyrant's body began to grow larger, with his rapidly expanding muscles soon bursting out of his coat. His skin began to crack due to the rapid expansion of his muscles, revealing red flesh beneath the skin. His gloves exploded, and his hands turned into sharp claws, freeing the monster's true strength.

Draped in two pieces of tattered cloth and illuminated by the flames, he let out a deafening roar. He bent his legs, then leaped up and slammed his claws onto the helicopter's tail rotor, causing it to spin out of control in the sky before crashing down.

"Did the last one unleash its power?" Norman patted Li Yexing's shoulder. "It seems our insurance can't be recovered. Let's give up the first and fifth trucks and get out of here."

Li Yexing didn't reply, he just stared at the mountain with his gun in his hand.

"What are you looking at?" Norman asked impatiently.

Li Yexing turned his head and pointed in the direction of the tyrant on the mountain. "Why do I feel like... it's coming towards us?"

"What...?" Norman was stunned. In that moment of his hesitation, the second truck beside them flew off the cliff with a loud bang, taking Freeman and his screams with it.

The tyrant who unleashed his power was too fast. From the moment Li Yexing noticed it to the second truck being knocked off the cliff, it was only a few breaths.

"Spread out! Spread out!" Norman shouted.

Li Yexing could hear that he was starting to panic. He quickly hid behind the truck and used the third truck to block the tyrant's sight. He watched Norman give orders and run away.

The monster completely lost control after unleashing its power and entered a state of indiscriminate attack. A member of the security team tried to keep a distance but was stabbed with a claw, and the bulletproof vest was as useless as paper in front of the monster.

The BSAA on the mountain began to approach the road. Some security team members tried to leave by truck, but only the fourth truck was capable of carrying people.

The situation had completely spiraled out of control and turned into a melee. Li Yexing didn't shoot, he just hid behind the third truck, listening to the gunshots and the monster's roar.

The BSAA was still trying to persuade the security team to join them in killing the tyrant, but the panicked security team had lost their minds. They were firing and rushing toward the fourth truck.

After tearing apart all the security team members near the first truck, the monster charged toward the fourth truck. Li Yexing could hear the security team members near the fourth truck screaming in terror as if they had seen a monster hiding in the closet.

At this moment, a cry came from the BSAA camp on the other side of the road, "RPG!"

With a piercing scream, an RPG flew over and hit the tyrant, causing it to lose balance and fall in the direction of the third truck. Its massive weight instantly overturned the third truck. "What the f*ck! Can't I just slack off?!"

Li Yexing silently cursed and dodged out of the way, as the tyrant collapsed onto the overturned Number 3 truck and attempted to climb back up. Suddenly, an RPG rocket flew in followed by a grenade, causing explosions all around the tyrant and the truck.

Thanks to the BSAA's efforts, enough time was bought for the Number 4 truck engine to finally started. Survivors from the security team scrambled to get inside the truck while the tyrant was distracted, reviving the engine to escape through the chaos.

However, just as the Number 4 truck was about to pass by, the battered tyrant suddenly rose up and attacked, roaring as it rammed into the front of the truck and flipped it over into the flames. The cries of the passengers inside could be heard over the chaos.

"Although I've seen this in games and movies before, experiencing it first-hand is still surprising..." muttered Li Yexing, crouching on the other side of the road like Voldemort.

The more he experienced the power of the bio-weapons, the more he feared the protagonists of the Resident Evil series. If these monsters could flip a truck, what kind of superhumans were those people?

Meanwhile, the BSAA continued to fire, while the tyrant tried to tear open the truck with its bare hands. Its claws pierced the truck like A4 paper, and then it pulled, tearing open the bulletproof truck like a can.

BSAA stopped using explosives, possibly to avoid hurting the people inside the truck. Li Yexing's view was blocked by the Number 3 truck, so all he could see was the back of the towering tyrant stirring up the wreckage of the Number 4 truck, amidst the sounds of gunshots, cries, and curses.

Then, the fourth truck exploded!

Accompanied by a mushroom cloud rising into the sky, the shock wave from the explosion directly threw Li Yexing up into the air. He crashed heavily into the railing at the edge of the cliff, his hearing almost gone, his consciousness seemingly detached from his body, and his ability to think basically offline.

Holding his head and supporting his painfully aching waist, he stood up in a daze, wanting to find his gun. Unclear gunfire sounded in his ears, and his blurry vision saw the bloody tyrant charging toward the BSAA again, saw the overturned tank of the third truck leaking, saw the tank of the third truck slowly opening, and saw a naked girl falling out of the tank of the third truck...

Huh? A girl?
