
Chapter 7: Unknown Power Detected

You continue reading your intermediate level magic book, you understand absolutely everything thanks to your level of magical understanding, Your stomach is starting to irritate you but you don't mind it.

System- Acquired skill – Imperturbable mind

This skill was acquired when you were not bothered by your sudden pain.

This skill will imperatively be merged with the "Comprehension and interpretation" skill.

Stats given to the user to show you your weakness HAHHA

Name (of this world): Old Marc Lv.4 Experience 30/150 exp

Strength: 23

Speed: 22

Defense: 15

Attack: 10

Magic: 26

Competence acquired :

The Feet of Hell Lv.1

Literary interpretation/comprehension. Lv.7

Became Imperial Understanding and Romantic Interpretation Lv.2

"Increased speed" Lv.3

Magical Understanding Lv.5

Inventory Lv.1

Sword Mastery Lv.2

Sealed Skill: Magic of the 5 Elements: Imperial Level

Item present in the Inventory skill:

Beginning's dagger.

Staff acting as a sword

You – Imperial Level? It's what ?

Dico System: Master, the imperial level is the level that the families of a country or the highest ranking mages can learn! But you unlocked it very easily and too quickly so we locked it.

You – Okay I understand! But tell me why my skills increase by themselves?

Dico System- This is because each daily action increases your skill level as for your "magical understanding", this skill is at level 5 since you read many magic books and know how to interpret them.

You- Okay! But tell me ! What is this pain I felt just now?

Dico System-…? A pain ? This is not possible, let me check... ...! ?! What ?!

You – What's going on?

Dico system – It's nothing… don't worry Master!

He looks at you with a worried look and becomes more and more suspicious in your eyes.

You well ! So I'll keep reading so you only bother me when I call you!

Dico – Fine if that's what you want…!

He disappears …

You continue reading your book. But suddenly this pain returns but stronger this time!

You - Administrator come here!

The Main Administrator comes before you

System – What is happening to the user?

You- What is this pain in my stomach?

System- Let me see! HAHA This creature again!

You – what is it?

System- The earth demon

You what ?

System- What a demon!

You - Okay but why earthly!

System- Because it only has the energy of this planet and not that of the universe or the Interstellar system

Yes, because otherwise we would call it a celestial or interstellar demon.

You- You couldn't reduce the pain because I want to read books until I'm old enough to go out!

System- No I'm going to leave this pain to you, you have to tame it HAHAHA

You better do it very quickly because otherwise you will become an evil mage.

You – What is it?

System- An evil mage is a mage who absorbs the power of a demon or even animals to be able to absorb them and put them into his own body for his benefit.

Normal mages absorb magic that people from other universes call heaven and earth energy.

You- okay but why do I have a demon in my body?

System- It's because all the hatred you have made this demon appear, and what demons love most is power and since you have more powerful energy than children in general, this is it. reason.

You- Okay!

You no longer listen to what the system says and continue reading the book, for more than 2 hours you see the sun go down.